When Blizzard nerf melee mobility in arenas?

Just asking… Play as warlock is inpossible. Windwalker always is stick on you… stunning interrupting and knocking down. wtf is with that game balancing?

Melee should lose one mobility ability . Its unplayable as caster. Yep no one play caster on solo shuffles. Maybe sometimes frolst mage.
Caster must cast spells melees just instant deal damage and interrupting…


Now you’ll see all melee monkeys telling you to use your gateways, circle and learn to fakecast when they only need press one button and then press W to sit on you.
And the best part, in every thread where people complain about mobility of the melee, melee parry that saying that without mobility they will be nothing against mages - like other casters doesn’t exist.
But to be honest, blizzard doesn’t have balls to balance mobility of the melee - not metaphorical not other ones.


So nerf mages mobility too


They won’t ruin their golden child.
Look Mages are not warlocks, Blizzard will never ruin the class for the sake of others - like they did with us.
They will never allow all three specs of mages to be in bad shape like we have on warlocks.
They will never allow critical bugs to ruin mages as they do right now with warlocks.

The only spec of mage that was relatively bad was arcane in BFA/SL but now Arcane gets some treatment. While our bad design/code blizzard refuses to fix - AI of demons, design of demons, with affli they refuse to listen affliction warlocks who is sick of Malefic rapture.

somehow i knew this was gonna become another “nerf mage topic”

ppl rly cannot stand the fact that a caster is not 100% uptime for melees eh?

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Bro you play a caster with fair mobility, good survivability and a spam-able CC. You have Curses to help alleviate the pressure as well.

If all melee got 1 mobility spell removed, they would legit have less than 50% uptime on most casters, probably less. Some would straight up not be viable to even climb casually.

Casters need to stop thinking they should be totally untouchable, it’s a weird take on balance.


Nerf affliction locks whilst they’re at it.

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Shuffle has honestly recently felt M+. Rarely do I see anyone trying to follow-up up with cc, it’s all just pure dps damage.
Unless your dps partner/healers have a clue then do not q shuffle this season. You’re better off finding a random in 2s

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Give me a break. We are still waiting for Blizzard to rework every lock spec. Gateway/port should NOT be talents.

Warrior and mage all got their old utility brought back while warlocks get nothing. Where the heck is Dark bargain, Dark regenation, harvest drain life? We’re supposed to be the tankiest caster loool

You got mages out here being not only tanky but having insane mobility too.


well the only melee thats a problem for me whenever i play melee or caster is Warrior , 2x charge , leap , intervene etc , so much mobility and they can also be immune to snares and roots , can kick and stun while spinning with bladestorm and also bladestorm perma slows , warrior imo is the biggest melee offenders , tanky , passively heals etc

you forgot alter time that if they preuse it at 100% before burst window and press it when 1% hp they heal full , does not get affected by damp which is crazy , 2x block , each block can heal if speced into it , heals more than hybrid

first of all, no. warlocks are crazy right now in every bracket besides maybe 2s (they’re still fine there)

second, please try playing warrior into devoker/prevoker/frostmage/feral/sub if you wanna experience what not being able to play the game is truly like

boy i wish i had 40 yard range instant damage to use on dragons and mages

im still charging people and seeing ‘immune’ because they changed charge stun into a root like 8 years ago and instantly broke the class and make it forevermore reliant on a ret paladin to live inside of its cheeks constantly spamming freedom because unsurprisingly a DRable 1 sec duration root does nothing in a world where even warlocks can give themselves a root/slow immunity.

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What an gross exagerration. Nobody said that. And the only caster that is somehow able to “kite” current toolkit of melees is mage. Nobody saing untouchable. We are saing that melees having 100% uptime, in most cases auto aply 50%+ slow, 3or more low cd gap closers, low cd intterupts, lot of micro cc to disrupt.casting and abilities like difuse, reflect, cloak, ams etc is a bit too much and insanely infurating if youre playing class like lock ot shadow…to just stand there and tank them coz there isnt any other option.

Why cant we go back to good old…if melee is able to stick to a caster …then the caster will get shrreded. If a caster is skilled and able to kite the melee then melee should get sent. Why do we have this idiotic meta where casters are immortal juggernauts and melees zig zag yoyo ferraris with overloaded toolkit that realy looks like it was designed for them to be able to deal with mages but totaly forgot what it will do to other casters. The only question is what that would do to the bgs.


Warrior wouldn’t be B tier is melee were able to chase casters

Most melees cannot go mage or warlock, because unless they’re given freedom there is no way he will connect, as a wl you have 70% slow curse and thats more than enough to kite them if you cycle well your port and gate

Yeah, warrior has two charges and cdr on it and yet nobody wants to play it because it is kited by the whole pvp classes


what utility, if i remember correctly we lost ice nova and supernova to node talents

im not sure u realize that but warriors on their own has 4 ways of removing any slows, one of them being 1m cd racial lol
and the 70% curse if 45s/1m cd

sorry, its 5 ways, forgot about avatar removing slows as well
so its escape artist/bitter immunity/rally/bladestorm/avatar

also lets not forget that 99% of the time even with demonic circle soulburn up warlock is still slowed vs a warrior because harmstring doesnt get removed usually and doesnt stop slowing even with soulburn freedom up
so its not like a warlock can escape a warrior who knows what he is doing with the help from his teammates

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thb whats need to ne removed is frostbite, that is the main predator for stupid design

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Tbh in current meta unless you’re mage, kiting has so little uptime. Lets see lock - 90s on gate, 30s on port, and both of those need a set-up (oldschool design when game was much slower). Unless meele enemy spent their CDs randomly on someone else, there’s no way you gonna escape. Just a second or two of catching breath, thats it. And on top of that a single on-demand CC which is Coil (+infernal if destro or pet stun if demo).
In terms of tank - every 3m you can have a combo of pacting + wall, yeah during that youre pretty tanky. But in all other cases youre just a meat to beat…unless you put enough pressure with damage. But for that you either have to be A/S-tier spec, or successfuly fake-cast.

So, overall in terms of kiting and tankiness, Id pick mage all day and night. Both frost and arcane, dunno about fire rn. I’m not saying other casters than mage are dead, theyre all decent (less or more), but compared to many meele specs you cant just braindeadly play as the mechanics are much less forgiving. Which is discouraging for players that want to try them, like why would anyone suggest trying lock instead of mage, lol?


one of the many

other is everyn icelance spam mechanic

its not icelance dmg being overtuned, its the fact that it can be spammed so many times that makes it easy and bad design

maybe but higher priority do have things that make others gameplay feel worse like frostbite, or rising dragon sweep and static field totem with projection totem

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