What's your goal this week?

lvl 60 is my weekly goal. Just 4 levels to finish, but it will be the hardest part of all levelling.

Barely played last week, only logged in once to do a few quests so didnā€™t gain a level. I want to get to lvl 42 by end of this week.

My character turned level 45 yesterday in Zulā€™Farak.

I now have enough gold to purchase a mount, and so will do that this evening, having the Carrot on Stick trinket will also add a minor speed boost.

I now have the first and only blue item Iā€™ve got hold of so far, in the form on the ring reward from the ZF quest. Maybe Iā€™ve just been unlucky, but drops for Hunters have been slim-to-nonexistent since the start.

Three full clears of SM, and one full clear of ZF have not given me a single loot drop so far, nothing has dropped in the world, and the vast majority of quest rewards are either green sidegrades, or useless for my class. Consequently most of my gear is very sub-par - worst being a two-handed Iā€™ve had since around L14, as literally nothing else has dropped, or been offered as a reward, and two rings with stamina and spirit that Iā€™ve had since around L20. The Masonā€™s Fraternity Ring is my first big upgrade.

I also need to finish the final part of Cortelloā€™s Riddle in the Hinterlands and get that 14-slot bag, which will be very welcome indeed.

Medium term Iā€™d like to get my Leatherworking to the next level, so as to be able to craft the leggings for my armor set. This is time consuming, as most mobs of around 40 still drop Heavy, rather than Thick leather. Hopefully finishing up in STV, and finally moving on to Tanaris will speed things up in that respect.

At the same time Iā€™m also going to need to start farming the Tough Scorpid Scale patterns pretty soon, or failing that. hope theyā€™re on the AH at an affordable price. After which thereā€™s going to be quite a bit of farming Scorpids in Tanaris for scales.

Farm gold by humiliating satyrs for felcloth/runes, crafting felcloth hands sometimes, saving gold for flasks for BWL and banking demonic runes. Apparently, can login twice or once a week to clean Ony/MC, thereā€™s not much to do except farming gold
On the contrary if it was TBC, not a classic, iā€™d farm offsets in BGs now to rank in arenas succesfully, after have farmed all heroics and just waiting Kara/Gruul fall off cd and clean it fast. But classic is way more casual then the game 2006-2008.

Farm the last bit of gold for ranking. Only have like 10-11k worth of consumables so Iā€™m slightly worried Iā€™ll run out before I finish.

You have 11,000 gold worth of potions for PVP? AM I reading that right?
That is dedicationā€¦

2400ish grenades, 350ish sapper charges, 700ish faps, 600ish lips, 300ish hp and mana pots, 600ish bandages, 200ish elixir of poison resistance, 40ish flasks, 40ish greater fire/frost/shadow/nature protection pots and about 5500g to spare if anything starts to run low.

Canā€™t really spare any time to farm while ranking

Wow thatā€™s amazing amount of time dedicated. Are you hoping to get one of the top ranks I am guessing?

Also 700 faps, you done that all because you wonā€™t have time to once you start PVPing? :wink:

The goal is rank 13 as itā€™s much easier than 14, and 14 isnā€™t really worth it for casters anyway.

All about the efficiency.

There are no lips before ZGā€¦ sounds kinda fishy to meā€¦

Yes there is?

Ahhhh i am an idiot. I had living action potion in my head when i read lip.
Lip is limited invul potsion though.
Sorry my bad.

Lvling as much as i can withing the limited of time i have onlineā€¦

My goal is to get QS this week.

What is QS?

Final push to 60, though I expect a few dungeon runs for gear to slow me up on it. I should get close though at least.

My goal this week is to read a Blue Post thatā€™s not a meaningless reply to a meaningless thread, but some actual answers to the questions the community has been asking. Example: What are you guys going to do about server performance? 2 raid groups meeting up is enough to turn the game into an unplayable mess. How do you expect guilds to do world bosses? Do you think Twitch streams/Youtube videos showing 20 second lag spikes will be good advertisement for WoW? Why were volunteers able to provide a better, more stable experience funded by donations? Why didnā€™t you just let us stay on Nostalrius if you canā€™t even offer us something that comes close? I wouldā€™ve gladly paid Blizzard $15/month if it meant they would let people that are actually passionate about the game continue to provide us with an immensely better product than what youā€™ve given us so far.



I want to be able to have fun in PvP without having to worry about getting ready for raids, p2 is sooner than expected so im just thinking of getting around 1k gold to last me a few weeks.

My goal this week is to be able to login