What's your goal this week?

I am the bearer of bad news…
Sadly, Mankrik’s Wife …

…has left him for a tauren shaman :frowning:


Wanna get my Leatherworking up to 225, get closer to level 40, and once I reach 40, maybe next week, do the cooking quest to go up to 300 and decide on a Leatherworking spec.

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Last night I was doing BRD Arena + Angerforge runs over and over for my chest and for Warrior to get HoJ. Shaman won the HoJ so I think ill ask Warrior to do more runs later today.

Then it’s just my cloak that isn’t prebis and I can focus on getting my epic mount.

Been fighting alliance more in preparation for P2, mostly mages and rogues

( 49, 50 )

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Hit 50, 49 at the moment :slight_smile:

You are in luck my friend! I have heard from credible source that if you go to Moonglade and punch a treant he will tell you the location. Happy hunting.

Getting as much shadow resistance gear as possible to be able to beat all warlocks and priests i fight

Some how scrape together enough gold to get my priest a mount. I’m awful at making money in WoW

Finish up Mythic Azshara on retail so i can start playing classic a little more. Gonna be nice with a break from tedious AP grind.

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Why are you grinding attack power?

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Get 40 on both of my chars and get a mount on my warrior (screw the shaman - he has ghost wolf).

Wow i really have had a busy couple weeks, didn’t get a chance to play WoW this week. Gone from 27 to 29 in two weeks. lol.
This week should be quieter so I’m going to aim for level 32 by the end of this week.

I’m trying Stoptober so hopefully… hopefully… means more time for WOW.

Hit 60!!!

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Well, both of my chars reached 40, but even if I send all of my gold to the warrior, my gf will still not have a mount, so I guess I’ll keep walking…

My goal for this week is to reach ZF level and run it several times, get Vice Grips of the Bear, maybe even Sul’thraze (I’m sword spec).

Same as last week,trying to get my https:/ /classic.wowhead.com/item=13178/rosewine-circle.
It just never drops. At this rate I’ll be wearing full epics before I finish my pre-raid bis.
Also I’m at the point where I don’t really have anything fun to do in classic besides the occasional world PvP and raiding so I reinstalled retail to get the Loremaster Achievement. It’s a very long-term goal tho.

Didnt work out, huh?

Did you find her?

I did! \o/

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Started a warr, pala, priest and a mage so gonna try to hit 25 on all. Got 2 level 13s a 20 and a 5 so might be able to hit 30 with a bit of luck.

Maybe try to climb back up over 500g, after I got my epic mount my gold farming motivation took a big hit.

Farming Ubrs for dals offhand and Gyth helm with fire resist. My goal for the week☺