Whats the most tilting spec to play?

I’ll start:

Arms Warrior.

Now, hear me out. Hear me out. I know all you casters are going to look at this and go “cope”, but let me explain. Yes. Warrior is absolutely the easiest class to pick for entry level PvP. It is easy to play, you don’t have a lot to think about, and doing meaningful damage on surface is very simple.

But holy f*** knuckles is it FRUSTRATING beyond all measure. The way you dish out damage currently means that most of it is just pad-value. It doesn’t exactly contribute towards kills, besides mortal wound and the ticking “dot” types on top of you 2nd player’s output.

It is a rare case from my experience, and the streamers, vods, games etc I’ve seen, where I feel like the Warrior solo’d someone, or whatever they did GUARANTEED the win. Most of the games I’ve had, or seen, go something along the lines of:

I think I wi—… → knocked back
Ok I think I’ll charg—… → knocked back again
Right let me leap—… → rooted
Jfc let me bladestorm??? → target is at range or ported away
Alright let me rp walk over to the closes—… → target has one of the bazillion freedoms in the game on them

Then you finally waddle over, you’re trying to scavenge whatever’s left of your go, and

your 2nd guys i getting sent, you intervene to dampen it.
->you got 100-0’d cus you didn’t parry

There is SO MUCH SUDDEN RANDOM MICRO BS that happens in the middle of this raindbow shtfest of an flashy sparkly animation vomitshow, that even with the toolkit you have, trying to use it in a sensible way without punching your desk and screaming at the monitor, resulting in an impatient leap or charge, becomes INCREDIBLY tilting.

EVERYTHING you press has to be thought out, or the next 30 seconds of your life will be a Forrest Gump “i was running” simulator. Of course it’s a skill issue, but when you’re in a mood to just chill and send some ques, warrior (at least for me) is a 100% guaranteed way to morph into Joe Fernandez, even if I won, after the first game.

A close 2nd to me is 100% Shadow Priest.

cast dots → kicked
cast dots → stunned
cast dots → GOT THE DOTS → dispelled instantly
cast dots…? → eh, nah. Grounding.

And during that time you’ve been dealt more damage to than a classic legacy era raid boss. Putrid.


Hands down, Feral.
I used to be a Sub main 7 years ago, i thought that was hard… quited for a year , felt nostalgic , came back to the game , thought i was going in casual, thought Feral druid sounds cute , ill run around as a kitty and ill just level and PvE, but no… my blood boils for PvP. And man moving from a rogue to Feral made me so mad, i feel like im not even the same as a person.
So where do I even start:
Feral is too many globals potentially wasted and effectively wasted too, no matter what you do, globals just fly out the window.
Everything costs a global except for a few powershifts which you gotta master if you wonna be able to not lose pressure, and as a feral if you lose pressure - you dead.
I hate how this spec is such junk, it literally plays better during classic than now and that says a lot.
Did you knew you cant kick when you’re rooted ? yes, you cant use Skull Bash while you rooted, now imagine you play VS frost mage and you get micro rooted every 0.2 seconds. Thats fine because as a druid you can shapeshift out of form and thats gonna remove the root -right ? ,right. So you do that and suddenly you interrupt goes on global cooldown, lmfao.
Dash is on a global cooldown ONLY if you’re swaping to bear form. Why ? I HAVE NO IDEA !
Your dps requires you to cast Clones but casting clone gets you out of form, so thats an extra global cooldown now that you got interrupted, hihi.
Your talents are still in an alpha version. Yep theres literally 4 talents for Berserk and if you say “no” Berserk wont do anything. Like for real.
You’r specs core is mobility but you cant even get the mobility talents because you either pick that 6% dmg reduction or suffer because either way everyone outruns you, LOL and you also got 1 charge of gap-closer.
Another favorite thing about feral is how the cooldown of its defensive is 3 minutes and does nothing even remotely close to what other classes have.
We’re the only melee spec that has no immunity what so ever, not even the fake one like 100% dodge or parry.
During the transition of SL to DF , feral has lost more than 5 traits and during TWW it will lose 3 more with its problems remaining the same.
Another favorite thing of mine is how Rake (stun) doesnt go off sometimes.
Or how Lycaras Teachings doesnt work properly when you play it without Protector of the Pack.
Also how Feral is literally the squishiest melee even under Enh shaman AND our Bear Form healing was nerfed throughout the whole expansion ANDD when they decided to buff it, they nerfed Bear Form as a whole. LMFAO.
Feral healing is so bad that you literally just drop all of your healing talents when you pvp.
To use bear form healing you need 6 seconds time out.
Bear healing costs 10 rage while Ironfur costs 40 rage. Thats around 2 globals to get the amonut of rage for these defensives while having only 1 spell that generates rage.
There exists NO class that you are naturally good against, but all classes naturally are good agaisnt you!
So enjoy putting 250% effort while others play ar around 80-120%.


Shadow priest… Cant do sh**t. Kick, stun, fear what ever. Then dead… Thats why we play holy and disc. So we can be i stupid raid boss, and tank the whole team…


then u havent played feral into ww/dk or dk/shaman comps

You were close, but no.

The most tilting spec to play is Windwalker.

You pop Serenity - 50 weakauras flare up and you receive 15 different CC’s regardless of DR within a few seconds

You are absolutely useless against any Paladin spec
You are the most miserable melee against Mage, even worse than Warrior
You randomly get oneshotted in stuns by Sub rogues
Warriors, Hunters, Demon Hunters, Ele shamans will never allow you to play the game
You do way lower damage on any spec with high armor

You don’t have any kind of immunity to anything
You only have 1 stun and it’s melee range and long CD

Windwalker is the equivallent to the fat bully at school - if he reaches you, he can punch you, but if you simply never let him move or reach you, hes just a fat kid


Yes, I play sp too often.

There was a game not so long ago everyone decide to throw every cd in the spell book on me with blank silence, tripple dr stun, double melee with kick and a range silence from shaman and the other healer dispelled my dots.

Almost forgot the blind from dk that acts like a stun.


No. 1 melee spot: Windwalker.

The spec used to do great damage and it was absolutely scary to face. Now it does the same dmg as almost any melee spec, so the insane dmg is out the window. There’s only 12s of scaryness every 1.5min. BUT that is absolutely countered nearly everytime since every spec has near instant stuns, roots or other cc.

It used to be one of the most mobile specs. Now, the tools are still the same but reaching targets that are not warriors/DKs is an absolute nightmare.

No. 2 melee spec: Feral.

Being the most squishy, with being almost the only spec without an immunity, and very bad defensives in general. And ontop of that some of the worst dmg in the game atm. Only good for true experts at fake casting. If you’re not a king at faking, and therefore not getting clones off you are stuck doing 50k dps while others are doing double or more.


I feel this is the general experience for everyone rn.
Classes have their kits blown over proportion so much that everyone has everything… multiple times. So when every player has 2 stuns, slows, and micro ccs, if you put 10 players together no one can play anymore.
It was best when every class had its own niche.

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WW can be very tilting but I think it’s not AS bad as some of the others, mostly due to the fact that you don’t necessarily need serenity to do okayish damage. It’s very ccable which sucks but eh.

I feel this for sure. Like why on gods green earth does Demonking have mortal wound on top of literally everything else? xd

because it´s a hero class

By far as mele, Enha shaman.
As Caster I think shadow priest.

Shadow priest for sure.

Designed like the game was still in legion, has to go up against specs designed in DF.

No mobility.
No tankiness.
Everything is hardcast (including our major cd).
Dispel protection is laughing stock.
Yes our cc is instant but it doesn’t matter squat when you can’t generate any pressure and your other two partners have to enable you.

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Retri paladin if there’s a holy paladin.





In solo shuffle rogue, frost DK etc.

Because it feels as if you were fighting 5 players instead of 3.

bro REAL. If I’m on hpala i tell them “You will not get bop/bubble until you’ve used your own. If you die. You die.”

Hot take inc people will flame it but its true

Assa rogue IF you face SV, Pala, Dragon, also Dwarth racial exist
Kidney you just get disarmd or stuned or Bop or pet sac or people dispell 5gcd of applying dots
Dathmark not eaven worth pressing
All that is left is you are a silence bot and hope your teammate secure a kill

Btw. Warris are not allowed too complain if the sit halth of the game cc immune in bladestorm

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Tbh I suspect most classes have something that’s tilting to play about them


having achieved 1800 + on the following classes this season

  • Shammy, its just so annoying Enhance sucks and ele is trained every game.
  • Shadow priest got 1800 in 20 games by FAR the fastest ( might be luck but i dominated the games )
  • Fury warrior was a hard push ( lack of defence and roots got me raging )
  • Ret paladin ( i could push this one to 2.1-2.2 easily ) got to 1800 and my mmr is still showing 2.2k

overall experience:
Ret Paladin and shadow priest were insanely strong. would recommend those…

Nah try playing enhance and not getting a single DRE proc in an entire shuffle. THAT is tilting.