What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

That sounds really cheap, i mostly play my healer when my side doesnt have many healers / i already get cced and stunned every now and then and the result can be felt on the raid - people drop like flies.

All it would take is a few rogues just interrupting the healers and well there u have it.

Holy priest has a raid wide heal thats on cd for like 12 and 3minutes, i wouldnt be amused to have it interrupted as its the only fun part about playing that class instead of another one

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Completely agree as well. Biggest pet peeve is playing my rogue, popping out to ambush their healers and they just bubble up, keep healing the raid and /yell ASSASSIN HERE so their big boy warriors can come and stop me from airing out their ribcage.

Personally, I treat getting killed as an injury and the capacity to fight on in spite of it as a function of time and/or plot. Multiple knockouts in one battle and you can be damn sure my character spends the next day whining in whatever infirmary my faction set up back at camp.

But then, I tend to treat these things as story vehicles more than competitive RP sluggings. Arguably, I’m not “in it to win it”, so I’m actively accepting of injury and failure.

I am of course assuming the other CC limits are still in place. Ideally you shouldn’t be stunned at all, a kick just stops your casting for a few seconds (And iirc has diminishing returns but I may be mistaken) so chain kicks shouldn’t be that big a deal. And if you’re literally the only healer then that’s a problem in itself.

Then just wait until the interupt wears off in 4~ seconds and start casting it again? Cooldowns don’t go off unless you finish the cast I’m pretty certain.

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Yeah but then i’m holy locked for 5 seconds woohoo

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I do that too, except in cases where someone got really angry for some reason and decides to go OOC to gank (though more often than not I end up killing them first, survival hunter lmao)

Or cases where I disconnected due to lag of 200 people spamming at each other in a small area and log back in to find myself run over.

Think that’s what it comes down to, really. Are you in it to win at RP, or to play out your character - and the DM’s - storyline to the best of your ability? If the former, then obviously OOC death means nothing, but if the latter, please accept injury!!!

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i played healer for drums of war part 1 in Ashenvale. We usually had somewhere around 3-4 healers in our raid group. And i could immediately tell if i stopped healing for just 2 seconds. Some people would just straight up die instantly if i did that. So yeah interrupts can defo be a pain and mess with it all.


Basically yeah, his idea would just lead to chain interrupts and there u go easy win

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Pretty much. Anything that can be used to gain a competitive advantage is not really good for RP-PvP. Change my mind

Interrupts don’t have a diminishing return, no. So in the middle of a RP-PvP battle with a lot of melees around, the healer may end up unable to do a thing.

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KWhats the point in making the most boring spec to play in rp pvp even more boring? Im not annoyed at all when a rogue is tanking my blows in his leather armor!

Also whats the deal with poaching healers from horde on blue side when theres 90% paladins in your raid…


Alliance plays anything that is not paladin? Don’t you mean to say 100% of the raid is paladins? :thinking:

On the one hand, the argument can be made of “don’t get into melee range” but then you get people running through the line to disrupt healers. It’s one of those annoying things where there’s no good answer.

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This is why you have Holy Word: Concentration

Harsh truth indeed. Blue team is mostly deus vult memes on any given day.


above in ten characters

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I imagine it’s hard to actually cast a potent spell when there’s a dude trying to skewer you with a sword. When I heal (I usually switch to holy if the Alliance are playing prot-pala stack), I tend to stop healing if someone gets into melee range and Aerilen will shout for help because he can’t heal.

How is that feasible when half the time horde is struggling for numbers?

Yeah I remember healing in Drums of War part 1 as well. It felt as if I was the only healer while there were 6-7 others in a 40man raid. Which made me feel great about myself, but that feeling quickly faded when some cool guy thought it’d be fun to interrupt/chain cc me.

((Thankfully I was a druid, so nobody died anyway, god bless HoTs.))

When I fight the blood elf guilds, it’s 100% paladins. Alliance mixes in a few hunters/mages/warriors at least. :sunglasses:

Unironically can happen when communication isn’t the best, same happens when organiser is Alliance and Horde is just zerging while based + good guy Alliance is politely doing mechanics :pray:

((the rest of ur points is something I’ve seen mostly Horde do btw, guess I’ve missed out on a few campaigns where Alliance (finally?) were the ‘bad guys’…))

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