What's wrong with RP-PvP and how can it be improved?

You have convinced us-- : that no one can read your Mind. Or can’t they? Truly…speking gnomish is needed. Agreed.

Apparently the answer is yes. He does need to have the last word.

(but now this is a later word!)

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Is this over the Feralas shenanigans? I wasn’t part of that.

Court of Vagrants is a well-known PCU guild

Brigante, Celestial Red Death


I can read his mind

It’s a coloring book

and the colors aren’t sticking inside the lines


Imagine the smelll laddeh… SNIIIIIIFFFFFFF

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Did you Know that in some, Circles Yue is Known as the…Red Serpent, Death of the jade Forest?


Argh yher f :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: rotters I’m going to :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::skull_and_crossbones: Amanda Langsley laddies !!!


The boss is largely intangible unless your insight is high.

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I’m sure an emote fight would be much better.

Brigante uses comma splice

Don’t try and tell me unrestricted is more fun than that!


Yue keeps telling me that she served as a high ranking Shado Pan ninja, but the story seems different every time and the dates don’t add up

Am I being deceived by a Pandaren trickster?



unrestricted is more fun than that!

I’m a bit of a rascal btw

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Feralas flashbacks

Erm. Nae… Eh,

Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?


If this is a Soulsborne boss, only you can bring him down…

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if he accepts my challenge id be willing to let him make a forum emote where he kills me 500 or something times

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Well I mean


Classical world warfare is a different subject however.

Classical warfare often stretched on for far longer than medieval warfare because of the fighting system of the day - battle forces consisted of multiple tiers of men with differing experience, equipment, and weaponry, and they never engaged all at once. It’s not often known with confidence what the battle formations and orders of engagement were from these periods, but to modern understanding, it went something like this:
Light infantry (essentially skirmishers) engage first, fighting for a short while in a bid to tire out the enemy’s first wave. After that, a second group (usually the first ‘main’ fighting force) moves in and engages with the enemy, and so on and so forth.

By the time the second or third groups were fighting, battles were usually starting to pitch in favor of one side, and routs ("panicked, disorderly and undisciplined retreat of troops from a battlefield") became increasingly more likely. These routs and ensuing chases, fueled by the increased morale of the victors, were the main cause of death in medieval warfare. In ancient times, since the duration of the battle itself was more prolonged, the retreat played a lesser role in the overall loss of life.


Shut thePostmustbeatleast10characters