Whats up with Horde rp?

You know what kind of human would be fun to play? An Alteraci that tries to uphold the loyalty to the Alliance as shown by General Hath, despite probably still being mistrusted alot by every other human.


On a tangential noteā€“and Iā€™m not accusing the OP of thisā€“but you do tend to see quite a lot of sneering toward human roleplayers, be they on Argent Dawn or elsewhere. Calling other players boring because their preferred fantasy race isnā€™t an orc or troll or otherwise makes me :zzz:.

Better to just let people play what interests them most because thatā€™s how you foster a committed and engaged community.


Human roleplayers are a rare and precious commodity
Usually they are half-dragon, half-demons in disguise

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Also :sleeping::zzz: in ten characters

I think thereā€™s a few reasons as to why this is. Most of them have already been mentioned in this thread, so I wonā€™t repeat those, but hereā€™s a couple more:

The Alliance has better RP real estate, meaning Stormwind is a much better city to RP in than Orgrimmar and Alliance buildings in general, especially the older ones, are much more RP friendly and much more inviting. I think WoD orc buildings took great steps towards levelling the playing field in this regard, but those are sadly mostly in zones where no one roleplays.

I also think that thereā€™s a self-reinforcing factor at play. Alliance has a bigger population, and so that is what players gravitate towards.

This is a false statement though. While doing a fly-by of Stormwind, there are some wacky folk - they are not ā€œusuallyā€ half-dragon or demons.

Such roleplay may be more common than it should but it is not the typical thing to bump into.

I do however only speak from my own experiences. I donā€™t doubt Dragonflight will increase this half-dragon (and more) roleplay you find.


Its always been this way; I migrated from Horde to Alliance during the early days of WoD when the growing perception was that Alliance was more populated and it was just plain easier to find RP there. Every Hordie that makes the switch adds to the perception that Alliance is where its at.

For the recent trend, I would wager the Hordeside narrative from BfA killed some peopleā€™s desire to engage in having to RP around the Hordeā€™s storyline and identity. Of those people, they who still wanted to continue to RP on AD probably saw the Alliance as their best place to migrate to, making the existing faction balance even more unequal.

The cycle goes on and on from there.

  • Ever-growing Alliance Population vs ever-shrinking Horde population
  • Poor-quality Horde lore in BfA followed by barely any in SL
  • Increased emphasis on guild RP to the point that itā€™s become almost necessary
  • Division between PCU-folk and their detractors
  • Deviants infesting Orgrimmar last year
  • Vulpera generally being introduced (January 2020 was a rough time)

It ainā€™t been fun.


Iā€™m inclined to agree with this, are non-humans really that special and unique?

Ie. Taurens are just a very idealized archetype of the noble savage in sync with nature. You usually will find one of the following: the noble sage, the young warrior who wants to prove himself, or the strong combatant who wants to challange everyone and show out how beefy he is. I feel that with those 3 types I have encapsulated 90% of the tauren population

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I know the real reason.
A distinct lack of adequate facial hair.

This post is brought to you by beardgang.


I bow to the majesty of the glorious dwarven beard.


Dagger thrugh my heart :sob:
The Vulpera are basically the Fremen of Azeroth (except the pirate ones) withut their religious fanaticism
I wonder tho, if Blizzard would aboilsh the Race-Faction barrier, how many would remain Horde :thinking:

Iā€™ll defend the Vulpera race 'till my dying day. They have a lot of potential for interesting characters and rp - The shady people who thrive with them were always here, in one shape or another. Itā€™s just unfortunate a fair few of them switched to Vulpera.


Defend them all youā€™d like. Iā€™m there too.
Their introduction did signal a downtrend in Horde RP interest for one reason or another though. :woman_shrugging:


Vulpera? They are probably one of the best and unique races of the allied races, i really loved them.

the few shady people who use them to depict the lame memes about furries and whatnot is not an accurate depiction for majority of Vulpera players.

They have cool lore, cool racial, and are pretty much nomads which is interesting for RP.

i Honestly find Horde rp to be more interesting too as you have Goblins, Trolls, Magā€™har orcs, Blood elves, Nightborne which all make interesting lore stories you can create.

I do think the horde is missing somethingā€¦Forrest trolls (Revantusk tribe) but maybe will be available another time. Imagine a Forrest troll riding the Amani war bear mount :heart_eyes:

but overall Horde RP is very interesting. The main problem really is the lack of RP out in the open, outside guild events.

Also Orgimmar is ugly. sorry not sorry.

true true

True. Unfortunately however 80% of vulpera RP is just ripping off another race and putting it on the funny little fox instead.

from kirin tor wizards to loa-warriors, they do everything except ruthless scavenger/thief caravans


Horde RP is mainly guild based now, and really it went down in three stages:

  • During BfA Loyalist and Rebel RPers couldnā€™t agree on what to do, rebels wanted to be strong daring rebels earlier than they were in lore but not suffer the consequences, the Sylvanas Loyalists wanted to make sure that the rebels were punished. This created a divide between the rebels and loyalists as the rebels often didnā€™t want dire consequences or for their characters to have to forsake their rebellious personas or see them damaged and loyalists didnā€™t want rebels to get away with everything.
  • In response to the problem, rebel RP guilds became nomadic and began travelling around, making moving hubs of multiple guilds together as they couldnā€™t return to Orgrimmar without being at the mercy of the Horde. It was expected that Sylvanas fleeing would fix the divide, but it didnā€™t as people had gained a taste for nomadic RP by that point and relations had soured throughout BfA to the point where there was still a clear divide in Orgrimmar even when everyone was back on the same side. Neither side was completely eradicated because it didnā€™t make any sense lorewise, but I detected a level of displeasure when the rebels realised the loyalist guilds werenā€™t going to disband just as their guilds didnā€™t when Sylvanas ruled and they rebelled.
  • After a while, mainly thanks to the introduction of Vulpera as an allied race with an obvious emphasis on them being cute fox people, although quite a few great caravan guilds sprang up, unfortunately some people also made guilds dedicated to ERP and kit RP which crossed regularly. The regulation of these guilds was terrible, and theyā€™d force themselves on anyone, no matter if they identified as PCU or otherwise, and freaked them out with public displays of kits and ERP alongside general in your face RP. This ended in everyone leaving Orgrimmar and either roaming or moving to smaller towns.

Ironically the guards vs agitators problem is solved now because neither remain in Orgrimmar, but nowadays you can very easily find Horde guilds RPing all across Azeroth. Sadly however, no true Horde hubs have arisen mainly because those divides are very much still there and it means thereā€™s no community incentive for the hubs to really get enough people RPing in them to be active all the time. Orgrimmar also had a general ā€˜barracksā€™ style of architecture that although a stretch could suit all races of the Horde, but other Horde settlements are either too tribal or too civilised for all races to be able to live in them for the long term.

The Silvermoon community is also shrinking thanks to high elf customisation options letting elf lovers move to the faction with loads of civilised cities rather than just old outdated Silvermoon and it being generally separate from the rest of Horde RP in general.

However with enough work Iā€™m pretty sure hub RP can come back on Horde side, but as I said, itā€™s really not dead, itā€™s just very spread out across Azeroth and very guild based.


I feel like Civilized is debatable or subjective. Ogrimmar unfortunatly looks awful with the spikes and lack of color. All Garoshā€™s fault im afraid. Stormwind is better by far.

But when looking at Dazar Alor, Suramar, and Silvermoon they all have some grand cities too that are far more civilized in my opinion than any alliance city.

The exodar is basically a crashed space ship that barely anyone visits compared to Silvermoon. although both have horrible graphics, they still retain a certain beauty to them.

While the horde places does lack a lot of nature, i feel like even in a middle of a desert you can built a grand city like Suramar if you really wanted to, and if you have the resources.


Hold me back, lads!


Ironforge disagrees.