Whats the most tilting spec to play?

Not true. Vary between the season based on participation and Blizzard’s influence. This season it’s easier for an average 1600 Andy to push higher because there was no mmr reset.

Broxis is right R Druid is definetely top 3 healer. R Druid has a high entry barrier but once you know how to play it you can do well at any rating. In terms of any healer R Druid is played the most “wrong” in lower ratings. Not only players don’t prehot their teammates but push for nonsense Clones and they actually Clone more than heal. Only because low cr players have 0 warness they are usually getting away with it. Once you kick R Druid trying to Clone your healer he is so behind that he will most likely lose the round. Also if you look at their healing breakdown a lot of low R Druids they don’t understand their rotation.

Whenever I gear an alt and I drop my mmr to gear I can’t stop laughing at people trying to play R Druid doing everything but healing in RSS.

I play with a resto Druid main and spec is for sure fine one level of H Priest and Prevoker. Definetely top 3 healer. If you want a weak healer then you got MW, Disc and H Paladin. MW is just not punished in RSS with freecasting, same for Disc and H Paladin just lacks throughput if he cannot cast. H Pala also dies easily when trained.

Wowarenalogs is based on uploaders / 28 days so can it give a slight info about current situation? Sure. Does it give pure facts? Not rly.
So the statistics shown with winrate is not always accurate which obviously means the “facts” can give a wrong picture. Its not lying but its misleading.

Rdruid is best healer, not just top 3.
But the discussion wasn’t about that.
Its about this

And this

Which is absolute nonsense.
Druid is more sensitive to ally mistakes than any other healer. Low mmr for druid is absolutely abominable jail in which you can really get stuck before you get to a decent rating. even after that, there will be many people who do not understand how the druid heals. and every such game will be disgusting

Its so tilting to play hunter so I made a DH just to get Gladiator. I am still leveling him and cant wait until I am 70 and max geared. People will finally see what I am capable of.

why is that the case?

insane hps without needing to cast once + ironbark to easily live the opener even when your mates arent pressing anything.
Passive healing through hots and treants to even survive when your mates dont prevent CC.
Being able to decide games with clones.

Rdruid is insane at lower ratings.

Its just harder to play because the rotation isnt as easy and going in for clones at the wrong times makes you fall behind quickly and lose the game.

not even close

resto shaman auto loses if no1 sits earthen and is getting lined
evoker loses if ppl stay far from eachother and line communion
hpriest loses if they line angel and there are no setups
hpal auto loses if he doesnt get peels when attacked or dispelled from cc

the list goes on

rdruid is good with every dps in the game
other healers arent

u cant win a game as resto shaman with a mage

u cant heal a warlock for too long as a priest

Like almost every healer in the game now? Even disc (known as most casting healer) doing his top hps by spamming shields in rapture

What a joke.
Easily? Its -20% to single target man. Devo just gonna use one single breath and all your preparations will be useless. Even in pre-ironbark. Your joke purge-protection is useless vs him (its almost useless at all but its better than nothing)

What means “passive”? You MUST to keep bloom and rejuv on target all game. otherwise, you won’t be able to heal it. It’s not a bonus, it’s a penalty. You just can’t heal a target without spending two gcd on rejuv and bloom before that. All this trents will not help you just because of disgusting mastery. you can stupidly lose the game with oom if your teammates decide to play normally: not push too much and los enemy bursts. just because you have to continuously refresh bloom and rejuv. Otherwise any retarded dh will kill your guys with just 1 cc combo.

Nice opportunity. But no one will give you the space to do that on low mmr because of insanely bad positioning. Almost all the time it’s too risky

Absolutely not. prevoker has difficulties with rotation. The druid instead has a bunch of idiotic conditions, without which he cannot start healing, cannot use his spells. And if your teammates don’t know this, they can’t figure out if everything is fine or not. because of this, they cannot adequately use their save cds. They just dont know what:
-without swiftmend buff i cant use ns heal
-without rejuv i cant use swiftmend
-without bloom i cant start heal at all
-without hots iron bark is useless
-reshift share same gcd and you cant spam shift and heal at the same time

a great example. shaman toolkit allows him to do 2 times more hps even without the earthen totem and use the most important save cds through textures. and considering that at low mmr in a critical situation, the guys run to healer’s frame in a panic, it’s even easier to put a sharing totem (and earthen too!). at the same time, on druid you have to run away from them to not receive aoe damage and control

Yep, but he have nice save cds

Just cancel it. and use it only to prevent cc

Yeah, just like a druid. But sadly druid cant use bubble in cc

Noncence. Etc lobby with devo is extremely bad for druid. like any other combination of classes that can easily switch and do huge damage for instant control or just purge (it’s a good thing they don’t do it on low mmr).

I don’t see any reason other than same diminishing, but this is nonsense. At the same time you can counter mage in enemy team

there are no special mechanics here except, again, the same diminishing. You cant did same thing as a druid, so what?

Yeah on a 2 min cooldown
But with shield on 6sec cd
2x aoe heal and 2 scools (or is it eaven 3, i think purge ofTw have its own and you can apply dots eaven if you are kickt) you can get away with getting interrupted and still pumping hps

Resto Druid is good, but the reason why it feels bad sometimes is just because of Pres Evoker

they are hard counter for rdruid, and it´s also not fun to play against because of the big purges. (cost u allot of mana and globals)

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holypriest, holypala, rshaman and even disc needs to cast sometimes or very often.

ah so you randomly throwing evokers in here? whats that logic lol.

oh no keep hots up, what a tragedy. You actually have to press healing spells to heal?
Having hots up + a few treants in the opener is huge and makes it hard to kill targets even though you CC the druid.
Especially at lower ratings where people do next to no dmg you can outheal so easily and go for CC.

ye not true at all. Enemies have terrible positioning and awareness. You can clone so much because nobody kicks you and nobody swaps on you.

they do

i mean thats literally why rdruid has a complex healing rotation because you need to “master” all these things roation wise to get the maximal hps output. You basically said it.

if an rshaman does 2x your hps then you are just terrible at rdruid lol.

lol you cant be serious

rdruid can survive pretty good on their own, way better than hpala.

but you said rdruid is bad on low mmr even though people dont make good switches and purges?

and statistics say that rdruid is the best healer by far on high mmr where people make good switches and purges and still rdruid is the best? hmmm

So you’re comparing a Disc Priests HPS while using a big CD to a Resto Druid summoning a treant? How is that even a comparison to try and make?

Look at a Resto Druid doing his top hps by spamming regrowth in Tree Form. Don’t try compare Apples to Oranges, both heal completely differently.

Would also love to know what Disc Priests you’re playing against that don’t seem to cast Penance, Smite, Mind Blast, Ultimate Penitence, sometimes Flash Heal and if specced for it, Mindgames… Disc Priest spends almost all of it’s time casting.

Point still stands though. https://murlok.io/meta/healer/solo

Resto Druid is the meta healer in every bracket except RBG and very slightly in 3v3. That’s not a coincidence.

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Holy Paladin has to be up there,

toolkit is close to being useless, one of the only healers that has to cast, you flop in a dr stun without peels, which means you need people to babysit you the ENTIRE game, you don’t do damage, you lose on mana, and your cooldowns get purged constantly, but for sure having to rely on people to stop CC on you or peel you 24/7 feels very frustrating, it makes it a very frustrating and boring experience in recent expansions

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Only pala and disc. Holy is retarded overheal machine making at best 10 casts per game (only for assist)

Because this is the most obvious example for you. if you don’t understand that -20% at single target its not easily live the opener even when your mates arent pressing anything
If you need more complicated examples: dk->grip->triple blind. one bark and three targets. Do I need to explain or is it already clear? And also do I need to explain how -20% is not enough as the main save cd when your mates arent pressing anything?

Sometimes people use cc and purge against druids, which causes the hots to over and the druid, instead of healing, has to spend global after global just rebuffing this garbage. You can try it

Every melee baboon in this game has aoe stan/fear/etc, which causes trents to stop healing with you. But what’s the point of this anyway? you mean target with full prehot and few trents should not to be hard to kill? Then why do we need a druid at all if this is the maximum he is capable of? this is the point of the fact that druid, unlike most other healers, do not have buttons to just top target without preparations

You have some logic issues.
If it’s difficult for you to make a druid and a shaman yourself and check it out, I did it for you. It is usually not a big deal for a shaman to keep more than about 200k for an entire round. while for a druid, this indicator is achievable only in the absence of cc, a suitable smooth damage. at the same time, the druid will be forced to continuously use all his cd’s and can die for any switch

Oh no cancel angel, what a tragedy. You actually have to to take a bad position to heal those who los you


Nonsense again, stop man. Every single melee in the game can just jump on drood without bloom and force all cds from him with one stun while he has no barkskin. if it’s two at once, even a barkskin won’t help

Yes, and I’ve already told you why

Because people are starting to notice hots on themselves, use a sanс, bop, swap or other save cds that the druid lacks so much to be the best healer by far? I thought it was obvious

I like the way you ignore what tree form its a big cd too. 1.5 min rapture and 3 min tree form. Nothing about that sounds wrong to you?

Shadow priest in my opinion.

You can’t keep up with the damage that’s flying out with just instant casts as a holy priest. You don’t cycle serenity fast enough if you only use instant casts.

And “overheal”? No. In raids maybe or m+ if you stack mastery but most certainly not in pvp, I have like 10% overheal in PvP.

Like my latest shuffle I healed 148 million overall, my overhealing was 16 million, with the largest share of it being from my mastery.

Meanwhile, the resto druid healed 128 million and overhealed 49 million. Like, bruh.

That’s exactly the point I was making… You cannot compare the HPS on a priest using a big CD like Rapture against a druid using a rotational ability. That was my entire point. It’s stupid to compare them both like that, same way it would be stupid of me to compare a druid using a massive CD against a priest using a lesser CD. Glad you see that now. You can’t compare apples against oranges.

How can you even compare Disc to Resto Druid?

There’s 206 Disc priests above 2400
There’s 382 Resto druids above 2400

That’s in Shuffle

In 3v3

62 Discs above 2400
147 Rdruids above 2400

You’re the FOTM class. Not Disc priest. Rapture doesn’t heal anybody, and is nearly useless. Tree + Innervate = whole team is immortal for 30 seconds

A good Disc has 0 chance vs a good Rdruid, unless the Disc’s teammates completely carry the game for him

Even Pres Evoker, who most Rdruid mains cry about being better

Has 96 Prevokers above 2400 in 3v3
Has 206 Prevokers above 2400 in Shuffle

So there you go, Rdruid is the best most FOTM healer in the game right now, literally has the most players at 2400 or higher with it


Yep same thing was happening to me when they buffed hpal in season 2 managed 2.3t achie playing with h pals who give you forbearance and wonder why you run for 30 seconds after

Can you try to read all the messages above first, instead of responding to what you don’t like? This seems to be a common problem

Do you believe that yourself? I understand that you’re furious that someone you think is defending a spec that you hate. But at least try to be objective

if you had read the messages above, you would have found there that I claimed the same thing. But apparently your hatred of the druids or your class choice prevented you from doing so

But you didn’t do this either? I’m confused:

How can you claim a druid be the best healer “not just top 3” but then immediately say it’s “absolute nonsense” when someone says it’s good in shuffle? That doesn’t add up. I honestly think you must be trolling at this point.