What's up with all these thirsty threads?

Thankfully no one is saying that so you’re shadowboxing

I’m sure wether my chars want to bone Jaina is highly valuable to rp

What happened to live and let live lmao
Yeah sure it’s silly but you don’t like it, just don’t click on them ? It’s not like the “filth” that’s inside will be in your eyes unless you willingly go there.

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If you’re saying that there is something wrong, you’re saying that it shouldn’t happen, my dear.

This is really sad tbh. Makes you look like a puritan getting crazy because you see a girl’s ankle.

I’d say eating a watermelon as if it’s an apple is wrong, I would however not stop or protest anyone from doing so nor would it impact me if they continue.

Stop shadowboxing.

Watches the dragon rper download the contrarian take


Let me guess. Someone stole your sweetroll?

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Stop! Thief!

If you’re not going to protest then perhaps you should…


Owned :sunglasses:

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What now ?

tl;dr (formerly)rebel rpers like having lengthy IC conversations about copulating with jars of pasta sauce.

This is part of the reason they rebelled against Windrunner, as she was working on a full ban of all Dolmio products, which was a threat to their way of life.


Uhh… Yes.

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Reasonable reason to rebel, tbh.
I’ll fight for my Dolmio products


Imagine hating on Dolmio goodness. Depravity has run rampant for too long.

who said you have to listen lol but yeah these threads are stupid and pointless

You are completely clueless about what they are on about with the ‘pasta sauce’ aren’t you?


I am, yes, won’t lie.

Don’t be. I regretted when I found out what it was.
I can’t post the link because I believe it goes against some ToS due to the content found within the screenshot.
However, in the most simple sense of what it contains:

People of the rebel role-players on Horde side talking about how they ERP’d with jars of pasta sauce.


I sorely wish I was joking.

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“Would your character date Aerilen? The thread.”

Haha… i’m joking… unless? :flushed: