What would you change in PvP

And evokers… Their mobility is insane too


Blade Dance
35 Fury
Instant 15 sec cooldown
Requires Demon Hunter
Requires level 12
Strike nearby enemies for [3 * (15.84% of Attack power)% + (47.5224% of Attack power)%] Physical damage. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

they can put a extra mod for pvp, that it do less dmg beyond 1-2 targets, back in legion Bladedance was that the dmg to the prior target was higher than the aoe dmg.

idk when they changed it, but being a aoe cleave spec in pvp is anyway trash designe, and i think most of the dh would prefer a higher sustain single target spec over a only aoe dmg spec, because into some comps dh dmg felt really terrible, when u cant stack.

i thought it´s understandable, for people that counterbalance exist, and when a class depends on his aoe dmg, just nerf it in pvp, but buff his single target dmg, same with fire mage, nerf living bomb, flamestrike but buff his singletarget dmg like pyro, fireball etc

yeah true, the evoker hero tree was just too much, and they also removed the only skill cap what this class have, he dont have to aim his stun breath anymore.

Your opinion, many players would not have started if there was no arena, we also have the wow version without arena, and only Battlerounds, guess what, the servers are completely empty, the only mistake was on blizz side, because it cost them too much money, for hardly any returns, so it was a minus business project.

Speed ​​first of all, the game is increasingly frenetic and unmanageable. Every expansion gets crazier and crazier this speed.

Age certainly doesn’t help me, but you often don’t even see the animations of certain characters and the only thing to do is the classic zug zug with the target impaled and unable to do anything while with a macro with 3-4 skills and trinket off GCD will delete your account.

There are too many skills that make even minimal balancing almost impossible. The new class talent branches give certain classes practically everything from all 3 specs, for example frost mages with dragonbreath, ring of fire, blastwave or DKs with an arsenal of uncompromising abilities (strangulate AND asphyxiate for example). For my part, I always use warlock, I find myself forced to be able to take either the mortal coil or the howl of terror and the shadowfury with long cast time and long CD

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:clown_face: :clown_face: for sureeee! dont tag me ever again, thank you very much

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“hello, I want to win by default because I play a class that is better without a healer than others”.

I would buff fire mages. Giving %15 health for doing worst damage in arena is not fun :smiley:

This will be the best by far !

Too much aoe now since mm+ exist…

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Right now it is impossible to play rated pvp if You don’t have 2k+ and 10 years of PVP exp. I would change these so new players have a chance to play the game:
-All specs should have around 12 spells and a pvp trinket
-All specs to have only 1 gap closer / mobility spell
-All specs to have only one cast cc and one instant cc, so two cc total / character
-Make unranked battlegrounds / arenas to be available for every level (same queue for all levels), same item level etc, so almost zero gear difference , just some customization
-Keep rated bg / rated arena max level and item based
-All CC should have same DR , not needed complexity, also makes it harder to balance
-Yes, also remove all addons

I know this would be bad news for the 2k+exp player base which is like 0.05% of the player base, but new players would come.

Yes and make 3 waves of creeps coming from each side and camera from the top.

I would remove every addon that isnt just ui, like titanpanel or stuff like that. They give an unfair advantage.


For me, I would do the following

  • Reduce hard CC: Let classes that have a lot of CC be much squishier to compensate for lack of mobility. Dont give every class a 4s stun, there is no need.
  • Reduce Slows/Roots: Too many classes get roots and slows for free. Frost mages and Unholy DKs are at the highest inflation. It gatekeeps classes that dont have enough mobility.
  • Reduce overall Gap Closers: Let classes that have a lot of gap closers and mobility in general be much squishier and make tanky classes less mobile. A warrior should be hard to kill while a mage should be hard to catch.
  • Increase CD of interrupts but make successful interrupts last longer: I dont like the current trend that casters are becoming less and less about casting because everyone has an interrupt at a negligible CD, so we should nerf interrupts by increasing CD, but in turn make meaningful interrupts last longer.
  • Make tankiness and mobility fit armortype fantasy: Warlocks and Priests should not be raid bosses, Warriors should not be jumping around in plate armor like monkeys. If you wear cloth, you should get more mobility and less survivability. Why have armor types in the game if they mean nothing?

Overall I would like pvp to slow down, making classes and armor types being more aligned with expectations (aint no one going to run around in plate armor, and why is a warlock wearing a thin silk dress slow as a snail?) and I want actions to be more meaningful, that is, if a dps fail a kick/interrupt, it should have consequences for the dps, not be irrelevant because its ready again in 2 globals.

Generally speaking, I think the current meta has way too much CC, with some classes having enough mobility to not give 2 turds about all that CC while others can hardly be viable because they are just thrown around like a football until death.

And because all classes have heals, defensives, damage, etc, OP classes tend to excel in all instances now. Currently, Afflock and Disc Priest for instance have both insane dmg AND are tankier than a raidboss, while Fire Mage is both brittle as glass while having fire spells hurt like lukewarm water. This is of course a symptom of the ability inflation in the game and we should do like Powell and tighten the economy to bring it back to sustainable levels.


I would change the devs


As a DK, I’d love to be much more tanky when it comes to Melee for the trade of having less mobility. Dk’s are supposed to be a juggernaut, slow and tanky, but hard hitting. The counterplay should be to get away when things get spicy for melees.

But i guess it won’t be possible because people just want to go melee zugzug and win, not thinking about getting away.

No they wouldn’t. PVP is simply not something WoW players like in general, and the big noobs will still be frustrated with PvP even with all these training wheels reworks just like some forum dk/hunter/dh mains will always lose to mage and cry about it no matter what happens to buffs or nerfs because the issue is not in the game’s design

I’m actually having a stroke reading all the replies in here

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Yeah glad Dev don’t read and tune from forum suggsetion

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People don’t like it , because it is impossible to enter the game as a newbie. Nobody likes to lose 100 times in a row, because they are new. There is no sane person who would do that.

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This post aimed to be a direct feedback to them.

Would you like to expand your thoughts??

Yes. You guys have absolutely no idea what made WoW PvP great and you all probably started playing this when it was already destroyed. Reading things like “put every cc on the same dr” is insane stuff. Actually braindead.

10 years ago the arena forum was somewhat of a nice play to have reasonable discussions about the game and now it’s just a cesspool of new, inexperienced players that don’t know anything about the game whatsoever. Like I honestly believe that 99% of the old playerbase is gone and you guys are what’s left. It is sad as hell.