When is the next bot ban wave?

So, this is half rant/half question and was wondering how often bot wave bans happen?
Just as we are speaking, I was farming glowspores to transmute Dracothyst and I must have seen at least 20 bots (You can notice because they all go up in the exact same way and fly in the exact same manner (Up in a straight line then the 3rd vigor ability)) and this is all day (Have farmed before at 7am, at 4pm, at 9pm and 2am on different days) and every time seen bots. Even seen a botting guild which I don’t know how to report.

Also, is it worth it even to try to make money anymore through professions? I got alchemy last and I see the Tepid versatility phials being extremely low in price.

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I estimate monthly.

Thanks for the answer. Also, about the guild specifically created by and for bots, how do I go about to report that, if you could guide me in the right way?

I recommend to give additional evidence why you think it’s a guild of botters and send it to Hacks@Blizzard.com generally video evidence may be useful.

While your report will be used for the next investigation, you may not see immediate effect of it or receive a reply.

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