What's that class that looks interesting but you'll never actually play?


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Please correct me if I’m wrong, Kret… but are Rogues like Hunters; differentiated by what they rely on/specialise in?

BM - Pets
MM - Weapons
Sv - Traps

AFAIK; w/ Rogues it’s:
Outlaw (Combat, as was) - Weapons
Assassination - Poisons
Subtlety - “stun-locking”

Druid, played resto briefly in BFA but when it came time to start shifting in and out of forms I couldn’t be bothered to learn. Historically been the one class that’s always been twice the work for the same reward as any other class, esp feral. Once convoke gets nerfed it’ll go back to twice the work for the same reward once more.

The only classes I haven’t played for any considerable amount of time are monk, warlock and demon hunters. Monk seems fun when watching others playing but when I try to play it, it’s like, fffffffffffffffffff no. Then I log off again.

For outlaw it’s weapons ye if one wants to go that route. For Assa it’s poison and bleeds and for sub it’s control as well as semi constant burst.

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Tbh I likely will never seriously play melee DPS.

I wanted so bad to play a warrior but it’s too weird for me, then I tried DK and it’s too slow for me.

Monk I couldn’t even level due to how boring it is. It looks fun on 60 but I can’t get there.

My step-daughter is a bit like that, but she can’t Tank… she’ll Heal, RDPS or MDPS, but Tanking… ‘big nope’.

That said, I think it’s RDPS over MDPS, but she mains a FDK. :confused:

I think majority of players are split between casters and non-casters, and caster players generally don’t like melee DPS play style and vice versa.

same as you.

Come back to alliance and teach me :smiley: please

I want to like other classes buy I just don’t :laughing:

No can do. Pugging on alliance is terrible and guild choice is severely limited.

isn’t there one or two you prefer in terms of gameplay ?

But i will tickle your tummy ? :frowning:

Shaman, but this is Shadowlands and I have 14 characters already and 13 of then feels sucky because of gearing issues and I don’t want to get stuck with another possible awesome character that feels sucky because it’s stuck with max 148 ilevel gear with no renown and no covenant chapters completed. It’s too much work to get a character geared to an OK ilevel in Shadowlands. Maybe I will try that in the next expansion or Blizz will give us a class change option on existing characters.

Actually plently of specs are quite enjoyable to play with. I cant say i will stay with x, since i will miss on y,z, etc.
Cant settle :confused:

the “evolution” of classes in wow is non existent.

Warlock, I like the idea but I hate dealing with pets.

Same with hunter but I’d prefer warlock.

Well; based on how long I “think” you’ve been playing, it wouldn’t be unfair to surmise that maybe you’ve become disillusioned enough with the game that you’ve only got yourself to look to for continuing to play a game that some part of you - that you’re likely choosing to ignore - is telling you you might be better off NOT playing for a while/any more.

Like a great many others, I’d say look to yourself to question why you’re choosing the masochist option…

Tried all classes, some are better than others, but not a single one is great i think. They just lack something to make them really cool.

I am a pure dps player though, so while i tried all classes i only did the dps specs.