What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

This roleplay has gone TOO FAR…

I have no idea what you two are arguing about but I’m loving w/e it is

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[i roll 9 with d20]

i cut through the bullets with my katana, transforming into a warrior of shadow. my other eye turns black from the darkness, but my other eye remains a powerful shade of red.

“how many years have come and gone since that day? how many years have i waited… for this moment. the one that stood alone against the storm… the one they called… the warrior of light”

i sheathe my katana at my side ((the japanese have a martial art dedicated to cutting down a foe in one draw)) and ready myself


There you go again…Hells, do you Goons talk about anything other than Meat Cleavers? Its your Button, isnt it? Ive seen what you Talk about in your Discords, and let me tell you…It isnt pretty. Meat Cleavers arent as Powerful as you think they are, Perroy, let me tell you that Firsthand. In the army we didnt have a Use for them.

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Think of the friendly fire…

The incorrect use of a semi-colon could kill 600 men.


Reporting Elenwen’s posts because they’re allowed to post links and I’m not

i sniccker ic at ur monologue

t’s like you’re a little kid with a knife or something. I can’t bear to watch. What’s with all that stuff on your forehead? And what’s with these goofy things that look like shoulder pads? They’re fashion accessories. They don’t serve any real purpose. You guys just don’t get it. No matter what kind of special powers you may have, you’re still only human. No more, no less. It’s the same for everybody. But somehow, you’ve all forgotten that. You’re so addicted to your special powers you’ve developed tunnel vision. You want world domination but you haven’t seen the world. No one’s going to follow you knowing that. Don’t make me laugh. First, get rid of those ridiculous shoulder pads and grow up. You too – you just want to escape from society, right? If you want to make it big, you have to live in reality. Consider that the starting point.

…Think about who the hell you are for a second! You’re just a cog in the population! Look, I’M a commoner, and I’m much more powerful than any of you will ever be! So tell me – what the hell does that make you?

((I roll a 20 in defence and deflect ur pathetic attack…))


Flashbacks from my two minutes in the Cancer known as the AD discord ensues

Wow. That’s not very nice…

Hells…arent you a Rude dude

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just put ´ on both sides of the url and you, too, can post links


The Army? Look… as an Echo Boomer, Smiles in the Greatest Generation, you… hells, just Admit it and move On. I swam Combat… I know -what- a Meat Cleaver is. Let’s not Get started on what is and -isn’t- Pretty. The Alliance Use of mana weapons? Not Pretty, and definitely a War Crime according to nato. So what? Will you Own the fact or will you Keep claiming… despite the Evidence in Thermopylae et Al… that Meat cleavers aren’t Real?


An Echo Boomer? Your not an Echo Boomer, Perroy, your a Millenial at best or even a Generation Z member…Hells, do you even know what a Boomer is, Perroy? Didnt think so, but thats the way the Cookie Crumbles, isnt it?

I’ve got nothing to Own up to outside of trying to Create great Roleplay…Hells, did you know that the Alliance respect me? Bet you didnt. Dont need any Meat Cleavers for that, as theyre completely Overrated.


“i cut him down so he’ll spring back up. the boy’s an enormously talented flier, there’s no denying that. but he’s a novice he’s not yet learned how to be worthy of that talent. he refuses to meet any challenge except on his own terms… he doesn’t see the true value of competition in killing 9000 men. to an old veteran for whom everything comes easily, the pain of defeat can be a much needed wake-up call.”

i look over at the wounded brigante and stand in front of him with my sword drawn

“you’ll have to go through me first”


Essentially, where we are is, here… I Look at you post and I can Barely read it. “Cookie”? “Overrated?” Are not real words and You’re aware of the Fact. Look, I get it… it’s “Based” as your Generation calls it, but the Fact of the Matter is I could walk Into any Alliance Discord, walk Up to an Officer and say “Nice Gryphons, wanna Battle?”

That’s Why the Alliance know me as the Purple Destroyer “Yue Sagepaw”… Jealous? And It’s all because I Create meat cleavers instead of denying the Battle at Thermopylae… a -historical- fact… where Men died Spearing combat.

I’m Off to bed, cheers


"All men are not created equal. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. Some are born into poverty; and others are born sick and feeble. Both in birth and in upbringing, in sheer scope of ability, every human is inherently different! Yes, that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition, and the unfaltering march of progress! Inequality is not wrong, equality is!

What of stormwind who made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The gnomes with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved quel’thalas. We fight, we compete; evolution is continuous! quel’thalas alone moves forward; advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of the infamous flying hero brigante demonstrates quel’thalalalalaalas’s unswerving commitment to progress! We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder, and mana bomb and in the end the future shall be ours! All Hail the sunwell!"

I raise the gunsword and stab at u

(rolled 13))

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More disapointed than silly, try and do something good for the sake of the entire community and it spits in your face.

[i rolled natural 20]

i grab your blade in my hand top it and as blood pours from my hand i look up with a shine in my eyes

“you will never be as powerful as me… because you have no friends at your side”

i transcend to sage mode and my outfit transforms into a glowing robe

“and you’ve made my friends angry”

((roll to avoid damage from my fire aura))