When did they introduce solo/premade queues?

While I enjoy the PVE content in classic, I really can’t say that I’m very happy with PVP. Why? Because as a solo/duo player we get matched against full premade teams in WSG/AB but no premades in our team.

I understand that it was like this back in the day, and you don’t need to tell me. :slight_smile:

But I just want to know, when did they change the queue system to get more fair matches TBC/WOTLK/CATA ?

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It was never like that in vanilla. The main problem is that Blizzard changed the system to crossrealm (which was never in vanilla and not even in tbc/wrath). So a custom change is the reason you mostly meet premades. The obvious answer is to implement a premade vs premade queue to have a vanilla like experience again. This or they have to go back to the server/battlegroup PvP-System (like it was in vanilla). While you played against a premade in 1 of 6 matches in vanilla you play against them in 19 of 20 matches in Classic.


They introduce arenas in TBC and removed the ranking system of classic. People could still premade but since there was not ranking from bgs there was not really a point of trying to form a strong premade and farm max honor per hour.

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This is not true it doesnt change anything on every Realm u see many Premade Groups and the crossRealm BG is really cool tbh cant wait for Crossrealm Arena that would be insane

Nice try but your propaganda won´t work here. The amount of premades because of crossrealm made most pug players stop. This is the reason we have 95% premade games now. This would never have happened if Activision didn´t implement a custom change and would stick with serverwide BGs. You already have serverwide Arenas, it´s called BFA. This game fits you much better but stop trying to ruin classic with its terrible systems.

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Never. Retail still has the same queue. The only seperate queues that exist within the game are for EXP Off players.

Oddly enough, that’s what I keep telling people that want seperate queues.


Bro even on Prealm u mostly had Premades. And that Change is the best almost every1 in the PCommunitie likes it.

And now dont annoy us with ur ruin Classic

112 243 335 are all great patches spellbatching is a worst gamebreaking change the rest are quality of life changes

They never did. It’s just that you notice it more in Classic when you get the best pvp gear from normal battlegrounds.

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Okay, so the only solution right now would be TBC with the introduction of arenas. Most premades would most likely move there.

Yes. TBC will kill premade BG, because there really is no point to it.

Stop lying about this, there was cross realm queues in vanilla.

From 1.12 release notes(22 August 2006):
For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. PvP Battlegrounds link
[Alterac Valley], [Warsong Gulch], and [Arathi Basin] so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for some brand-new challengers!

You have no idea what you are talking about.

There were battlegroups of 6 servers together, all combined having roughly the same population of a high pop server nowadays.

You could still recognise players, and run into the same person a few times. The whole experience was actually quite a lot different.

Also it allowed for some elitist attitude, “us battlegroup 7, the most hardcore of all Eu” etc.

Main point is that the selection of ppl you could be pitted against was much smaller.

And how is this relevant to premades vs solo players?

Not. It’s relevant to your own post though. I guess I wanted you to stop trying to be smartass when the opposite is true.

Premading will be less popular long before TBC.

Premading is overly popular now because the gear is BiS. Once we get AQ40 and Naxx, the gear loses a lot of value and so less people strive to obtain it.

People premade because they want the BiS gear and premading is the most efficient honor per hour. Once the reward isn’t worth the effort, less people will efficiently farm. And that’s when people start playing battlegrounds for fun, instead of reward.

If you hate premades, all you have to do is wait.

Premade will still exist in TBC at least on the release to farm PvP gear maybe ?

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Ofc they did. During cata, they introduced rated BGs for groups of 10, where you get matched against opponents based on your mmr.

They also limited random BGs to groups of max 5 people, although it could be circumvented quite easily for a long time.

Also, by moving rewards to arenas (BC), they killed the BG-premade meta.

All in all, the retail BG system is much better (or used to be, during cata-mop at least), both more competitiv and more casual friendly. Too bad the class-design itself sucks.

I dream of a timeline where they went for rated BGs and shafted arenas (which imo are the cause of class-uniformisation)

Ps: random BGs never got a “skill” matching system (solo-queue), but they got a role-balancing system (ensuring you get about the same numbers of healers on both teams). taking full premades out of it does balance it a lot tho.



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A reason was also the influx of new players during vanilla. Back then a lot of 'noobs" puging now a lot of “pro” premading.


Its still cross server queues or wasnt it? lol