What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

There’s only 1 definition of roleplay. It’s not a subjective term. Or, if you argue it is a subjective term, then there’s no point arguing about it (as in order to have a conversation you have to present an objectifiable notion).

Now, your interpretation may differ from mine- But that’s something you got to argue for.

I’m not the one who claimed that dueling isn’t a form of RP. It’s your job to convince me & others as to why it isn’t.

Unironically true in at least one case


I’m actually suprised that RP PVP even exists on Argent Dawn. When I came to this server in the end of 2015, I was expecting a PvE based roleplay (which to be fair, most of it still is), but I would have never expected people here who enjoy using a 14 year old engine to do RP fights. Isn’t that what Defias Brotherhood is for? Or was for, before BfA?

WoW PvP certainly isn’t very good, but you take what you can get.

Papa Aerilen ain’t no hussy. :nail_care:

Nah. Late WoD, Legacy of the Saurok campaign, Horde organized.

One of the best ones for me tbh, easily “golden age” material. It incorporated PvE, restricted RP-PvP and a dedicated zone + daily mechanic (so it felt meaningful and useful, not an empty distraction) where the winner of unrestricted RP-PvP gained a small trickle of advantage.

It was held on neutral land (Pandaria) so the winner was not scripted as well, nor was a winning criteria selected so… depending on the perspective of the factions, everyone won and lost ‘in some way’.

Except the pandarens. !@$# the pandarens lol. They definitely lost more than they gained.

I say bring those campaign standards back, for they were a good benchmark.


WoD was probably so good because everyone had the same gear for PvP so there was no BS there since it was easy to get and equal for everyone. So not really anyone getting 1 shotted simply because their gear was bad, if so it was their own fault for not putting in minimal effort to have the pvp gear. Also truth be told… no one cares about pandarens. They are unironically the worst race in this game, change my mind.


It was a really good campaign but I just remember the Alliance punishing people by hacking their limbs off for some reason.


Yeah, remember when a massive dose of ANIME was released into the lagoon?

I member…

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Potentially true and who am I to judge!

All I remember is: Fel spill in the Lagoon that would put BP to shame, but the Alliance players actually rolled with it and integrated it into the plot, RPing the consequences and clean-up efforts, which in turn gave way for political-ploys to obtain the Pandaren Boon (of campaign resources).

It was very hands-off, in a way. Everyone did what … they do best.

The Alliance immediately formed a council, got the High Command involved and crumbled from within.

The Horde had tea with POWs :sunglasses:

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It’s all coming back to me now, a guild got elected to lead Alliance forces who died mid campaign, we had an oilspill in the lagoon and the healing efforts were amazing RP and then an airship crash which was purely epic. Yeah, an absolutely epic campaign all in all.


Essentially yeah. It was some of the best RP I ever had with Hokima here- With him first going to plead to the Alliance to help cleanse the lagoon (and when most of them, save for Thornroot’s Cenarion Terrori- I mean Guardians, refused), he went to the Horde.

Kara Wolfmantle, Hokima, and Sanguine Eye(?), Cenarion Guardians as well as the Silent Vigil were the major parties that worked with the Lagoon- Alongside a few other individuals.

It was really great. The ending was gutwrenchingly good as well, with the elves taking the anima, instead of handing it to the pandaren, like Hokima had promised them.


how could u forget us…

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:smile: :wink:

Belok was there with the Paw, I member. Chilling on the shores of the lagoon.

But the conclusion I’m drawing here is that we did all those great twists and rolled with them… without any conclusion being scripted (except the gunship going down, by the end of the campaign, because it was Thunderbraid’s and he thought it would be cool I guess)

I think we’re still capable of such greatness!

yeah the cenarion guardians were totally the good guys in that campaign haha

totally nothing to do with the finale turning out the way it did!! :sweat_smile:

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Aye. It was great. There was even a small tournament, arranged by the Mogu.

Perroy usually always mentions the original Song of Soggoth as the best RP-event he ever ran, but in my humble opinion Legacy of the Saurok was just phenomenally good with the amount of character interactions, Rp-pvp, plot-twists and political scheming happening in the background. Krasarang wilds was also a really beautiful place with a wonderful scenary, probably the best one to date.


Couldn’t agree more :’)

Man it really did have everything, didn’t it.

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looks at Mine Tigers
looks at massive tropical storm
Looks at Feral Druid Incarnation missiles

I miss Thornroot.

Edit: LMAO I found the post.


Downpour (neutral only)

The Tactician can invoke a great rainstorm which will impede the use of artillery. This will disable “Carpet Bombing” from being used while this is in effect. The poor weather disrupts radio channels (this should be roleplayed appropriately) and the damp causes discomfort for the typical soldier, dealing 5 MORALE damage to BOTH Horde/Alliance. Ritual should be RP’d out IG for each day.

COST: 35 SUPPLY to start the storm, 20 SUPPLY per extra day if you choose to use it in succession.

As the Horde make one final attempt to warn the Alliance off, a crackled and distorted reply comes through the battered radio - the transmission badly affected by the sudden change in weather.

Horde forces. Our intention is to drop our payload upon *kzzt!*omination Point. Do not *kzzzt!*ere. We shall have kzzzt! war.

I also remember very vividly, post-airship-fall, when everybody on Horde was celebrating and Boush & Zunaj very sneakily let out some alliance captives.

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I miss him too :sob:

Also, I prefer Song of Soggoth too, but that might be because it was my first ever campaign. And sort of the way I joined TCG.

I have fond memories of being literally undergeared and Irolas two-shotting me, it was hilarious. Idk why people fear dying lmao. I screeched every time I saw him charging towards me.