What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

He tried to get me killed the other day, twice…

He’s evil…

blithere you swine, you blithering idiot, you imbecile - you deserved it…

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So when was the last time you downscaled Atahalni’s gear, or does his power level always conveniently match your coincidentally high equipped item level?

His power level matches that of 420+ i level for the current raid tier, I’ll have you know.

Alas, he is 402, and it is my responsibility to portray him as accurately as possible, with the limits that I have.

I know of a few people but you’re right that 99% do just go in with maximum gear / spells myself included because my character has trained for 2000 years in a hyperbolic time chamber

Is it so curious that people play to win? They do that in restricted RP PVP also (perhaps even to a greater degree)

I like restricted more FTR because I like to tab out and watch youtube videos instead of having to press buttons but honestly IDK why you have such a bee in ur bonnet about it. Who cares if some guys want to PVP really crazily while being IC

Yeah true but what can you do? The onus is on the player rather than the system when it comes to RPing a situation tastefully

The same reason anyone roleplays weakness, I guess. You’re right that it isn’t exactly common

I agree but free emoting is the other extreme. We should all agree to settle IC fights on a Neverwinter Nights server with permadeath enabled. I was sick at that game and it had really good RP mechanics

This but unironically

Yeah Grimace was who I was thinking of

Honestly 5% is good odds, I don’t think even 5% of emote fights I see in Orgrimmar are mega engaging

make no mistake, he has no heart…

not anymore at least :grimacing:

So basically the maximum power possible to achieve? You don’t think that is a bit fishy? ‘It is not possible to RP a character more powerful than mine’.

Hello Sunyiu.


You can achieve higher than 420+ item level.

Also, which is your gripe now:

A) That people (unsurprisingly) want to RP powerful characters
B) People don’t want to downscale their character

If you want to RP a peon- be my guest. Plenty of people do that.

Epic meme but also I think it’s down to people’s personal RP Style - WoW is inherently high-fantasy as heck and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility to think that your average Warrior (the IC class, not just the noun) can leap 20 feet and smash heads in with ease. But then that’s down to how people want to RP around WoW’s setting, I guess.

Because in a /duel or unrestricted setting, there are extremely few ways to differentiate characters. Downscaling gear being one of them, but maxing out all available power is treated as the default. Imagine if the same was true for emote fights - your character is always as powerful as your opponent will play along with, with no upper limit otherwise.

Believe me, it would be far worse than it is now.

There’s a world of nuance between the Titanslayer and a peon.

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Got to protect ur harem


to me, entering rp-pvp with good-to-super gear isnt really about appearing / being powerful in the setting

its for when bgslayér-maelstrom and his goon skype group decide to join in uninvited / unwanted


It’s not a meme, my character and also Hangart roleplay undead super saiyans

yea… im one… and you are the other…


If you can not make your character’s power work with the incredibly simplistic gearing system in BFA or across 36 different specs then you are by definition creatively bankrupt.

Is it an optimal system? Never said that. Is it ok to use? Sure.

The same problem with power exists in emotes too- OOC fueled power gains are a daily thing.

Again, its not the system. It’s the player.

I’m aware. So basically play what you want, represent that as well as you please and don’t expect accommodation from others. Accommodate yourself.

This relies on good will from the other faction that rarely exists. I’ve seen choke points exploited and inaccessible high ground used as advantages, only for the opponent to resort to the following:

  • Walking through the front lines because nothing in the game mechanically stops them.
  • Immediate use of a special ability that their class possesses in order to appear behind the back line.
  • Walking off to the side and emoting that they’re using equipment to bypass the choke point or impassible terrain.

As an example, I remember fighting over this objective during the North Star campaign:

One side had claimed the objective and was tasked with holding it. The only way onto the pumping station was a narrow gangway, which was used as a choke point.

Not long into the fight, characters that had found a way past the choke point included a few tanks that pushed through the front line with no excuse, a character of a small race who claimed that his small size allowed him to walk between the feet of larger races, a monk who claimed his agility allowed him to jump over the front line, a few demon hunters who used their double-jumping and gliding to get over the front line and a guild that emoted using grappling hooks to climb the side of the station, before mounting and flying up behind the choke point.

If you try to use a choke point or any other sort of terrain to your advantage, you’re asking for the respect of the other faction. From personal experience, I think that respect’s a little too much to hope for.


You must be joking. Bending your character to accomodate a set of basic cookie cutters, a set of very specific characters - 36 in a world of thousands - is not some divine creativity, and playing a character who doesn’t perfectly match the OOC rotation is not ‘creatively bankrupt’. That is so backwards.

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that’s true actually i scanned hangart’s power lvl when his trousers fell off in chook’s campaign

off the charts

Agreed, but I can dream.

36 specs across multiple different races across 2-3 possible gearing optimizations on average is enough to make a combination number in the thousands.

If you can’t fit your character there then it is 100% your own detrimental choice, not something you can demand of people to accommodate you with.

Race has an extremely negligible effect on a spec. Switching to Tauren doesn’t suddenly let me play a shield plus spear warrior, a battle mage, a single sword duelist Rogue, and so on and so forth.

But only uncreative players would play something like that. The hallmark of creativity is sticking within a tiny designated playground and thwacking your opponent like a target dummy.

Boush, the specs ingame are each reflective of a single character. One. It is one particular arms warrior that works exactly the way the game displays. But as NPCs always have a different kit, so too can’t you expect every arms warrior to play the same character. Because you can’t possibly call that creative.