Whats up with people rolling need on anything?

Usually encounter them when leveling alts, but I also had a few in heroics. (like every 3-4 dungeons) They just roll on everything. Every gem, every recipe, every blue item etc.

It usually leads to some kind of conflict and them getting kicked or everybody rolling need for everything for the rest of the dungeon.

Is this a new thing?

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You most likely encountered LilĂ­ith or one of his disciples, my condolences.

Nah, but I also see this behaviour from time to time. You can’t do anything about it other than not tolerating it and votekick on the spot.


Nah happened in the past with other Classic versions too, the one or few rotten apples who click “Need” then claim ignorance and do it again anyway on the next item. Very annoying.

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Happens even in LFR in retail if you try to gear up an alt by ppl that have +30-40 ilvl in the slot and if you mention anything you get replies like “cry more for lfr items” or “why so mad” etc. You even get called toxic if you call names or “names”.
Just keep looking away and keep chat/forum clean, it’s all that matters nowadays.


Why not? If the “Need” button isn’t greyed out nothing’s stopping people from pressing it. Maybe they wanna disenchant it, maybe they’re short on gold and wanna vendor, maybe they just want the transmog collection, why do you care? You’re free to press “Need” too and participate in the loot roll.

Berny needs on crusader orbs and then deletes them.

Do you understand what greed means?

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Just because you can abuse something, it doesn’t mean you should.

Then you’re free to greed roll like everyone else.

Because I want to be able to gear my characters without some antisocial griefer stealing loot.

That’s last expansion bruh.


You’re free to press “Need” too and participate in the loot roll.

See point 1:

You argue like Sheldon Cooper but lack the comedic timing. If it still doesn’t make sense to you, look at the need and greed symbol respectively, and make a guess what the dice and coin represent.

congratulation! you’ve won the award for the most stupid reply!
you’re prob one of those people that does this kind of thing

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I leveled 3 alts last weeks and i can say this happens way to oftern sadly. Mages roll on plate gear, saying its for gold? :smiley: as if we all dont need gold…these people dont care about the game or anything or are just narcissistic…
But tbh u cant do anything against it. Dont hope Blizzard will do anything…report/ignore them or look who is needing what and ninja his sht aswell

if u see a boe dropping and there is a n.looter in ur grp just need it, let the rest (nice guys) roll for it and trade, if possible ofc

Nope! It did not. Not at this level at least.

If I will ever be with you in a dungeon ( very small chances ), but if I will, oh, I will roll need on anything, especially the items you Need.

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It’s the Gehennas mind-set of “F-U got mine”.
I’ve seen it get worse and worse the last few weeks, it started with “only” everyone or most of the group needing on every drop from the end-boss because as 1 guy put it, “what’re they gonna do? Kick me when the run is over?”
But the last week or so I’ve seen it happen even before the end boss, anything that drops and can be rolled on, is need rolled.

Why a class like warlock is allowed to roll need on plate gear is beyond me, it’s clearly not the intended use of the need/greed mechanic but Blizzard cares very little about this.

Well if the devs dont care about the game, why should the playerbase care about the community?


Wasn’t a thing back in the original release of the game that’s for sure. I’ve played since 2004, people used to be a lot more respectful about EVERYTHING, including loot. Yes, you still had bad apples but not like now… And the Firemaw realm is notably awful for ninjalooting and toxicity.

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This is the stupidest logic I’ve ever read in my life “the devs are making the game suck, LET’S MAKE IT EVEN WORSE!” people like you are EXACTLY the problem.

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Gehennas? Nah bro, it’s Firemaw 99% of the time

Firemaw is the Alliance Gehennas.

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Original vanilla release perhaps, but not the Classic release.

The greatest test is when a Boe drops that has a high value on the AH and then you get the rotten apple I told you about declaring to need just because I happen to comment on my recent Classic experiences on the forum: