Whats the most tilting spec to play?

Any healer in Solo Shuffle. Take your pick for tilts; CC, damage, other people not doing something, MMR, winning 4 rounds and losing rating. List goes on and on…

MM is the most tilting spec to play no one can deny that. After having tried all classes MM is the worst to master.

Try to cast aimed shot? Get stunned or CC when aimed is 0.2 sec left from firing.

Try to cast rapid fire? Get stunned or CC the moment you press it and all dmg is gone.

Try to land a trap? Traps wont go off unless the enemy is 1yd from it, and even then there is a chance it wont get off. We have the hardest CC in the game to land.

Try to stun someone or sac yourself? You cant because your pet is somewhere deep in amazonas.

Try to knock someone off you with bursting shot? You cant because most of the time its bugged.

Try to disengage? The moment you do it you’ll eat a stun or CC mid air.

You think turtle will save you? No. You turtle when your 10% but still die in turtle to dots and bleeds.

I think I am done with hunter in this game and instead I am thinking of being a hunter in real life.

Feral for sure.

This build sucks. Elementalist with the healing PvP talent is way better.

Yes its better because the other one is massively RNG dependent.

Resto druid when play with randoms.

When you play with good people Rdruid is arguably best healer in game, under conditions that your mates rotate their defensives well and know what they doing.

But when you play with randoms, there is so much moments when you can only helplessly watch people demise, there is so much automatic lose situations, specially when guys waste their defensives for nothing, or not use it at all, or use it to late, because you simply have no spell beside raw healing or risky cyclone to fix any of their BIG mistakes. Which generaly makes Rdruid top healer when playing with good people and yet worst when playing with those 123 spam guys.

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for me tilting is about not being able to execute your plan or play at all, i feel like mage and sp might stay king on those, which is, one of the reason i play them
yeah my friends call me crazy, they be like “why not chill and play dh and laserbeam dash zigzag all map”
id get bored.

oh you got a new excuse? Last seasons you always complained about rdruid being so bad.

Now when rdruid is arguably s tier you say its bad with worse players…

come on. peak delusional as usual.

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DK and it’s not even close. The single class that can get inted by team partners the most

Topics was like 90% related to SS…
Good that you hyperventilating, I know my posts are truth which burns heretics and egos at least im not there to bootick my way to greenfonts

Tell me, why is Rdruid, and Pres Evoker currently the best boosting Char in 3s sir?

if u only be viable when u have “good team mates?”

i know a good mglad rdrood what helped a 2070 lfg warrior friend up to 2477 in 3 Sessions with Thundercleave.

2.1 Solo shuffle things, what are close to be the starter mmr, thats normal

Hpally, especially if you get ret in SSQ.

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cough polymorph db ring breaks

Spec what I play obviously.

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i know and resto druid is insanely good in SS even with bad players.

Absolutely not coz resto have no real save cds and he is insane vulnerable to switch.
Playing shuffle as resto is a real agony compared to other heal specs I’ve tried to play, even if you still doing good.
It’s 10 times easier to heal on an evoker or a rsham that you’ve never played before. it depends very much on the proper use of savecds and interrupts, which does not happen in shuffle. Druid is very strong only at high rating with impeccable play by both the player and his teammates

My rdruid is hitting 250k wrath crits that I can spam free and instant and I have more mobility to chase ppl lining me or running too far from me. I also have alot passive healing and instants on rdruid. I made 2x hpriest duelist in this season in shuffle and compared to rdruid I would pick rdruid for whats more easyer to play with ppl in shuffle over priest I think. I hate chase teammates on priest, slow walking after them when they spam their gazillion mobility buttons and vroom all over map around every pillar and wall and priest heals are direct heals so you actually have to see them most of the time, it dont have trees or million hot on target.

I personally switched from rdruid to priest, very punishing and sweaty gameplay with rdruid.

you can just press treants, go treeform and nothing can ever die in the opener.

you literally dont have a single game played in shuffle this season on rdruid.

looks like its not only strong at top ratings…

Shadowpriest is no1 on the most tilting list, EASIER BY VERY FAR vs a war. BY VERY VERY VERY FAR… when i see good spriest’s with high ratings in any bracket, i have instand respect for em for that reason…

I had hard time getting 2400 as frost dk so i say frost dk, currently rank 13 with 2400 that’s kinda the worste specc ingame i say.

Every comp u get vs is 100% stronger then u so u need to do strange stuff to win it.