When will the alliance bias end

I will not stop until Blizzard gives me what I want. A Horde that is as much a super power as the alliance is. That means we get a cast of leaders with demi god powers who can solo entire armies.

Something like this

and this

and not to forget about this too.

Bfa was an alliance biased addon. Now we need Horde bias to repair the damage that was dealt to the Horde.

She is just there to make peace. She is just like Baine and Thrall. Who crawl deep into Anduin’s butt.

Which will be regrown thanks to the seed Tyrande got from the Winter Queen.

Exodar has been used to build the Vindicaar. So there was an update eventually. Silvermoon didn’t get a similar attention. Half the city is rubble.

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Easy, just buy the company and make them do it.
If you can’t, grow up and accept that it’s not your story.

As Ion Hazzikostas said: “‘For the Horde’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘Against the Alliance’”
The Alliance needs some blood on their hands, questionable choices and actions, no argument here. But what you want is one-sided “style over substance”-storytelling as compensation for one-sided “style over substance”-storytelling. You don’t care how the story is told or how plausible certain events are, that’s why you lose every debate int he story forums.

That’s what good leaders should do: Strive for their people to be able to have a peaceful life.

Finally, you’re getting closer to the core of the argument. Tyrande gets a seed, just as… the Forsaken purge the plague from Undercity.

No, you’re absolutely right, I just visited it ingame. Truly a magnificent sight, behold, the reworked glory of the Azuremyst Isles and the Vindicaar:

Seriously, there has been no update. In the story, they were even at the point where the Exodar was repaired and ready to fly, just to… switch to the Vindicaar in Legion. It’s almost like they realized that a flying Exodar would have required them to update the Draenei starting zone. :stuck_out_tongue:


I deserve to get my due. Bfa made me miserable. What I desire is for the Horde to have a victory for the Horde against the alliance. Basically reversed Bfa.

Did the alliance or did they get not amazing cinematics where their heroes utterly bamboozle the Horde with no negative consequences?

What the Horde SHOULD be doing is to destroy the alliance no matter the cost. Their continued existence is a threat to the wellbeing of the Horde. Especially when people like Jaina and Tyrande exist.

and get a leader who undermines the Horde war effort by turning over Gilneas with no strings attached. The alliance would never show such a gesture. Outland is still in ruins and countless Horde soldiers died in the last war. Not to forget about Rastakhan whose death remains unavanged.

Not more than any other player. You’re just one among many. As long as you don’t get people to support you, you won’t change anything. But you don’t even try to convince anyone, you just throw a tantrum and yell “I’m right!”.

I could argue with you about that, but then you would try to negate the “negative consequences” with “arguments” like “So what? Tyrande has a seed now, that basically erases the Teldrassil genocide”.
Or I could explain to you for the 100th time how the Horde had a far more compelling, self-discovery-storyline as a faction, with Saurfang reflecting over the past and the founding of the Horde, but then you’d just counter with “Saurfang is a traitor! Just like Baine! For the Banshee Queen!”
So, no, thank you. We’ve been there. Many times.

Thank you for your subjective opinion.

Yeah, especially those two. They had NO reason to hate the Horde. :poop:

Calia: “The Forsaken have been used and left behind by my brother, they’ve been used and left behind by Sylvanas, they don’t have a place to live and there’s still a mad Worgen out there who wants vengeance and also his house in the neighborhood back. Weakened as we are, it could be wise to kill two birds with one stone. If the Alliance helps us in cleaning Undercity, I’ll promise to advocate for a return of Gilneas to its King. In the best case, there’s no more need for war, worst case, it would buy us valuable time.”

Erevien: “OMG ShE’s UnDeRmInInG hOrDe WaR eFfOrTs, BuRn ThE wItCh!”

But let me guess, you didn’t even think that far, did you?


It just grants the Alliance another staging point where to gather their armies for the next attack against Horde outposts. It is literally the worst strategy a leader could value.

They killed countless Horde soldiers. Yet the trash council did nothing to kill them. They roam free and will soon kill even more Horde people. That is what Bfa showed us. Them being merciless Horde killers.

I just speak the truth. The council leads the Horde towords its doom.

They don’t. All the Horde did was self shame and weakening. The Horde is nothing anymore. They were ruined by alliance bias in Bfa.

I cheered when Saurfang died. He was a filthy traitor who made pacts with the alliance.

I am the last bulwark against alliance bias. Without me the Horde will be soon deleted because Afrasiabi was a huge alliance fanboy.

Not when you don’t have a base.
Not when you have to rebuild a city.
Not when you’re vulnerable to attacks.

Theramore. Teldrassil. If they… you know what? Just google “Causality”.

Thank you for your subjective truth.

Thank you for your subjective truth.

Case in point.
You’ve just proven what I said about your “argumentation”, thanks.

Thank you for your subjective delusion.


Which is the fault of the alliance.

Were legitemate military targets. Jaina has no one to blame but herself. Her forces invaded the Barrens. The Horde was just defending itself.

Objective truth. The alliance is Blizzard’s favored faction. That is a fact since MoP.

He was the doormat of Anduin. All he did was to make sure that the Horde fights itself. The alliance got what they wanted in the end. A fractured and weak Horde.

Once I get enough followers on youtube I will go to Irvine and force Blizzard to change their lore.

Again, Causality, that’s “C-a-u-s-a-l-i-t-y” - in your case it’s important not to forget the “i”.

Careful. When you use “The best defense is a good offense” as an argument, you’ll also have to measure the Alliance attacks as “defensive actions”.

See, a few years ago, I would have asked you to prove it. But since I know that you would just spit out more interpretations and headcanon, I’ll stick with:

No, that was Sylvanas. But once again, you excel at argumentative cherrypicking, while ignoring everything that contradicts your claims.

(I’ve nothing to add to or comment on that statement, I just want to make sure that people see who they are dealing with whenever they intend to take you seriously)

The majority of the Horde was on her side. Saurfang and his rebells were the minority. Learn your lore.

Saurfang was a pawn of Anduin. And finally the Horde broke itself by electing a council that would be meek towards the alliance. The Horde died when the council took power.

I am radical yes but we need that sentiment if things are supposed to be different. Without a bit of force nothing will change and alliance bias keeps holding the lore hostage.

Again, irrelevant for the argument.
Sylvanas wanted as many victims as possible, no matter which side they were on. She instigated the war just for that.

“Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his self-mockery level?”
-“It’s over ninethousaaaaaand!”

Again, thanks for your subjective opinion and interpretation. Once again, that’s all you have to offer.

“I will go to the other side of the world and just make them do it!”
That’s something a toddler would say.
What do you expect? That Blizzard executives look at your YT channel and say:
“Oh dear! A german guy with receding hairline and two digit Youtube followers threatened to come here and make us change the lore! Quick, call the Pentagon!” ???

Let’s be honest, you’ve made your case and promoted your YT channel (almost a month ago) in international forums - and it brought you… 25 followers. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah, that stupid retcon rears it’s head. It was colossally stupid, when SL was announced, but it only got worse, with the benefit of retrospective seeing that she did basically nothing in Shadowlands, before flopping back to our side unceremoniously…

It’s kinda funny that the consensus I’m feeling now ingame is to just forget pretty much everything about Shadowlands, once it’s done, even among roleplayers…

Kinda funny… but not surprising.


It is my only chance left. Otherwise Blizzard will never notice me. I want the Horde to rise and make them great again like it was in Warcraft 2. All that came post WoW was crap lore.

But in Warcraft 2 the Horde only had half a continent (Stormwind + Khaz Modan without Ironforge and Lordaeron and Quel’thalas never surrendered) so it’s much less than current Lordaeron, Quel’thalas plus a lot of lands in Kalimdor and the islands like Zandalar and Suramar too…and they had less characters overall, too…

Doomhammer, the Blackhand Brothers, Zuluhed, Kilrogg, Zul’jin. I think that is more then enough. Remember the original Horde was numerous. Also Amani are a bigger tribe then the Darkspear.

If you’d post in a civil manner and contributed to discussions with actual arguments, you’d probably convince players, in turn get more support from the community, which would lead to a higher chance that Blizzard notices you and counts your statements as representative for a bigger part of the playerbase. But you didn’t even try that.

If they noticed you right now, they’d see a guy with a ton of forum penalties, who tries to bypass these penalties by creating starter accounts, who keeps on spamming in different international forums, insults other players and engages arguments and derails lore discussions with weird, misplaced “Die, Alliance Scum! For the Horde!”-Roleplay Messages. If anything, you’ve given them many reasons not to listen to you. :man_shrugging:

Blizzard keeps telling you with these bans that you need to change your behaviour in the forums. Even if they would “notice”, why should they listen to someone who doesn’t even abide by the forum rules?


It’s quite simple chaps - abide by the forum policies, bring constructive ideas to the table, don’t insult others for having different points of view and Blizzard are more likely to take note.

It’s not that hard…and if you find it hard, then that’s is a serious “you” problem.

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I already presented by arguments. The alliance has won every battle in Bfa. The alliance gets better allied races. The alliance has amazing leaders. These are the facts. Blizzard favors the alliance in every way possible. The Horde story is just an afterthought. Nobody wants to play the faction who always loses every war they participate in. The Horde is a dead faction due to the disaster that was Bfa.

Once I am back to the german forums I will once again spread my message. Nothing can stop me. I will defeat alliance bias. Or die trying.

I never do that.

Dontcarevien: “Except the one for Teldrassil!”
Erevien: “No. The Alliance won the Warfront!”
Dontcarevien: “But the Night Elves lost their holy tree / city and the majority of its population!”
Erevien: “That doesn’t count, they have reclaimed their territory!”
Dontcarevien: “So then Rastakhan’s death and the Dazar’alor-raid also don’t count? The Zandalari have their city back.”
Erevien: “Well, err… that… ALLIANCE BIAS! FOR THE HORDE! LOK’TAR!!!”

… We’ve been there. :yawning_face:

Please, just google “fact” and “opinion”. Don’t make me explain it to you again. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

he said, while he attested an “alliance bias” to anyone who dared to disagree with him.

“… he proclaimed full of determination, mounting his proud steed “Rocinante” and ordered Sancho Panza to follow him and face an enemy the world ignored to see.”

Well… once again: No one contradicts Erevien better than…

It’s preposterous that you even dare to call other people “liars” with your track record. :clown_face:


Let’s make a quick facts check.

Army intact?

Night elves: yes. Army of the black moon currently occupies Darkshore
Zandalari: No, the alliance decimated the army. Their man power is now less then 40. The Empire is currently not able to secure their own borders. Without the aid of the Horde Zandalar would be a dead kingdom now.


Zandalari: ALL ships were sunken during the initial strike of the alliance during the battle of Zuldazar. Right now Kul Tiras has complete hegomeny over the sea in Azeroth.

Night elves: as part of the alliance their fleet remains undamaged and was able to bring forces to Zandalar and Kalimdor without issues.

what about their leaders?

night elves: all of them survived the burning on Teldrassil and kicked some serious Horde butt during the Battle of Darkshore.

Tyrande, Malfurion, Maiev, Shandris, Mordent and Jarod are fine and supporting their faction with all what they have.

Zandalari: Rastakhan died and was replaced by a coward who agreed to the peace treaty with the Alliance ignoring Zandalar’s cries for revenge against Kul Tiras.

so what does this tell us? The Zandalari are close to collapsing. Another rebellion against Talanji will soon take place and finish what scraps are left of the nation. They are as good as dead.

However the Night elves are on the rise. Tyrande got a wildseed from the Winter Queen which she might use to grow a new world tree where they can build themselves a new city.

all in all. It seems like Horde races aren’t allowed to hate the Alliance without being sanctioned by the Horde council who only cares about preserving peace over everything else. Meanwhile Turalyon and Alleria go around torturing inoccent Horde civilians and nobody is stopping them.

Alliance bias is a real problem. Accept that fact and help me overcome it. Everyone is free to join me and tell Blizzard exactly what the problem is with their mediocre lore writing.