Walks into the tavern when she hears something below the floorboards and peers down, noticing Kezzy collecting coins from there.
Rolling her eyes and stomps on the floor, causing dust and dirt shimmy down past the cracks onto the two down there before going to the bar and expression a need for cleaning up as there seems to be virmen under the floor.
Walk up to her and ask her why she's laying on the ground. Possibly startling her, afterwards he proceeds to dismiss it whilst rambling on about his newest enchantment which he claims to apparently be able to summon a demon from another universe that can destroy any foe you send it upon.
Halfway into his sales pitch he rummages through his cape then looks up to find Belaria is nowhere to be found. Probably disinterested. Thus leaving him dissapointed and a frown upon his face.
Halfway into his sales pitch he rummages through his cape then looks up to find Belaria is nowhere to be found. Probably disinterested. Thus leaving him dissapointed and a frown upon his face.
Kiss him on the cheek and obviouslt feign interest on his sales pitch just to make him happy.
Quickly runs up to Nedrovus and asks him if he mentioned something in, about, regards; pertaining 'demon', and if so where/when/how he saw it with description, name, true name and personal and professional relationship he might or might not have with said demon.
I would fight it unarmed no need any weapon or my main arm for the like of you !
Backfist it with my off hand extern part and it would be sent back a miles away before exploding like the cockroach of an oppenents it is.
I am the Justicar and terror know as The Rainblood soon Battlemaster and you are nothing and sucking gravel !
Backfist it with my off hand extern part and it would be sent back a miles away before exploding like the cockroach of an oppenents it is.
I am the Justicar and terror know as The Rainblood soon Battlemaster and you are nothing and sucking gravel !
Attempt to sell her the same pills he almost sold to Aetius.
Nendrovus's ol' fashion chill pills™
Nendrovus's ol' fashion chill pills™
Express interest in buying his stuff. Was she genuinely interested, or did she just enjoy hearing his way of convincing people for her own amusement? Hard to judge.
Stare at in utter disgust, trying not to purge the heretic.
Laughingly tell him that is disgust is showing quite heavily.
Remark that it is good to see that the exiles share the Illidari's dislike of the Paladins.
Poke repeatedly with a long stick while mumbling something about creepy crawlies and strange elves.
Puts an axe into Larmon's arms and pushes him towards a tree.
"Chop chop pal, those tree won't fall themselves."
"Chop chop pal, those tree won't fall themselves."
slithers up behind Vardamir and rests an arm on his back with a pleased smile
"We could stand here all day watching this lumberjack having a go at the creepy crawlies, or you could join me and.. well.. drink tea and talk? "
She offers him a bright smile
"Perhaps we could go take a spar Instead, I am quite fond of those~"
"We could stand here all day watching this lumberjack having a go at the creepy crawlies, or you could join me and.. well.. drink tea and talk? "
She offers him a bright smile
"Perhaps we could go take a spar Instead, I am quite fond of those~"
A spark of hope can be seen past the shadowed veil the Demon Huntress as she overhears the interaction between Vardamìr and Rumikah, before she quickly dons a disguise and follows the warlock at a not-too-noticeable-but-not-really distance.
With any luck, there is soon going to be foul rituals cast, housefires, screams, demons summoned and an excuse for Zirahael to pause her vacation!
With any luck, there is soon going to be foul rituals cast, housefires, screams, demons summoned and an excuse for Zirahael to pause her vacation!
Simply stare at her, pretty much like this:
Offer him a candy bar.
"You seem cranky, this might help improve mood."
"You seem cranky, this might help improve mood."
Take him to the candy shop.
Welcome them into her candy store
then try to sell alot of candy to them.
then try to sell alot of candy to them.
Give her a strawberry ice cream cone. A perfectly ordinary one, with an extra bit of honey glaze.
Give her a strawberry ice cream cone. A perfectly ordinary one, with ann extra bit of honey glaze.
Time to die for good scourge murderer, i checked and while you are far no high end pvper you are a legitimate target ad will do a perfect snack.
I woud then kill it effortelessly and end it with a two hander off hand stab into the heat pump after having maimed some of it's limbs and enjoyed causing countless wounds as a Justicar Warrior arch veteran serve Justice toward a scourge and countless innocents butcher criminals, then with my off hand two hander is still deep in her heart and that thing falling on it's knee.
I woud tell it it no unholy, void , fel or death god powers or others can save you or ANYBODY AND ANYTHING from your sins and ME !
I hope you have prepared you soul assassins, if you even have such a thing vile elven scourge virmen and : " There can be only one !" THEN Rainblood Trademark decapitate it violently and with astonishing celerity with my main hand two hander.
I won't get much from receiving your quickening *standing both two handers crossed slighty* but someone had too !
Onto the next target now !