Whats the most tilting spec to play?

but u see many Shadow, Affli comps at high rating currently

Means u go frost dk.

Yep. Coz i already played resto whole 1-3 seasons.
After such an experience, I thought about stopping playing healers at all. But I made rsham, which turned out to be much more pleasant, easier and less unnerving.

So what about you?
You dont have a single game played in shuffle whole df on restodruid.
In fact, it makes sense. Most often, resto druid is called the strongest and lightest spec by those who dont play on rdru at all

As a Warrior, playing against a fmage with any healer = majorly annoying.

i did not speak from experience while you talked about playing resto even though you did NOT play the spec this season. Who cares what you played in S1-S3? We are talking about S4.

i gave you the statistics that show that rdruid is really really strong in shuffle at lower AND higher ratings. Statistics dont lie.

Yeah because shadowplay is giga strong atm, i mainly spoke about shuffle though, mbad didnt type it in!
3s is totally another story.

sp is the best caster in the game in shuffle according to statistics

To very experienced hands for sure, but i dont think so ev1 can grab sp go in shuffle and have a great time due to zugzugzug melee fiesta. Nice info btw didnt knew that.

agree its not a noob friendly class but most casters arent haha

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ahh all good bro, i thought u meant 3s haha, yeah shuffle for sure, i think the class isnt fun in shuffle at all

imagine 2 meeles tunnel u, and also your dots can be easily removed the dispel protection is a joke when there isnt a affli lock in the team

H Paladin at the moment. You have to do 5x more than any other healer.


If you check pvp me, youll see i play 34 chars, and SP is one of em :(… got all my rival’s on it cause i loved the elite sets… and i already know how it feels :frowning:

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Man, you didnt play single round on resto whole expansion

Low rating 1.4-1.8:
worst winrate in comparison with other healers. Almost worst wintate at all.
Statistics dont lie

Just based on winrate.
Pres: 52.2%
Resto D: 51.7%
Disc: 50.7%
Sham: 50.3%
Hpri: 49.1%
MW: 48.3%
Hpal: 46.6%

MW: 52.4%
Resto D: 51.6%
Sham: 50.6%
Hpri: 50.3%
Pres: 48.8%
D pri: 48.8%
Hpal: 48.5%

Sham: 54.5%
Pres: 52.4%
Hpal: 51.2%
D pri: 49.8%
MW: 49.5%
Hpri: 48.6%
Resto D: 46.9%

Hpal: 62.7%
MW: 59.1%
Resto D: 57.9%
Sham: 53.8%
Pres: 43.0%
Hpri: 39.5%
D pri: 25.1%

and i still know more about them than you

  1. the average mmr is like 1700-1800 this season. thats where you start.
  2. winrates dont say anything especially not 1400-1800 winrates. If winrate of rdruid are low there doesnt mean the spec is “bad” at these ratings. It just means that players who barely know whats going on (these are the players between 1400-1800) struggle with rdruid since its not as “easy” as other healers in terms of its rotation. Its still super strong especially at lower ratings because if you are good at the spec you can outheal everything so easy because dps is super low in this lobby and go for clones all the time to win games.

another useless statistics.

so MW is the best healer between 1800-2099? what does that even mean? so useless this data.

No. My point with this statistics is to show how the person only picked one bracket and pick the rating where they are the “worst” to try to make it sound like resto druids are worse than what they are.

MW winrate is kinda weird alot of times just due to them being able to play FW and ranged and its impossible to say what % is what.

Now, you can say all data is useless while its not if you can actually try to figure out WHY the data is showing as it is.
Alot of people only show the data that benefits them but also dont tell others the reality behind it. Jenovas is one of those ppl who always do that.

The statistics is everchanging on wowarenalogs and the examples is not entirely accurate alot of times unless you try to read the whole picture but its not 100% even then.

ah okay my bad then

Why do people care so much about win rate.

Well I can only take a guess at it but I would guess that cause if one wins more than loses then they climb rating on this system. Tho I saw 40% win dh today on 2.2cr blaming everyone for going 0-6 so I guess inflation also contribute here but generally one should imagine to climb if they win more than lose.

I tRuSt YoU bRo
but try to play at least one game for decency
otherwise it just sounds ridiculous

Most popular mmr is always something about 1600

Nice mental gymnastics but it is what it is. You can’t try to give statistics first and then ignore it. It sounds even more ridiculous

That was the point of discussion. We were arguing about resto in shuffle on low mmr. Please try to read more than a couple of lines before replying to a message you don’t like