What's the deal with netherwalk?

Why is it not an actual immune like the hunter turtle, paladin bubble or rogue cloak?

And by that I mean that it does prevent taking damage but for some reason not from stacking dots you can get after getting hit by an ability. For instance on the 3rd boss of spire if a pally, hunter or even mages soaks all the orbs they dont get the stacking dot afterwards. But when I use netherwalk as DH I still get the stacking dot.

And it’s the same for other mechanics that were present even in BFA like how ice block, pally buble, hunter shell prevented sanity loss from the cast done by the big add on n’zoth but netherwalk doesn’t.

So why is that?


Yeah it’s a TALENT and it’s worse than abilities other classes get FOR FREE.

It’s also on the GCD for some reason.



  1. can’t attack in it
  2. have to spend talent point
  3. is not an actual immunity
  4. 3 min CD

Cloak of shadows

  1. can attack in it
  2. baseline
  3. works on everything except physical attacks (which you can use evasion on)
  4. 2 min CD

Just an example. But yeah I forgot that we have 100% speed in netherwalk (cause we need it lol)


It always worked that way. I remember in legeon in Kahazhan there were boss with same mechanic like 3rd boss in spire, you could soak with NW, but you got DOT debuff anyway.

that bad man hahahhaha

It’s insane how bad it is compared to rogue’s cloak of shadows.

Netherwalk is not an immunity. Regardless of what any blizz dev says or what any tooltip says. Netherwalk is a 100% damage reduction shield.

That comes with a " Can’t attack or Dash away " handicap.

It’s truly dog :poop: compared to Bubble or Cloak.

Just because the game is big shet thats why

Whats the deal with body & soul? Priests have 0 mobility, they just RP walk everywhere, and they have to spend a talent AND use their defensive ability for a mere 40% ms for 3 sec. Meanwhile demon hunters just triple-rush into disengage into meta leap into doublejump into glide to Africa with nothing but baseline abilities. How is this fair?

This just in: different classes have different strengths. Just because priests can talent into a below-average movement tool, to go from 0 mobility to 0.3 mobility, doesnt mean they should suddenly be compared to classes whose mobility is their main advantage.
Respectively, just because a DH can talent into something that almost resembles a dmg mitigation tool, doesn’t mean they should suddenly be compared to classes whose immunities have been their main asset since vanilla.

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What exactly is DH’s strength ?

mobiility and edginess

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Hurrdurrr, Elements, guide me! I am a weak powerless Thrall (literally) without your aid! Oh please, Earth, Storm, Fire! Help me heed your call! Thats so much cooler, to control boring Elements than being a half-demon that uses an extremely unique Magic and Weapon Type while having the best transmogs and visuals in the Game.

Mooooom you dont understand me :((((

<puts on spandex, starts air-flipping around>

Im literally a rogue without stealth, my class theme is that i can

  1. walk around
  2. hit things in melee range

while dropping edgy one-liners

“Oh no Elements, you disabandoned me because I fought like a chicken against Garrosh! Now I am completly useless despite having being one of the stronger lore characters for over a decade! Zug zug!”

“But atleast we are super decent with unique class design! We can drop super low health totems on the ground that havent done anything worthwhile up until Shadowlands since Mists of Pandaria! We have Windfury, that hits like a wet noodle coupled with spectral Wolves that just are there to look cool!”

WW is more mobile than DH and mobility doesn’t kill bosses.

and why are you telling me this, i know that so i dont play a demon hunter. tell it to yourself.

Because you seem to think DH shouldn’t get buffs, which is illogical considering our strengths are weak.

We’re literally typing inside a thread that’s trying to argue Netherwalk should be Divine Shield with a nether-ish animation to fit DH theme, “illogical” is a prerequisite to even be in here lol. Also DH buffs have just been announced not a few hours ago.

And they’re far from enough.

Netherwalk being an immunity would make us better on fights like Sludgefist or Huntsman Altimor, so yes, it would be a good buff, because right now there’s no reason to take a Havoc over a Hunter, Boomkin, Lock or DK.