What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

I mean, it’s not my job. I’ve made my case - you disagree with it, that’s fine. You’ve sort of abandoned this idea that I’ve devalued your RP by having a different opinion, so that’s good though.

And then there was of course the absolutely MAD victory rave on the Horde afterwards.


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The moment I knew this was in the bag


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how 2 improve rp-pvp in my gnomish opinion::

allow AoE for people rping ARTILLERY UNITS so i can rp my forsaken meat wagon driver.


less alliance

more focus on smaller battles with objectives instead of slugfests(these can be fun also . . .)

hope u take these improvements to heart future rp-pvp campaign organizers

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Now I feel like a sad old boomer, looking back at the golden era of RP on Argent Dawn…

An important distinction to make.

Allow knock-backs. Not knock-ups…

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sssssip now that was a good campaign


Do you ever hear the tragedy of Kara Wolfmantle the Wise?

(ps she doesn’t go by wolfmantle anymore)

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don’t tell me what to do you’re NOT MY DAD/MOM!!!

also worgen/human fem rpers are permanently pregnant anyway, might as well reduce medical costs by knocking them off cliffs.

I love how 100% of the posters here remember the Lagoon incident wrong and what the outcome of it was.

THis is how you win the propaganda war…

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No way, I always think it’s crazy that people loved the original SoS because it had very little planning / a very loose story

Legacy of the Saurok was my favourite also in terms of Horde side. Alliance collapsing almost instantly (a running theme in unrestricted in my exp) was a downer for me but it had the coolest storyline / setting and I really like the RP people created

I would say in terms of Perroy BIG NAME BRAND :atm: campaigns:
Best unrestricted: Legacy
Best restricted: Rising Storm (Hinterlands)
Best PVE only: Cost of Mana





I find that the primary advantage of RP-PVP campaigns is the fact that they bring life to an entire zone, and without restricting people to a particular town/location within said zone. The other major advantage is that it gives player characters a running topic that is very tangible and emotionally-investing for many characters.

As a result, by merely wandering around the affected zone it becomes very reliable to discover other characters you have never met before and have meaningful spontaneous RP with them. Every other kind of event forces a large number of player characters within the same building/village/district/whatever, where everybody speaks within earshot of anything else, and there’s only one main focal event at the same time.

That being said, RP-PVP campaigns shine when there’s large periods of inactivity, or when fighting devolves to brief indecisive skirmishes.

The biggest mistake all RP-PVP campaigns I’ve seen so far make is trying to keep the outcome open. Since the outcome is open and factions/classes are imbalanced, organisers also ultimately have to bake in some restrictions to make it more “fair” (protip: every definition of fairness anywhere is inherently arbitrary/subjective).

Placing restrictions ultimately leads to policing the restrictions. However, regardless of what restrictions you place, there will always be a group of players trying to bend the rules/restrictions to win, and that toxicity ultimately ends up spreading like the plague, making everybody miserable/accuse each other of cheating. However, it’s not the restrictions that are to blame for this; it’s trying to jam some kind of score-based system on something that will, anyway, be imbalanced. (WoW PVP is rumoured to be balanced around 3v3 engagements with shotblockers every 30 yards, but I wouldn’t take anybody’s word for that).

So, my advice is:

  • Avoid caring about the ruleset too much. No matter how hard you try, it will always be unfair. The only rules that you should care about are those that reduce the effect of lag.
  • Find ways to repopulate the entire zone you are going to use for the campaign
  • If there’s too many people coming in, don’t hesitate to include adjacent zones
  • Remove any and all incentives for players to win engagements. Score-based systems will only encourage try-hards
  • Try to keep engagements short somehow (e.g., by calling a premature retreat, or some kind of a deus-ex-machinae event if necessary)
  • Decide (in advance, if necessary) a campaign outcome that will not be too controversial for either side. For what it’s worth, you are the Dungeon Master for the people involved in the campaign. As long as the people are there, you can assume they have full faith in your abilities to manage the campaign.
  • If the outcome makes players from both sides want to stick around after your campaign is concluded, then you can definitely pat yourself in the back

Anyone actually taking notes from this thread on what improvements to be made?


The issue is that restricted RP-PvP -does- decide who wins.

Key notes to take seem to be:

  • Something needs to be done to try to counteract the mean-spirited, self-interested and over-competitive attitude that a lot of participants exhibit. The most commonly suggested way of doing this seems to be to have a predetermined outcome, rather than a competitive, points-based outcome.
  • The ‘community’ apparently needs to crack down on people or guilds who RP-PvP in bad faith, who exhibit that over-competitive and self-interested attitude that’s responsible for ruining RP-PvP. Exactly how they should crack down on these problematic groups and individuals is still up for debate though.
  • People don’t die fast enough but at the same time, people want the opportunity to be able to roleplay with each other through text, which is impossible if they’re dying too quickly. People want a perfect balance of engaging PvP for everyone involved, while allowing everyone to be able to type emotes and taunts at each other at the same time, and that’s just never going to be feasible.

In short, ‘ooc competitiveness is bad and people who see this as an ooc competition are bad but we’re not sure what to do about them’ and ‘everyone agrees that restricted is bad but no one can agree on how it can be made good.’


Without being ruined by griefers*

As has been reiterated many times in this thread, the system in Cata/MoP worked perfectly – until griefers come along. And every time they did if it was even moderately advertised.

basically people are dicks


Are you taking notes Meg?

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No need to it, Meg knows everything well… They call to him, like Darkness…

But aside from jokes, good to take notes and keep the points in mind :slight_smile:

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This guy gets it.

The best solution would be for people to not expect others to be at their worst, and therefor not instantly also become their worst in return. Nobody expects the other side to behave, and then start throwing accusations and break rules themselves because “they suck, look, someone messed up, nothing matters now.”

Not a problem that can just be solved though.

I’d be all for trying out an only un-restricted campaign though. I’m one of those filthy immigrants from a server where campaigns were usually held like that, and they were fun - and had lots of RP alongside the pvp. Even if I suck at pvp, because I seriously do.