What's up with all these thirsty threads?

What’s the deal with Argent Dawn and the weird amount of “Which character would your character date”, “Kiss/Marry/date the poster above”, “What would your character say to the character above” (All real thread names)?


It’s Second Life roleplayers enabling other Second Life roleplayers without all the hassle of actually roleplaying with substance. I can guarantee you a percentage of the posters in these dating threads go in hoping it will lead to something ingame


A bane that swept over the AD forums from the Roleplaying forums. Don’t go there.

local forum degenerates and stormwind spin the growth pot- / horde dolmio sauce enthusiasts pretending to be RPers trying to do some whacky forum content while they wait for their next session of spoonfed RP

Yet far more worryingly, this explains why Nethy hasn’t returned my two dozen Valentine’s cards.

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last time i critized them i got nuked by a bunch of those posters

They’re just harmless forum fun. I’d hardly correlate them to actual roleplay, lmao. Who’d even metagame by posting as their characters on the forums, unironically?

(Not speaking of roleplay forums where they are actually posting emotes back and forth. That’s something else entirely.)


mmmm adding Wrathion to my list bites lip and winks

Uuuh… nervous shifty eyes right? Hehe… so weird, like… yeah… :eyes:

I said unironically!

Oh, phew… that was a close one…

I sneeze in your general direction

Anyway, what’s the news in the other parts of Tamriel?

What’s so wrong with these threads? As Wildbough said, it’s harmless forum fun.
These threads were present since cataclysm. There’s nothing wrong with having a laugh out of your character’s attitude in a funny situation.

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But Nethy said it is!

We must listen to this rotten, smelling, classic character poster!

Have you heard of the high elves???

Would you date a high elf?

Totally serious second life RP question here.

I saw some mudcrabs by the waters recently. Horrifying creatures.

Mudcrabs are freaking huuge. Bleah.

Mostly that it has virtually 0 to do with RP

It has? It’s literally a reference to your IC character and to think from there. And even if it wasn’t (it is), it’s not like that’s not allowed.

This is just a grumpy attempt at “no fun allowed” or “if I don’t have fun reading your concept you’re doing it wrong” type of threads.