What's happening to the WoW token?

Yeah, this seems like the most logic reply, and I agree that that might be the case up to a certain degree.
But there’s something off, why is the token half the price in any other region right now than it is in EU?
Even the taiwanese token, which has a history of being very pricey along with the Chinese token, is now at the same price of US and Korea.
Only in EU the price blew up, so there’s something missing.
Maybe the game is getting “quieter” only in EU because people here are losing interest in it, so less new players? Dunno.

Standard of living is exceptionally high in the EU compared to many other parts of the world, and we’re concentrated on a much smaller geographic area. Same could be said for our economy. We have other options for entertainment, and other priorities with what we want to spend our money on as inflation rises.


Less players = higher value

Less people buying them for Cash and more people buying them for Gold. That would be accurate. You could raise the EU pop by 300% and the price would be roughly the same if the behavior doesnt change.

Casual players achieved what they want by using golds (tokens). Now, they do the causal things only.

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That’s because they all WFH now. Overall productivity of the economy has gone down and hence inflation is up, meanwhile they use their WFH to farm gold on WoW during the work day to pay for token. Vicious cycle!

Why doesn’t blizzard just make wow f2p and charge 10 euro per month for a battle pass, that they may aswell integrate in the trading post. Would buy the battlepass, if wow was f2p for sure, and lots of people, who are financially struggling, could play at least

Df hype is gone. Everyone realized that it’s shadowlands with better world content.

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If it were simply about people quitting then supply and demand would equally decline for tokens and the price would stay the same.

There’s either some new game coming out and people are buying up tokens to pay for it, or those who sell tokens don’t need more gold.

It’s Shadowlands without borrowed power systems*, with good PvP gearing, and it’s very alt friendly.

In other woods, it’s a pretty good expansion.

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maybe this

bet its worth farming gold>convert to wow token than work avg job in that country

I’m just interested in m+. Don’t see how it got better.

Bacause the Company is not the Red Cross
They want money. If the money comes from 100 people, it is okay, they don’t really care, the other 100.000 would gladly play if it would be free - they won’t bring profit

I argue, that they’d make more money, if wow was f2p with a battle pass. Or maybe a season pass for 20 bucks to be eligible for valor/conquest/etc. I think no subscription would mead to way more growth, and it doesn’t need to become p2w

I’m not sure the season pass would cover the “expenses” so to speak
But I do think, F2P model with the SW:ToR like Cartel Market would work, eg. Sell everything from mounts to tittles, toys,skins, etc including the kitchen sink
Heck, it kept alive that game for a decade and still going…

Average vulpera opinion. I guess in your ideal world, only vulperas and goblins will play wow

I… don’t really understand the mental gymnastics you had to use to reach this conclusion, but whatever let you sleep at night I guess

Oh man, I clicked on this thread expecting someone to list rumours that it was going away.

Imagine my disappointment. :frowning:

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Considering it’s a supply-demand magic by Blizzard, with demand coming mostly from established people with regular gold farming habits, my money is on waning supply.

I’m not sure about the role of inflation here. Those who couldn’t negotiate a matching salary increase will have less money to spend, but it also means that money is nominally worth less: fewer hours of work, fewer gold.

Why could supply be lower? I think it’s a mix of each:
a) People finishing content and quitting
b) People just not requiring the gold anymore
c) In-game inflation - people expect certain things for their 20€ and if the gold isn’t enough to get those, they won’t splurge

That said I’m not seeing anything unusual on public price trackers. The European region consists of areas where the nominal value of salary is about 25-40% of what a Westerner (British, French, German) is used to, which always shifted the balance higher. These EMEA countries are now having it worse, too.

Not sure why a French life is more valuable than a Czech life, but anyway, it is, about three times.

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