What would the character above you drop? #2

[Dusty Cloak of Invisibility]

3 Armour
+3 Stamina
+1 Strength
+1 Intellect
+1 Agillity

Use: Renders you invisible for a minute

Crafted in the Ravenholdt Mansion far in the Hillsbrad Mountains.
Used formerly by top tier assassins to get out of sticky situations, this cloak is nothing but a piece of scrappy cloth now.

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[Lareen’s Light Reading]

A book seemingly made up entirely of Light related puns as accumulated and refined over ages of battling the Legion. Everyone needs a hobby.

“Actually pretty funny!”

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[Fel-scorched Hairbrush]

“There’s probably a safer way to get those killer highlights…”

[Pinchpenny’s Soul Gem]

Use: Hold it up to someone, and listen as the goblin throws down some serious sass from beyond the grave at whoever the other poor soul might be!

Equip: When the soul gem is socketed into a piece of armor or gear, it provides a 5+ increase to the wearer’s Bartering and Pickpocket skill.

“Pinchpenny’s personality makes her soul a bit too spicy for any demon to swallow, making this soul gem rather useless for summoning and dealing with demons, but at least it is a fun trinket to have around if nothing else!”

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[Cursed Grimoire] + 150 intellect
Special effect: whenever a spell is cast, you gain a 10% chance of stunning the character with your next attack.

“The cursed grimoire has been said to be intertwined with its last wielder’s soul, leaving anyone who directly stares upon it dazed, just like the effect its last wielder had on people who looked at her.”

Void tentacle

This peculiar item almost looks like a tendril that is a common occurance in the void elves’ hair, except it resembles something more from an octopus. It seems to still be moving around. Eww.

Has a chance to fear an enemy for 0.5 seconds.

[ Thaýne´s Silver Flute ]

A flute made by silver, has a different tune than a regular flute. a horse is carved near its tip

Charms non-void elves for 10 seconds.

[Eaglebrace’s braces of Eagleing]

[Bracer]-Grant the use of “eagle eye” ability

Helm of the light

Used to light up a dark cave

[Prehistoric Enchanting Wand]

Functions as a max level profession tool for Enchanting and boosts skill by 5.

“The powerful enchantments of the trolls shocked their elven enemies in their day. It’s still upsetting to point it out to the elves, but most trolls do not mind.”

[Marinya’s Magic Mascara Wand]
“Do you think eyebrows like that just stay in shape?”

Toy: Adds comically oversized, elven-style pointy eyebrows to your character.

[Goblin Mech Key]

opening the hatch reveals the smell of perfume, gunpowder and poisonous toxins. The entire vehicle was probably stolen. The previous owner was no doubt a Goblin pirate…

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[Jaigo’s Fel Scorched Flat-Hat]

Use: Put it on your head.

“This damaged hat serves as a tragic reminder for the demon huntress Zirahael when her dramatic entrance in her 14ft tall demon form cost the life of an innocent pandaren monk, and to not trust the goblin Pinchpenny when she said ‘there is like totally no one on the other side of that wall, yo’.”

[Zirahael’s Stretchy Slacks]

Leather leg item visually identical to Repulsive Leathery Pants from Legion with cuts and tearing damage on them. Appropriate Agility and Crit bonus applies.

“One size fits all!”

[Marinya’s book of poetry]

Use: Read the book.
Full of bits and pieces of cryptic poetry.

A void sphere and lots of wispy bits of shadow. And a jewel encrusted toothpick.

[Kaldorei Quiver]

Hunter exclusive Legendary cosmetic item that goes in the cloak slot and lets you transmog a quiver onto your back regardless of the bow or crossbow in your hand slot. It has a number of options for different quivers for different races’ aesthetic and gunners get an ammo pouch instead.


Oops, I already did that one with that very character. Point for consistency. I guess some unconscious familiarity triggered.

[Orb of the Dreamscry]

Epic cast-off hand. Has the chance on spell to cause ghostly apparitions of yourself to walk towards the enemy and cause decent shadow damage. Each visions of yourself are wearing various uniforms or outfits.

[Faerie Dragon Dust]

Use: Throw this dust at a friend or foe to summon a swarm of faerie dragons to chase them down for two minutes.

“No, stop I’m allergic!”

[Undeath-Saturated Lycan Skull]

”A Human afflicted with both the Worgen curse as well as undeath is a force to be feared without question. This mysterious being held great and dark powers.”