What's the point of guilds?

Guild is what guild master want it to be. It has many purposes. From buinch of strangers who uses /g instead of trade chat while questing to raiding guilds, who keep strict roster, actually using bank tabs in guild bank correctly and while there are dsicrod channels and now communities and some years back it was websites instead, it is still better to have guild roster and guild chat in game.

Also guild events in calendar have variety of uses.

While OP is right that lot of guilds are stripped of any personalisation, it is not true that all guilds are like that. Guilds (just like any other player driven content) differs depending on players who are part of it.

Core idea is to create guild and drag friends you met while playing in it. It is still more managable than friend list I assure you.

So…i don’t think i like communities. I’ve tried them in the past and i’m still mostly ignored in favor for those closed-circle cliques. Seems like there really is no way to make friends or find a group of people to play with on the regular anymore.

Those times appear to have passed. I’ve tried to use the communities feature, and all i’m seeing is german, spanish, portugese, french and other language communities that have quite a few people in them, english communities usually have barely anyone in them and are usually only allowing mythic raiders and 2.5k+ rating people into them. As such, i have yet to see a community i’d like to join… :frowning:

Is this a problem with guilds and communities or with you?

People that have known each other a while talk amongst themselves more - this isn’t surprising. If you want to integrate try talking about what they are talking about, I’m not surprised you’re met with a wall of silence when you talk about something noone is interested in out of the blue.


For horde side u have: [H] Zen Horde - Chilled PvE Community - #22 by Hínáta-kazzak

And for alliance u have: (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN - #67 by Heera-hydraxian-waterlords

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To this

My take on it is, I feel people now days are less social. Not WoWs fault but society in general (insert ramble about youths on their phones 24/7). The proper guilds that exist nowdays are those that were made years ago, and still are around. Those with people that have known eachother for years.

A bit personal un-needed history. The last time I was in a guild were pretty much everyone got along and talked with eachother was in Cata. It began as a larger PvP guild that was focused on world PvP mostly, against other guilds. At this stage of the guild I felt more like a faceless soldier, but I didnt mind it. It was a large guild, and I was having fun.

Some time went by, the guild leader and other high-ups decided to transfer to a larger, more PvP based server. The majority of the guild went along with the transfer. Some decided they didnt want to and stayed, I was one of them. But instead of disbanding completely, we remnants decided to make our own guild. And this is were I went from “faceless soldier” to someone with a name.

I think one of the old officers decided to be the new GM, cant remember. We were like 20-30 people online daily, so not a super large guild. We did some RBGs with minor success, but it was fun anyways. We also did regular pvp and just random stuff in general. Good times all in all, and probably the only memorable guild I’ve been in. RIP

Nowdays I’m guildless on all my characters. But I dont blame it on anyone. It is my choice. The things I do ingame doesnt really require a guild anymore. And I’ve become even more of a a-social introvert (its a-social, not anti-social. Totally different words. look them up). Perhaps I’ll be looking for somewhere to belong in shadowlands if it looks promising. Or not.

People change. Games change. Society changes.

You’ve had some good community recs thrown at you here if you’re interested in stuff like mythics/pve without the rio or other recs. Take them up on it.

I have chars in both zen horde and scared of dungeons communities and I’ll say I agree guilds are pointless beyond the perks of move speed because in these communities I get exactly what I would want in a guild anyway (social interaction, camaraderie and regular access to the pve I’m into). I’ll never be able to dedicate enough time to mythic raiding so I’m totally unconcerned with that.

The bonus is as I’m on an rp server, I can get my game stuff sorted via the communities and leave my chars guild open for rp guilds. It’s a win win.

I hate guilds. They are toxic to the game and should never have been implemented.

In my experience, guilds are necessary for raiding and raiding alone. Everything else seems to work just fine outside of guilds, but (mythic) raiding not that much.

Thus spoke Sarathustra :blush:

i’ve tried “scared of dungeons”. It was a large melted-winegum style mess. Chaotic messages flying over all the place, little to no Actual interaction aside from (once again) groups of people who Already knew eachother anyway.

I feel like those dungeon communities don’t work. Currently i think i’m just gonna let my sub expire and wait till Shadowlands is out. There’s currently nothing worthwhile to do in wow. 8.3 looks somewhat decent, but until that comes…there’s litterally Nothing to do. PVP is rage-inducing, PVE is stale content atm and leveling will be pointless with shadowlands cutting it by 70% xD

I was in couple of guilds before I gave up. In some I spend more than a year and some few months but I’d rather say that as my experience grew, my patience was getting lower and lower. I did not find “friendships” and “companionship”. I only found egomaniac jerks and people that abuse you and your kindness because dumb people will threat you like you are even dumber than them when you are nice because being nice, means you are dumb.

Boy, am I glad I quirked few screws that made people get mad.

Don’t get me wrong, I would join a guild even now because I believe guild is better for raiding than a pug but now, I have strict questions for guild that is recruiting. If at least one of answers to those question is not satisfying, I am not joining that guild.

I’m done wasting my nerves and time on people that don’t deserve it.

I think you have just been unlucky.
I think I have been in 8 or 9 guilds total since Wrath. Some of them were similar to what op is describing, so I left.
One of the good guilds I was in fell apart when the GM actually stole the guild and moved it to another server. BUT, I still play with 4 of the former members of that guild every week and I even went to the UK to visit them.

One advice I can give you is don’t join a guild with 900 members. In a guild like that chances are that you won’t get to know people.
Small to medium sized guilds with active players seem to be the best if you actually want to get to know people and really have fun together.
Do dungeons, raids and pvp with your guildies with voice coms so you talk to eachother instead of typing in party chat.

Me too.

Most guilds I joined were dead within a week or two.

Thinking about it … maybe it’s me, maybe I’m killing them :thinking:

I have since stopped accepting invites. But tbh I’m a lone wolf, so I prefer not being in a guild (or a dead one, as the case might be).

I see so many people complain about how the game is anti-social but they don’t try to change it themselves; I attempt to interact with others in whatever silly way I can.

The problem somewhere lies with your own expectations as well; I mean I’ve found people I still talk to today from LFR/LFG/Communities and (previous) guilds.

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