What's your goal this week?

LOOOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well my goal for this week is just to log in…this week if possible :)). Haven’t been able to for the past 2 days

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Goal last week was going from lvl 41 to 42, I reached level 43. Good stuff.

Goal for this week is to complete Uldaman, as last week we had a douchebag healer who led us through rooms to a tailoring trainer NPC and pulled everything to our tank, then grabbed his skills and hearthed away. Would like to finish the dungeon.

And then on Thursday… go bananas at weak Horde peons and smash some orc skulls all weekend long.


My goal this week is to get my blacksmithing up those last 10 arduous points, currently farming up dark iron ore and it’s soul destroying :c

My goal this week is to finally get my Savage Gladiator Chain. 134 runs and 13 Gorosh so far. Heard stories of 600+ runs so i’ll just keep my mouth shut when it comes to complaining.

My goal is to get at least 2000 HKs once the system hits. Anything beyond that is a bonus.

Getting bfd and stockades done

My goal is to make Blizzard understand that playing on overcrowded PvE servers is NO FUN; and make them open at least 2 preferably 3 new PvE servers. And one French RP too. Please.


I’m changing to monthly goals.

By the end of november it would be nice to have 7/8 T1

Got to level 44, happy with that, even if its only 1 level in a week. Didn’t have that much time to play. And I did Uldaman which was my goal.

I’m ill today so not working, playing WoW instead, will get to 45. I would like to finish Stranglethorn Vale by the end of this week…

Starting over on a pvp serves as it’s impossible for a new alliance plater to level anymore.

hit 54 yesterday, gonna get to grinding BRD to get 55 as the world is currently at war and questing is a no-go.

I only need Beaststalker’s Cap for the set, then crossbow from LBRS which I saw only once for weeks now. And by some chance if I get chromatic carapace, after I get epic pants I’ll drop skinning/leatherworking and go for engineering. 3 for now, hopefully will be finished this week, but most likely in a month or two.

Increase My Pvp rank some more! Enjoy my New Guild and have fun! What’s Your weekly target?

I got to level 47. And, finished Stranglethorn, llke I wanted. This week… level 49 is my aim!

hey past me, looks like we hit 60! great job :wink:

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