What would your character say to the above poster? #28

“Never forget honor, it shall be your salvation one day… Do forget and it will be your undoing…”

He moves his hand, blessing the troll with the spirit of the wind

“Ah, Orcish ‘honor.’ My full Orcish-to-Common dictionary is a work in progress, but I believe that translates either to ‘bloodlust’ or ‘body count.’”

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“And I’ve been told I’m a one page Libram. Do you actually say anything else, or are you but a walking insult to the virtues of dead men, of finer quality?”

"When it comes to Orcs, there’s only one thing to say: Suffer them not. To people with the capacity to speak and understand, I have plenty to say. We could speak of the grand history of Azeroth, or that of my people. I could explain my recent studies, or the things I’ve learned in my time as a war-mage, though I expect that last one would circle back to the Horde and its evils once again. I might even talk about Shadowmoon Valley, the most beautiful place on all of Draenor.

“But what do you expect me to say to an Orc?

(Skip me!)

"Simple. Nothing. There is nothing to be gained by repeating to one’s foes the same beliefs we have always had; it is a spur of conflict, and opens old wounds. Old wounds you bare, I bare, they bare. It contributes little, and sullies the virtue of Respect, and twists our own memory of our fallen. When we let our memories become hatred, we let our foes win a battle of emotional fortitude.

But to amend this, you don’t have to like them. I sure don’t like Orcs, Fordring died to me in Stratholme, years ago until he slew Arthas. I despise the Forsaken. I hold only the hate that my ancestors had for Trolls. I just take pleasure in the fact that I can make them look the fool by maintaining respect."

… “pft. We be respectin’ ja more den ja respect us! Now who da fool, tin mon?”

He sure is a strange one.

“There is no doubt that being human is incredibly difficult and cannot be mastered in one lifetime”

“Maybe there is afterlife for them, where those poor souls have eternity to learn how to live their lifes.”
Shalim starts thinking about it and then he starts laughing.
“Now that sounded stupid, haven’t it?”

“Why are you all so confused? Have you never read the holy books? Heard of the three virtues of Tenacity, Respect, Compassion? Or are you instead puzzled by the idea of respecting your enemies? Perhaps being immortal, does not give you answers.”

"I suspect their confusion arises from not truly understanding your point of view. I believe I do, though of course I might be wrong. I simply consider it a waste of time. These are monsters you are talking about. Orcs, little better than demons, are undeserving of respect. Compassion demands their end, so that they can claim no more victims. Tenacity, of course, simply means we weather their evil and defeat them, no matter how fiercely they fight us.

"Their allies consign themselves to the same fate; they willingly serve evil, and so they shall die with it. Any who wish to renounce it are welcome to do so; until then, they give no reason to believe they could be saved, let alone that they should be.

“Oh, and no, we haven’t read the Human holy books. I don’t see why we would. My people have known the Light for longer than yours have existed, and these others follow other paths. Don’t get me wrong, I respect Humanity, you’ve accomplished much, but it seems presumptuous to imagine that your texts hold value to other races who have their own ways and beliefs.”


“Tell me, have you ever thought of putting your hate for orcs in song?” Razuun strums his lute.

“Humour aside, but not entirely, as you used the word ‘compassion’, but do not feel it. You are clinging to hate. I am concerned your wanting for the destruction of the orcs may end up bringing your own…”

“Wise words Paladin”
Shalim nods
“We should be all focused towards the true enemy. The world we live in, is dying. The war we wage is not helping it, we are losing. We are losing our world.
Orcs are certainly not responsible for this. Nobody is, but that filthy titan Sargeras, who…”

the demon hunter stops, when he realizes that his hatred is dragging him away from the point

“Nevermind. This war won’t end in agreement and peace. These people like Zhanag, who are set in their hatred towards one particular race, are reason for it.”
“If only there were more sensible people, who underestand where the true threat lies…”

“Mate, this is a war for survival. Have you already forgotten what the Banshee Queen did to Teldrassil? Given the chance she’ll hit us again, again and again until we’re all done for. Look, I know we’re capable of working with the Orcs. We did exactly that when the Legion invaded. The Banshee Queen is something else though. Until she’s dealt with we’ll never get a chance to work towards saving this world.”

“I would be inclined to agree with the human here. The banshee queen is a threat to your Alliance, to the Horde, and to my people. And besides that,I cannot stand idly and let a Lich Queen wannabe gain power given my…unfortunate background…”
“To this end, I would maybe even cooperate with a Ren’dorei if I really had to…but don’t go and tell any of them that I said that!”

“He speaks the truth indeed, as do you; evil does not wear a skin by creed. Evil instead shows it’s self in the heart. In this case, Windrunner. She must fall.”

“Which one? Eradicate the Windrunner line just to be sure! Let non of them alive! Or dead. Or undecided. Azeroth, the universe, Fel, all the alternate timelines would be better without them! You have my dagger for this noble cause!”

“Ma’am. My name is Grand Marshal Tyram Deolaras, anything you say may be held as evidence and used against you. Do you wish to reiterate your point?”

[Skip me]

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“Lady, you even come close to Alleria and I will end you before she has a chance to. Or her husband will. Or she’ll beat me to it. Honestly, you’re screwed in every outcome.”

“Agony of lost, stilled voices; a barbed fetter on the soul. Knowing peace by countless choices, freedom still a lofty goal…”