What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

Agree with all of this. RPPVP should have consequences befitting the fact that your character is choosing to Do A Violence. If you’re going just to /grin at the opposite faction, pop a crossfaction potion and wander over to their campsite to get your fix of social RP without the spooky swords.

I can see that being abused though.

In the end it can always be abused, no matter how well you make a “system” for RP-PvP. So like it has been said… atleast a hundred times in this post already. Good RP-PvP comes from people having good will, being there for that sweet roleplay and not just being there to “win”.

All forms of rp PvP have potential abuse. People who ignore the 5 second rule are a classic example of this. Rulebreakers will ruin anything.

I’m talking about addressing the dissatisfaction with battles that go nowhere for hours because there is no easily viewed signal for players when they’re done, or pushing the enemy etc. It’s all handled 9ver their heads. You have a situation where people are fighting for hours and suddenly one side retreats. There’s no clear reason why, they just do. They’re not outnumbered or anything. They just do to forward the narrative. Why can’t this be achieved with some realism by having one side lose numbers so their retreat looks more realistic?

At the end of the day everything comes down to player faith and Rulebreakers. I’m just suggesting a method that allows for somewhat more dynamics and would split up the numbers rather than have everyone present, always because nobody is removed from the fight until the end.

And yet with that method the fights would be too short as we’d quickly run out of fighters though.

Personally disagree, since the risk of death’d be the same as it is now - near-nonexistent. It’d be nice if people acknowledged it when they fell over, rather than getting instantly CR’d & joining the line again.

I disagree as well. It could easily create an even greater competitive mentality where people would likely try to kill the opposite players as fast as possible to win the battle and RP be damned.

While your suggestion can solve the problem about stagnant battles. There is something else about it. it is possible that it can make fights way more competitive on an OOC level. Which is the problem we had for the silverpine campaign. It was clearly extremely competitive. And it is true that it is always rulebreakers that ruins it and people who does not have good intentions and just wants to win.
Though i am pretty sure people also say that on paper communism works but in practice it will never work due to not everyone having good will.
Lesson to be taken from that is that there will always be people who does not have good intentions. Best thing to do with rulebreakers who makes RP-PvP unfun with their lack of good will is to note them down for future hosted campaigns, so hopefully they can be avoided like a pest.

How dare you insult Aerilen’s and my PvP

It was a really heart gripping and fulfilling plot


I’m looking forwards to season 2 on Crunchy Roll.

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the next season is really going to subvert people’s expectations and I think our fanbase is going to be pleasantly surprised with the direction the story will take


Guess they wont expect who burnt down the kitchen

Imagine the look on my face when during the finale of the Ogrepowered campaign where Horde was pinned at the top of the stairs and eventually forced to retreat through a portal due to overwhelming Alliance numbers, but they were only overwhelming because the Alliance kept ressing their people.

Marksman hunters are stupidly OP in restricted due to their execution mechanics and while I wasn’t going out of my way to wreck people, I did get ordered to cover our retreat as one of the (few) archers left standing on the Horde side and it was very immersive.

The final battle netted some 50 killing blows because the Alliance kept ressing time and time again to charge at us instead of refusing to yield ground. It was very immersive when the healer I’d killed 7 times kept ressing other people, or the rogue I killed 5 times kept shadowstepping behind our lines again for the umpteenth time.

The Horde was RPing out a retreat. Alliance was zerg rushing. It wasn’t really a surprise, though, as through out the entire campaign the Alliance went out of their way to ignore the campaign mechanics until like the last few days in favour of just zerging us and then complaining on Discord when they were behind on victory points because the Horde kept sending small squads to capture objectives and RP out the campaign’s premise and even on a couple of occasions steal Azerite from the Alliance directly through smaller side skirmishes while the Alliance kept throwing themselves at our keep walls.

Can you guess which faction got angry over the other side infiltrating their base because of Thammaron-tier wardings…


Was a huge fan of the Alliance ignoring the entire PvE aspect of the campaign then complaining they lost because they didn’t play PvE. God bless campaign attendees. :pray:


I really liked the part where we agreed on smaller scale skirmishes to reduce lag and make things more fair but the Alliance still rocks up with two full raid groups after we deliberately cut our numbers in good faith.


All that said, though, I’d call that probably the best PvP/PvE/PvMe campaign I’ve been to thus far. Interesting landscape with Ashran, environments got utilised a lot, and I didn’t notice (too) much unfair play on either side.

my kingdom for a part 2

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It was a fun campaign for sure and despite the bad faith on Alliance’s part, Horde securing a victory through genuinely being interested in the RP aspect of it instead of trying our best to win was a hilarious turn of events.

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Organiser was Horde, though, so there was probably some bias at work,.;,…,.,

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didn’t you hear? the horde organiser was telling the horde to rp the mechanics but didn’t tell the alliance anything about rp…,…,…,.,.,…

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I should emphasise MELEE interupts. If you’re in melee, you should NOT be able to cast easily. Healer or no. One of my biggest peeves is repeatedly stabbing a priest in a robe in the face but they’re still able to keep themselves, and their entire raid, alive.

If healing must be unrestricted, then at least let melee characters actively punish casters who get caught out and aren’t sufficiently protected. Healers and damage dealers alike. Maybe the female human priest I’m stabbing literally can’t feel pain or has skin made of steel IC or whatever, but otherwise I’m pretty sure my warrior can still punch them in the throat via pummel if they’re within arm’s reach. If they don’t want to deal with the consequences of being in melee, they shouldn’t be in melee.

Besides an interupt only lasts a few seconds and you otherwise still have full control of your character. It’s the least “offensive” type of CC there is (IMO CC as a whole should be permitted outside AoE stuns, fears and knockbacks but that’s a seperate topic). If you want to cast in melee, stick to instant casts. Anything requiring a cast time is hampered by being in melee both mechanically (Interupts, cast knock back, etc) and in lore (With casters needing to maintain concentration to finish a spell).

If someone has an explanation why their gnome mage is able to cast non-instant spells while a tauren batters them with a warhammer, or how a goblin priest can heal an entire army while getting jumped by a trio of worgen rogues, I would love to hear it. If they can, then what’s the point of having a frontline to protect the backline? Because let’s face it, nobody is going to respond to any of my emoted attempts to disrupt their casting. A friend of mine actually stopped healing because of their own IC injuries after getting hit too often, and they got mocked both IC and OOC for it.