When are you fixing War-Mode?

Srsly, trolls this days are so uneducated.

Do you even know what a ping or a mtr is to be speaking about “networking”?

I know basics, but rely on qualified support types to explain. As they did above.

I copy pasted the sentence that you quoted from another poster’s description of what Blizz told them. “Before” indicates not within. Don’t need networking knowledge to understand that, just basic English.

You have a different explanation than Blizz for lag?

I failed to see any qualified support explaining your sentence.
Can you please elucidate me?

The above is what Devinee was told by support. You can contact support yourself to get firsthand info.

Thread is a bigger joke than BFA.

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And your contribution is the biggest :relaxed:

There is no fix for excess players in zone addon lag, and there is no fix for zone faction balance. But keep complaining lol.

I don’t lag btw. :slight_smile:

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So, I get called a liar and a special snowflake for saying I don’t get unplayable lag… and according to you it’s a server wide delay affecting everyone… but you don’t get lag?

Does that make you a liar special snowflake too?

Hmm, someone is trolling :relaxed:

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No lag :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Well, the evidence is mounting that not everyone is affected by lag.

If it was that serious an issue, blizz would disable these addons that potentially cause lag. They don’t, therefore lag is only affecting a vocal minority.

Be in the zone, fighting mobs. Somebody makes a 40 man for the world boss. 3 sec later:

General 1: Did somebody start the world boss? I got input lag!
General 2: Yep same here.
General 3: Indeed.
General 1: So it’s not me.

Now imagine 2 raids fighting each other with some non-raided up people, or 1 party is losing or wanna consilidate a win and starts a 3rd raid! That the servers need upgrades is clear when even a single 40m raid vs a world boss can cause input lag that is noticed zone wide immetdiatly when they engage.

Now imagine having good servers!

It’s not like you’re a WPvPer anyway shrug :slight_smile:

Lol, blame the servers based on zero evidence. Below is the cause of excess player lag in zone, and it’s not the server.

You are really showing us what a troll you are lol. Kinda invalidates any comments you’ve posted slagging of wm, it was all just trolling from a troll hehe.

Invalidates my comments? Not at all I’ve been WPvP’n longer than you’ve been alive my Kkona brother.

I know how sh!tty the servers are and so do the actual WPvPers hahaha.

Neither of us experience unplayable lag. Looks like our special snowflake servers are working just fine :slight_smile:

If you’ve been wpvping longer, you’ll know wpvp has been a gankathon from day one. Maybe not on boring rp realms tho.

Wm= trash
Old system= better

Depends on point of view.

I can see how players that want a realm community vibe would be unhappy with wm.

that’s what i personaly care most about, the phasing and weird sharding makes me sad