What y'all do with rank14 gear? [ERA]

Hey !

What y’all do with rank14 gear? because i don’t see the point now, the game is desert, no WSG and no AB going on

Farming 8hours a day in AV, and what is the final goal if there is no BGs going on?

Blizzard made a big mistake with this new system

Why most people accept this BS ?


Probably needs a community effort to get regular wsg games back like when the server was empty?

Wheres Loganaxe and that Banana guy?

what community effort? it’s Blizzard who got to fix honor to get WSG and AB beeing worth playing it and beeing able to ranking with

People of Azeroth got to get up stand up and fight that bad decision from Blizzard, horde and alliance doing a Discord community of WSG and AB have been bad for the game, #traitors selling victories → it’s a public game don’t make it a VIP HuB with the same 20 pgm in it


you got to farm ~415k honor minimum for 3 weeks to get rank14, a fulltime job in a PEGI12 game, it’s a big problem

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I am still around, just enjoying some later summer vacation.

I will show up next week - Let us see if we can get some games going.

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i’m about to quit after getting rank11 with my paladin next week

i know AV rankers won’t show up in WSG and AB after getting rank14

don’t take it personal but i don’t pay 13e/month to fight the same 20 guys with 20min+ queue time

500k honor is impossible to me, this ranking system is :poop:

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Gotta revolutionize this game again.

Man, we got it so good for a while.

Hope you reconsider and I get to see you in game!

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500k honor literally can be done in 2 days on AV weekend. Quit crying.

nobody live / have love for AV weekend, it’s a chore

honor points addicts, get mentaly sick after this insane farm, nobody queue WSG / AB → this is not World of Warcraft → this is Rush DrekVandar with the same character for hours/weeks/months

this is why game is empty (stupid honor system)

Keking who kek the last, you soon be the last man in this game

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Can’t lie, I have to agree. The state of BG’s isn’t really in a good place.

All these people grinding continuous AV pve speed runs to rank up but I’m not sure what for, they aren’t using the gear for WSG or AB games, is it just so they can tick it off and enjoy having the toon in the character select screen?

I tried to play a bit at the weekend but was so unmotivated after a few games I gave up. Don’t know how people manage it for hours on end

The subscription gives you

Era, Cataclysm, SOD and Retail. You’re playing ERA while nobody else is playing because it has ran its course, that’s the reality of eternal servers and no new content or progression. It has absolutely zero reason to do with the PvP system or anything like that, people moved on.

Probably some truth to that. How’s tol barad in Cata? I used to love that

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