What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

Gear is also pretty nice to have for restricted PvP since you can have more HP then, and are less likely to die when that uninvited pleb yeets in on your playground and starts bursting. So really if people just limit themselves in what abilities they actually will use for restricted its gonna be a real good time.

Though i imagine for some it will get boring/dull. Since it can easily become a stale fight with nothing really happening, especially if you are a caster/ranged. Then you rarely get to be up close in the face and make those sweet rivals from the enemy faction that makes restricted RP PvP so enjoyable.

Of course for those in the backline they can always talk with each other IC to try and focus some people and get their IC interactions that way instead of just hitting a spell every 5 sec before tabbing out.

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just farm the high ilvl to actually own up in power to what your char concept is


Your argument essentially boils down to inside the box vs outside the box.

Sure I don’t mind outside the box ideas and RP, but all i know is that by making do with the tools that I have, I can have a better experience in general than if I start crazily asking every1 to accommodate my heavied armor, mana bombs, clockwork monks or whatever else.

Mfw a spear and shield warrior is an outlandish and outside the box concept.

You can do that these days, just use a spear / defensive stance (or w/e)

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Outlandish wasn’t a term that was used but yes, it is outside of the toolbox that WoW has supplied us with.

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It is of you choose to use full out pvp.

Are we arguing again about the flaws of different systems? Because I already agreed on the limitations, so I’m unsure what is your point here.

Unfortunately that only allows one specific shield.

I think it’s worth adding too that using the gear in wow and the systems at least allows me the player to have some kind of authority in my characters power level. I have the gear, I’ve set the standard.

In emote RP your idea of power means bugger all. It’s entirely at the mercy of whether the other dude/dudette plays ball. Nothing to stop them randomly deciding they won’t accept your roll, or that their roll generated consequences that are arguably way above what it was thought it would generate, or just deciding that your 20roll hit actually did very little to them and they “are quickly back on their feet”.

That can be frustrating. It can become a stubborn clash of wills and this is what leads to the hour long emote battles in org.

In both cases (duels and emote battles) issues arise where there is no prior communication about what people want out of it. There is nothing to stop you “predetermining” a duel outcome via communication is there?

But when it comes to sporadic conflict. I think q duel is reasonable, because when you spontaneously decide you want to start on someone, you usually do so on the basis you have a rough idea of how tough they are and how tough you are. If you start on someone in an emote battle spontaneously, you could easily have your backside handed to you by a one eyed barkeep who simply glances off all your rolls because that’s how they feel.

I think the threat of a duel also creates some realism when people start mouthing off, certainly hordeside. They then have to back up their words. Again with emotes they don’t have to take any real risks because in battle they can just interpret rolls how they like if they want.

The only issue with duels is where people would be all “my char is actually quite powerful but I don’t have high ilevel”… So freaking talk to the other person and sort something out? If they aren’t reasonable to requests in this manner do you think an emote battle would go any better? Pro tip, answer is NO

I guess you just got to use the power of imagination to make do, then…

I RP a battle-mage using Arms spec and just fluff/emote it as using magic instead of rage. :man_shrugging:

If I want to start chucking spells I change to the mage version of Dari and just argue that he needs to prepare differently for ranged or melee combat.

(Speaking of: Can casters/healers stop casting freely when getting stabbed in the face? imo melee interupts should be allowed but I digress)

I feel your pain, you can sorta get away with using fury for a shield + 2h weapon but it limits your abilities since most of them ask for a 2h offhand.

This is 100% my point.

Setting the standard is up to yourself. Not for others to agree upon.

Honestly, I don’t make a habit of fighting people I don’t trust. But then I do not play a super violent character who attacks at the drop of a hat.

So what are we arguing about here, once again?

It turns out that bad roleplayers are the main problem- Not the systems.

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Man what if the mythic raiding gear does not portray my character power? Its just not good enough

While this has gone off on quite a tangent…

Is it not best to just treat every character as the same? If you choose to use pvp as your medium for deciding conflict, be it duels, then you take your fate into your own hands by choice.

Prefer rolls? Then again, it’s up to you, but you should keep to that style. If you mix, you have to accept bad rolls and have to work had for gear no matter the result.

Dabbling between the various forms will always result in discrepancies and disagreement. Especially with FoTM specials or lucky runs with rolls.

Frankly I think individual power and skill is irrelevant and of no importance in RP-pvp. it’s the team effort that matters.

Yes. I don’t see why people have a problem with that.

I know there’s this whole “don’t godmode” in RP, but letting me de ide how powerful my character roughly is isn’t godmoding. Where I force that on others it is. Observe courtesy. I don’t randomly spam duel someone without talking whisper first…

But if we see us players having agency over our own power as problematic then that’s too far for me. Its my character, and honestly my immersion is totally ruined if whenever I put that guy in a situation it’s entirely up to the other person how good I actually am.

At least with duels we’ve both had the opportunity to make some kind of standard. And as said, we can chat to spice it up (I’ve duelled in mogged non max gear before where it was worked out) where power differences were obvious.

Throwing myself entirely at someone else’s judgement and emotions for resolution of a sporadic conflict is not my preferred method. I know some may, and cool they can do that. But I don’t like it and I don’t see why duelling has to be demonised. Not all duelling in RP PvP is mindless max gear button mashes. Ili just find it a more more interactive than emote mashing.

I mean gasp, in duels me and opponents have done stuff like roll in order to determine what we do next, circling each other, taunting. It is not just a wham bam muddle.

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Speaking as a healer, I’d greatly like restricted healing. Currently playing it unrestricted means I’ve got no time to write any flavour emotes I’d love to be doing. It also means I’m spamming abilities with the same intensity as I would in actual pvp/mythics ect, but it can go on for hours. That’s exhausting to do.

Obviously, I could just choose to restrict myself anyway even if the campaign had unrestricted healing. But then Horde might die more, and I’d feel responsible. Shrug.

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Then you /rw emote blowing up a hundred soldiers with a mana bomb…


Healers, especially Horde-side, have the responsibility of keeping the health of the rest of the raid topped up, so that other players can afford to type out their banter and write up their emotes, without having to worry about staying alive. It’s an important OOC function, especially if you believe in the logic that you need to be typing emotes or banter to be roleplaying.

You put more restrictions on healers, you make roleplaying in the middle of fights that much more difficult for everyone else, which gives further credence to the argument of “why don’t we just do unrestricted RP-PvP instead.”

There’s lots of truth in this too, though. Healers are so busy with the OOC responsibility of keeping the rest of the raid alive that they don’t have time to actually roleplay themselves. Restrictions would give healers the opportunity to roleplay a bit more, but at the same time, it would mean that other players would need to worry a bit more about staying alive, which leads to them roleplaying a bit less.

It’s a hard thing to balance out.