What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?


“ARAGH”, I burn and drop to my knees, eyeing the corpse of my hero. The flying ace himself brigante sommerset… "Once I’m dead, I won’t even be able to remember you. So I’ll win, No matter what. "

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Not in my experience- But it does spit at silly notions.

And at people.

That’s what the issue (fundamentally) to me appears as, about Rp-pvp. People take things very personally, and have entrenched themselves into opinions about a person or groups of people, and giving up those trenches would collapse the reality from underneath your feet.

I kind of saw this attitude already forming at campaigns like Sent to Savannah with the consequence RP fiasco- And the degegation of OOC communication continued to the BFA war event (war of the thorns). it the culminated in Chook’s northrend PVP campaign and also more recently in Wilcox campaign.

I’m not gonna vaguepost about this, as I see this is a result of the “it’s my way or the high way” people have - Myself included. This trend really started with late- Legion campaigns where the opposing views to an issue from a few key personnel of a campaign or guild coalitions were met with belittlement and dismissal- And you could say to that that those concerns could be dismissed, but could they though?

If the reason for your objection is something very shallow like you just not liking the outcome or you wanted something more epic or different- You usually forgive or give up thinking about it (at least in my experience).

But if you feel that you are -right- and your concerns are still not answered to, that’s a deeper insult to people. They feel as if their opinion doesn’t matter- Well argued for or not. And it only throws fuel to the fire when people like me respond to the concerns literally with “well you can just not take part”.

As a result, you start to disregard others views, opinions and motivations. You really start to treat the others badly.

Sometimes that is the answer, absolutely. You can’t please everyone. But as of late, I’ve a feeling we’ve gone over the scale a bit.

Anyway I cba posting more and I’m gonna sleep now. GN.

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what the heck did you do to my low effort thread

Perhaps the ‘PvP’ in ‘RP-PvP’ stands for the fact that the game’s PvP is used for conflict resolution during the RP-PvP campaign? You’re not exactly roleplaying as you roll a die in D&D, you just attach meaning to the roll before or after it. The same applies to PvP in unrestricted RP-PvP, you add context to the PvP before or after it occurs and use it to resolve conflicts. Soldiers of the Alliance and the Horde arrive and they fight each other. The winner is whoever PvPs the best, instead of whoever rolls the highest on a D%, or whoever has the highest number of participants.

Is there supposed to be something wrong with that, especially for an event explicitly labelled ‘RP-PvP?’

Well, at least you can RP freely while tossing the dice without reducing your chance of success.

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In battle I actually think the advent of emotes being able to be seen cross faction with the elixir of tongues could make RP/PVP much better. Most RP/PVP is determined by the front lines which are in a constant tug of war, and the naughty tactics/fading through the enemies lines starts happening when one guild gets bored usually. Though with emotes, now melee combatants have more to do in a battle, they can have emote battles as they hit each other for visuals and in the process accurately show their characters skills and determine whether they get too injured to keep fighting.

I also think that to compensate for not being able to have emote fights on the backline, backline ranged damage dealers should either be able to cast more regularly or be able to aoe every so often, just so there’s that incentive for rogues to attack the backline as that’s where all of the heavy damage is coming from.

Ultimately the other problem I have seen is the general feeling of some individuals and guilds on both factions where they contribute heavily to the numbers and they leave a campaign. I’ve seen multiple campaigns fall to this, a very large guild or multiple guilds leave a campaign for X reason and leave the rest of their faction to get absolutely crushed.

If it’s a full faction withdrawal due to various OOC reasons, fine, sure, but to me I see a lot of guilds on Alliance and Horde leaving campaigns due to IC disagreements. That’s why I think before campaigns, organizers need GMs/guild officers to be absolutely sure that they’ve read both the IC and the OOC rules of a campaign. Two outstanding examples to me were - Alliance guilds leaving a campaign because they didn’t like the person who was elected to lead the Alliance forces and Horde forces withdrawing because although the memo before the campaign stated we won’t be keeping prisoners outside of special cases, they took prisoners anyway and left when they got in trouble for it.

Guess, some people, got a bit upset, now why could that be?

Seeing Boush talk about Alliance and RP-PvP as if the Horde side (and especially himself) have been flawless :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

cool hypocrisy

In general, I think people should be more courteous towards others, in RP and RP-PvP. If someone breaks a rule, call them out - and call eachother out as well. The victory mindset is a toxic one, and if your side doesn’t win, there’s angry screeching and intentional rule-breaking - something our very own Boush loves to do - that leave everyone with a sour taste in their mouth.

And we should be more accepting towards different styles of RP-PvP as well. IMO it’s very rude for someone to just blatantly swipe all Unrestricted RP-PvPers with one tar-black brush and say that they’re not RPers. What? Why?

You don’t generally talk over and over in a real fight anyway. Unrestricted RP-PvP for me has been a lot more immersive than your generic tank players charging into enemy lines and throwing unwitty one-liners about how they’re the bees knees and everyone sucks around them. Don’t be that person.

And I’ve managed to RP a lot during unrestricted fights. From tactics, to recon, to victory cheers. I’m not even the fastest of writers, and I never leave with the impression I was only PvPing, not RPing - IMO, the fault really lies in the people themselves. If you don’t manage to RP during unrestricted, maybe you’re just not…a good RPer. Here’s a tip - don’t write epic 234 page emotes and keep it short & sweet, no one wants to see those in any RP-PvP anyway. Any /say can be interrupted with a hyphen or a dash, when you’re interrupted. As you would be in real combat, you don’t get the chance to finish what you say!

TL;DR this is kinda what I’d change to better the RP-PvP scene. Be more courteous towards other people, and don’t carry the victory mindset. Sperging out because you lost is just honestly embarrassing, whichever faction you were on.

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They watched their brothers and sisters die on the battlefield, and you have the audacity to show them this level of disregard, shame on you.

Guess the thread speaks for itself, its not the RP-PvP but the people that are the problem here, ooh woops this ain’t the unpopular opinion thread.

I think that would be good, but you’re never going to see that, because people -need to win- it becomes less collaborative and more combative, and because people go all out and savage at each other (Which is understandable in Unrestricted) it means that the RP aspect somewhat gets thrown under the truck as it were, Its just behaviour more suited to PvP Realms as they used to be, rather than RP realms…

I admire the speed of your typing skills, in the time I typed this message I would have been killed as my avatar.

Tell me the number of losses. See if they add up to how many we lost. Tell me then of audacity. Is War a game, that we compare numbers?

Drums of War Silverpain was amazing in this regard, attendants on both sides signed up and attended, then were practically rebelling when others told them to adhere to the rules and became their own pocket dimension (ie a cesspit) where even the organizers just didn’t bother showing up.

In unrestricted the bulk of the RP usually happens between fights.

Have a skirmish, regroup and plan tactics for the next round. Have next skirmish.

There’s lots of rp around the skills people have, how you can work together, and how you can surprise the enemy.

Very few people are typing big essays while they fight. But when you’ve got your tactics agreed, your commanding officer can easily type a couple of words to direct the group.

If you don’t enjoy it. That’s OK. You don’t have to do it. But you need to stop telling people who do enjoy unrestricted that they’re rping wrong.


I pop a defensive and quickly google “insult sword fighting list” and copy paste the first line mid-combat.


You fight like a dairy farmer

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How appropriate, you fight like a cow.

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clashes swords with Jalbert taking a few steps back


Campaigns are supposed to have victors and yet half of them have enough tedious regulation to basically guarantee a stalemate.

Unless ofc if it’s meant for one side to lose.

Looks at Siege of Undercity Campaign

the solution to rppvp campaigns is to host them in Classic when it’s released

Redridge was also made for horde to lose, i think “winning” is usually just who keeps control over the zone at the end.

But when it’s in a zone like Silverpine, shouldn’t the alliance’s victory just be a powerful incursion that cost the horde many lives?

I mean otherwise people could just make a campaign in elwynn and if its one sided, what happens then? Do horde suddenly own the area instead of pulling out?

Some zones are more open to outcome but some shouldn’t even be possible to assume total control of!