The times like these I regret, I never became a priest and learned how to cast Silence…
“Well, that is not very nice to say. Sure, the elven gentleman seems to talk quite a bit but that does not mean you should behave like that.”
Darling, the truth is rarely nice
But you are right
The wolf-beast insulted the honor of a Shal’dorei!
Be a good lass, be Nendrovus’s champion and present him his new pelt cloak with a wolf head hoodie
“I like the way you think, but you forget one thing; that is a human. Best we skin her as well.”
“Not that I’m an expert on the subject but I imagine our skin makes for a poor bag, or whatever you’d think of crafting from us.”
“This skin-bag thing could work. With Trolls I mean. After all, they regenereate. Flay one, wait a bit… flay again… This could be the dawn of a whole new Troll skin-bag industry!”
“Did yer cut yerself on that statement?”
Why do you carry a bucket on your head?
“Because the sight of yer makes me sick.” [Skip me]
[Fat chance]
‘‘Got a spare one? You both make me sick…’’
I may not have a bucket, but I can get you a mask!
I promise putting it on does not bind you to the Laughing Skull clan as a member out of honour rituals!
We were pretty good sharks ourselves once…
…but somehow…
…along the way…
…we forgot how to bite.
Lets see if I could remeber some old tricks
Come closer little Orc
Lets laugh
“Hello! I am Mr Shark! Fear my bite!”
The magically-animated shark hand puppet bites onto the draenei’s horn. Astrophel chuckles and makes the hand puppet snap a few times.
“You must have one these, right?”
He makes it snap again.
Krolag grabs hold of the shark puppet, ignoring the fact it is magical energy matter and throws it into the maw of his mask and ‘eats’ it.
Turning to Astro afterwards.
“Require seasoning!”
Crackling whilst walking off.
“And salad!”
"Such a beautiful mask… Not really my size or shape, but I’d love one of those. I’d take it from a worgen but…killing innocents or grave robbing is wrong and all…"
“Umm… Fascinating…”
“Best not pay that one too much mind. Sounds like the rot or shadow magic has affected its brain.”
Roessler gives the Draenei a friendly smile.
“I have to ask, friend, if you have the time. What, uh, polish you use to get the gleam your armour? I have not seen my usual goblin supplier for a time, and I feel these dull shoulderguards are getting quite embarrassing!” Razuun laughs while rubbing the armour with a loose piece of his Argent Crusade tabard.
“Goblin… supplier?”
Zyamra blinks with surprise
“Love your crown by the way”
“Yes, his goblin supplier.”
A steely aroma blooms as Terintha heaves a stuffed satchel full of herbs on the bar, a barmen hands over coin before lugging the bag away.
While putting the coin away, Terintha talks, “Surprising, I know. I have advised him otherwise, but it seems not to get far…”
Terintha throws a glance to the draenei, who returns a fanged grin.
“Anyhow, I am surprised you like the crown. It seems your headwear taste is a bit more… extravagant.” The druid doesn’t hide the raised eyebrow.