What's that class that looks interesting but you'll never actually play?

edit: aww boo, link is not displayed correctly for some reason.

That had me crying lol .

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I mean its not being disillusion, its literally a case of the main changes we get with most expansions is azerite power does x-thing yadda yadda borrowed power.

Some classes get more diversity/complexity based on the ability (night fae fire mage for example / kyrian priest). But I’m telling you now, the majority of talents and covenant powers basically end up being. This button pressed first, then continue normal rotation OR press this button off cd / till hp% threshhold.

The talents are beyond cookie cutter and add very little impact to rotation for the most part.

Theres nothing complex you can’t ingrain into your ability to play the class with 5 minutes of using google and hitting the dummies.

You’re allowed to disagree with my opinion but my experience playing the game since TBC isn’t going to let me sway my thoughts other wise given mechanically there isn’t much which people do which leaves me thinking “wow this is tough to learn or get down correctly/optimally”. The game hasn’t gotten difficult cause all the difficulty got pruned.

demon hunter, i really just not a fan of how edgy they are and the theme of them.

the playstyle looks cool though

At this point I’ve tried on all classes and I’m playing the once I find the most fun and intresting primarly.

Well; if we’re talking Talents, for a start - from a 71-pt Talent system, to what we have now & all points in between, there hasn’t been a SINGLE system that hasn’t been seen as universally acceptable by enough of the player base to be maintained, for more than 1-2 Expansions.

Add two factors to this & neither make the matter any easier:
. Younger players are growing up more technologically aware/accomplished & some challenges are just too easy for them.
. Some players play that many games & pick aspects of games they like that they feel should be integrated into other games they play with little thought for how practical it would be to do.

I know for one that I would hate - with an ungodly passion - to be at the sharp end of game design/development 'cos there’s always gonna be a segment of your market that impossible to please no matter what you do for them… and whatever you produce is gonna be hated/trashed.

There comes a point with any ‘arena’ that a acceptance of the status quo needs to be accepted & either of two decisions needs to be made:
. accept that what you have is the best you’re gonna get & ‘play one’, or
. cut your losses & move on to something you’re less pee’d off with.


Looks cool, is powerful, but I’m never going to touch it. Mainly because I’m too deep into the insanity spiral of playing Paladin for 13 years, but also because Monk is just a class that Blizz can’t seem to grasp for whatever reason. Then again, the same is true for Pally, but hey double standards ¯\(ツ)

Unholy DK and Enhance Shaman.

For the first I changed my keybinds from using pet abilities and movement too long ago away to play it decently well in PvP anymore, especially with Necrotic Strike, and with Enhance Shaman Totems always being the gigantic issue of feeling odd of a buttonpress but overall being super fun, specially with Doom Winds so far in Shadowlands.

Draenei hunter…I discovered their crossbow firing animation… yesterday.


Shadow Priest.

I’ve played every single spec, but the one that ticks a lot of boxes for me but I just keep covered in dust is SPriest.

It has DoTs, self healing, good visuals, a darker theme, unique, good support.
But for some reason I just don’t want to play SPriest over some other specs.

LOL… Draenei with a Staff is equally mirth worthy - chuck it in the air and swing it like a baseball bat as you catch it.

I sometimes expected a head to fly off into the distance when my Mage hit a Humanoid…


Cannot believe I have played hunters since TBC and never saw that ‘T2’ animation… until I used my Transmorpher Beacon in CN.

“Dang, dude… it ain’t a WINCHESTER rifle…!”

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@Vulpie-quelthalas: Ever seen a Draenei Male fish…?? Don’t even…

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Warrior, always found them interesting but could never get myself to gear up one

Rogue, I just don’t like em enough, sure I have 3 rogue alts that I’ve never leveled them up but I’m not a dedicated PvP player so I guess that’s why I have such disinterest.

No matter how many times I try, I just can’t seem to play DKs, shamans or monks. Rogues are similar, but at least I do some battlegrounds on them and enjoy soloing in the world with them. I think monk is also the only class where I haven’t had a max level since Legion.

Rogues. It sounds fun on paper (and I used to like sub ages ago), I log on to level it, turn around two times and log off again. I just can’t.

DK. I liked them during WotLK, but after that I never really got into them anymore. Idk, just unenjoyable even though their theme is quite nice.

Druid. I always liked it, never get to play it.

I’ve levelled all classes up (to 120 in Bfa) and played (well mashed around the open world) with every DPS spec. I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy playing a mage and would never try one in a raid or dungeon. On the melee side of things (which I prefer) I just don’t like Rogues (tried all three specs and done some low level M+ ) I just don’t like them.