What's your Forum Users tier list?

How do you rank the forum’s most notorious contributors?

Recurrent names include:
Punyelf, Erevien, Slapface, Dejarous, Twiluna, to name a few.

You can of course add any person I didn’t list, I just wrote those I see most often.


everyone knows theres only one poster that really matters … if you ask me personally

id rate slapface F tier :slight_smile:

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I´d say Dejarous F, since she always hurts innocents

A are Punyelf and Starney and Erevien

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erevien A tier? … thats about as crazy as when i went bald at 15 …


He´s very friendly to me

He’s actually making a lot of positive contributions to various threads these days, so yeah…

I would put Lillith at F Tier though, even i can only take so much drivel


Best poster ever is XD panda.

Most informative poster is Puny, she is literally a walking wowhead :laughing:

Most fun poster is Twilly.

Poster I’d most like to kick from a dungeon for no reason is Soul…

Far too many contenders for most annoying poster so I’ll just leave that one as {redacted} :smirk:


then its best you dont visit his twitter then … if you ask me personally

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I dont have Twitter, so im all good - i dont even use FB that much these days. Anyway, im off to work, so i will bid everyone a good day

Puny is friendly, helpful and generally engages in dialogue even when we don’t agree.
Erevien: Click-bait Spammer.
Twil: Fun posts, if a little spammy.


He has a youtube channel.

Do I want to know?

there is worse than me here…

i rate myself F though judging by common consensus.

I am not a forum user, I use other substances instead.

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If I had one, people from the Kazzak realm would be way at the bottom.


Name please



i like asjon the orc warrior so S for that rest are ignored except slapface…idk pick ur own rating kek


S tier: Kanréthád, been a fan since classic

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Just search his name on youtube