What's going on with Reps just now

i have to say i never tried it. I hated shaoao cuz i never played at panda time (i had 1 year pass fo diablo but i was in full burn out) and when i came back it wasnt possible anymore cross the bridge. This is why i enjoy a lot this change.

They removed the requirement as far as I’m aware.

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Seems like Blizzard is not able to differentiate Remix and Retail due to the specific configuration.
Remix received a buff for the shaoshao reputation few days ago.
It’s the same for the raids lock-out in pandaria on retail, last time I checked they are on a daily reset instead of weekly.

They did?

That’s a good change.

I think having a way to get the cloak would have been good too but removing the restriction is probably best.

Do you mean in retail?

That would have made it more elusive for sure, although still plenty of mobs on the road up to the bridge.

I do hope the restriction has been removed though, it didn’t really make much sense.

I will have to dig through some posts to find it again. I’ve always had the cloak but pretty sure they removed it with the advent of Remix which made it so you could only get over if you rode on someone who had the cloak.

like the ring questline in wod.

Yeah, similar.
Although that never gated access to anywhere.

Removing both was silly. made the story less interesting for newer players.

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There seems to be a bug now with the Throne of Thunder and Shado Pan Assault reputation, I just ran the raid and didnt get any (this is my first time since reset too)

I got rep tokens off them War Scouts/Bringers… and one of them gave 16k rep with one use, they suppose to give 1k. :astonished:

HMM That’s… definitely new. I personally would stop and not risk my account but you do what you feel is right for you.

I assume there are other buff at play here also, Darkmoon Faire, Human’s erstwhile rep buff, or a commendation thingy.

Remix has no DMF.

Here is what happens…

Because Remix is going all, ALL bosses/rares reset daily on retail.

That includes raids, rares, ect…

So if you are rep farming MoP things that require weekly or daily reset boses, then there you go.

Also the rep aquisition buff leaked to retail.

There’s no item to increase the Shaohao rep though

They may have removed the cloak as a requirement, but only because it’s been replaced by the toys: Essence of Yu’lon, Fury of Xuen, Kindness of Chi-ji, Fortitude of Niuzao, which apparently mimics the look and lets you cross the gap after Cinderfall

Infinite Power XII rewards you with four toys, use one of them and you can cross the gap

Thank you!

Update: You’ll need to fully upgrade your Cloak of Infinite Potential Cloak of Infinite Potential via Infinite Power XII Infinite Power XII to acquire these new toys.

I hear that there is a rep event (TWW)
could be a rep bug until they get the accountwides sorted out…