What's your goal this week?

Maybe hit like 44 or so, taking my time.

mankrikā€™s wife said someone did not pass the stress test

I have a very simple goal - and thatā€™s to get my new pet turtle to the same level as my character. The turtle was L16 when I tamed it, the char was L28.

This has, thus far, involved a great deal of grinding, beginning with bears and stags in Ashenvale and now raptors in Wetlands.

Grinding is pretty dull, and Iā€™d not recommend it, but on the plus side I have a load of Medium Leather, which is a good boost for my profession, an absolute ton of raptor eggs to level cooking, and the fact that low level pets canā€™t really hold aggro against mobs several levels higher also means my melee weapon skills are levelling up nicely.

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This weeks goal is to reach 58 and join my guild in our first Rag kill on thursday! Only 15% to go. I might even hit 60. Lets see

Hit level 60 I hope.

Finally finish my UBRS key.

Iā€™d really like to be able to play.

I manage to get around 1-2 hours every night but this week especially Iā€™ve been blocked constantly by the other factions players coming down as lvl 45+ (skull to me and most people in the area) just having their fun corpse camping people until they just give up.

I get the #nochange thing when Classic was still being booted up but we need some serious discussion about this kind of behaviour from player that DO. NOT. CREATE. FUN.

Most of the players like me are returning ā€œveteransā€ which love the classic feeling but of course are grown up and have limited time.

If itā€™s going to be like this from now one, Iā€™ll spend my money somewhere else.

And before the ā€œreroll on pveā€ starts from the usual kids, no i canā€™t because a whole guild cannot just ā€œmoveā€ and iā€™m not going to reroll to play solo on another server, in a game that i already finished more than 10 years ago.

Edit: Just to not be a simple complain.

A simple system would be something like this:

Whenever the initiator of an attack kills a player that is gray to him, the attacker get a buff that reduce its damage by 90% for 10 minutes. Give the lower levels a chance to fight back without being just oneshotted.

Get my hunter to level 13 and level up my pet equally also level up cooking, fishing, skinning and leatherworking, time permitting. :slight_smile:

Goal for this week:

Reach Level 40. CHECK
Get Fishing to 225. CHECK
Finish cooking Quest to unlock cooking 300. Cook all the stuff piled up in my bank. CHECK
Become a Tribal Leatherworker, make me a Wolfhead helmet. CHECK
Farm enough Gold for my Mount. CHECK
See if I can solo the Elemental Boss in Gnomeregan to farm Hydrocane. CHECK

lvl 27 maybe 28

Blizz GMā€™s be like : Let me respond on this opinion topic which is low risk, and ignore the actual outcries of community of people who are showing concern with the future of the game. Surely this will not add further upon the already prevailing negative view players have on us.


You do realise that most people who work at Blizzard couldnt change the game even if their life depended on it, right?

Mynostro, which is exactly the problem, they are completely out of touch with their own customers.

Remember when their CEO said we said we do, but really we donā€™t ? O right laughs in active classic player numbers being higher than BFA numbers, we really donā€™tā€¦

300 blacksmithing+ get ragnaros down and maybe get 1 item from mc? Who knows maybe have a go at onyxia?! :slight_smile: iā€™m At shazzrah and 287blacksmithing so who knows?

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Hit lvl 60, farm a couple pre-raid BIS items and hopefully join an Ony pug.

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Itā€™s Thursday is it? Well it seems like by Friday I will be riding on my epic mount.

Iā€™ve done private servers a few times. Farming gold was always ridiculously nerfed and halfway through my private server time Classic was announced so I never invested fully.

This will be my first time getting an epic mount in vanilla. Iā€™m pumped boys.

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My goald this week was to farm carpace in UBRS and spam BRD for HOJ gladiator chest and the tank ring.

Close to 200 runs and 1 HOJ dropped that went to a guildie. Never seen the glad chest not even in vanilla and the ring has not been seen in classic but got it easy in vanilla.

Not looking great :slight_smile: Might also farm the last few missing pvp items.

Mine was to obtain the Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape from Stonespine, a rare spawn in Stratholme. With the help of a very talented priest I accomplished it, so now Iā€™m back to farming for my epic mount. (Spent all the previous gold on runecloth so I could buy the Orgrimmar wolf mounts)

just canceled my sub

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Tank Deadmines with guildies for the first time and as a Druid :slight_smile:

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