When will the alliance bias end

Yet, they purged it and can “live” there again. You may not like it, but your claim is disproven, Undercity is not “lost”.
(That said, you can still enter it by talking to the Bronze Dragonflight NPC, so… wrong again).
Fine, if you want me to address the Calia thing - congratulations, you’ve played yourself again. She is not “the” leader, she is one voice in the leading council.
Add to that, that you have been crying for months about “the fact that the horde leaders have no magical powers at all and are weak compared to the alliance”.

You’re really entering whole new dimensions of self-mockery.

That’s easy. Your whole “argument” is (just as I said) “If Blizzard cared about the BE lore, they would follow MY wishes and my wishes only”. That said, I have no idea why Blizzard doesn’t see the need to give the Draenei- and Blood Elf-starting areas / capitals a long overdue rework.

Then… you don’t fight “for the Horde”, you fight for yourself and yourself only. I mean… you literally just admitted that. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Going by your Undercity logic in the beginning of your post - is Gilneas repopulated already ingame? Is it an Alliance capital?

Spoilers: Of course not. Right now, Undercity is way closer to being an ingame capital again than Gilneas. Am I smelling a double standard in your “argumentation”?


Calia is not Horde and never will be.

And that is still true. Calia would never harm the alliance with her powers. Meanwhile Jaina rolled all over the Zandalari in Patch 8.1. The double standard is obvious here.

You can do the same with Teldrassil. Still there are ton of night elf fans crying about it. I just add a Horde voice to the scenery. Since the rest of Forsaken community evaporated 3 years ago.

If Blizzard cared about a good Forsaken government they would have added some voices who hate the alliance instead of people who crawl into Anduins butt like Voss and Calia do. We need more black bride and Mortuus instead of palidd lady.

I am the last true patriot of the faction. All the others have surrendered to alliance bias.

Calia wants to withdraw all Forsaken forces from there. That is literally the first step. The other way around you don’t see Anduin advocating for pulling his forces back from Azshara and Durotar. Explain that to me.

Disproven. She’s part oft new Desolate Council, your headcanon doesn’t matter.

Now you’re speculating. :yawning_face:

The Alliance attack on Zandalar happened BEFORE the Zandalari officially joined the Horde. That said, do you even know what “double standard” means?

Irrelevant, that wasn’t the point. You said that you can’t enter Undercity ingame, which is false (but also not important in this discussion).

Once again you reply “If Blizzard cared about the Forsaken lore, they would follow MY wishes and my wishes only”.

Then why are you always using “we” whenever you demand something? At least be honest and make it “I” or “I and my 25 YT-followers”.

So you agree that Gilneas is not an Alliance capital right now and nowhere near repopulation. (And no, you will not bait me by moving away from your original argument that “the Alliance got Gilneas back”, which is hereby disproven :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Ultimately DIDs are a glorified Dwarf reskin. I’m surprised they got a herritage questline at all, as I’m uncertain some proper races even got theirs like Worgen or Dreanei. It’s not that i don’t appreciate how disappointing it can be, but rather that i think there are bigger fish to fry regarding recent lore.

Rastakhan was killed because he was an ally of the Horde. Also the Horde betrayed the Zandalari since they did nothing to punish Jaina. All in all the Zandalari were bamboozled in the most pathetic way possible. Kul Tiras joined the Alliance at full power. Meanwhile Zandalar had to be beaten to a pulp and losing everything what made them cool. Thanks the the attack they are a ruined nation now.

Anduin and Jaina are her closest friends. And she has proven she wouldn’t harm the alliance since she didn’t tell the rest of the Horde about the alliance spies send by Greymane in the alliance side of the new questline.

I can send you a screenshot. The ruins of Lordaeron aren’t the actual city. If you know how Forsaken work you would know that. But it seems to me you have never been in Undercity by yourself. So i know you argue in bad faith.

Whether they are a reskin or not appearance wise, doesn’t really matter. Most allied races are unique enough culture wise and lore wise to have stories based on them, and some of them like the DIs and the Maghar even have open plot threads left that could be utilized.

They chose DIs because their weapon models were already in game, simple as. The hammer, axe and shield were datamined a long time ago, during BFA, but were made available to players now. That really doesn’t excuse how poorly made the questline to obtain them is, especially when there are plot threads concerning the race that are either open and could utilized to make something more satisfying or that they could actually easily involve the parent race (the dwarves) who are starved for anything new just as much. It just screams laziness or at least disinterest.

My overall point was that Erevien’s timing for opening his next “Alliance bias” thread was hilariously bad, given the recent content added.


Again: Irrelevant. That wasn’t the point of the argument.

So did Velonara, she saw through the disguises as well and stayed silent - are the Dark Rangers now traitors, too? :poop:
Stay with me, here comes a mind-blowing, freaking crazy idea: Maybe they didn’t harm them, because… the Alliance agents were actually helping them?!

Even though this point continues to be irrelevant for the discussion, once again, simplified for you:
Erevien: “You can’t enter undercity in the game.”
Dontcarevien: “Yeah… Technically, that’s incorrect. You can timewalk to the “OLD” Undercity. Anyway, that doesn’t matter.”
Erevien: “But… I can send you a screenshot how it is, you probably don’t know the Forsaken because you have never been there and I just assumed that so it must be true xDDDDDDD” :clown_face:

Got it now? The only thing you have proven by that is you keep missing the point.

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That’s not really what the thread is about tho. The Horde got put through the ringer recently and the Forsaken especially got curbstomped, in a way that will be tough to come back from. Particularly after being saddled with Calia… It’s not as terrible as it could have been, but it’s far from good.

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The “thread is about” the headcanon of one player that keeps reposting the same threads over and over again (just search for “alliance bias” and his name). Players like you (who mean well) just validate his self-righteous ego trip by feeding him arguments, unfortunately even when he literally says that HE won’t stop until Blizzard fullfills HIS wishes. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


No, the Horde AND the Alliance have been put through the ringer recently. Erevien, as usual, just ignores the fact that the same events that concluded with the Forsaken curbstomped, also, for example, left one Alliance race genocided, two homeless and made everyone on team blue hold the moronball during their tenure as background extras on the Horde crapshow, while also turning the faction, as a whole, completely into Anduin Empire and pals, just because Danuser said in an interview that the Alliance won two warfronts that will barely matter in the long run.

Contrary to what Erevien might believe, someone’s favourite faction or race being in a miserable state is not a zero sum game with the other races and/or factions. There is enough room for all of us to be disappointed. One can argue all they want about who got it worse, but by that point that boils down to personal opinion and little more.


Aliance lost nothing of consequence. No name NPCs are an infinite resource since we all know Blizz doesn’t have the restraint to make it matter, while the tree is going to be regrown due to the seed thing Tyrande got.

Less is more, when it comes to being bombarded by fecal matter. Aliance has suffered from being Humans&co, from basically the get go way back in the RTS days. It’s just more obnoxious, with Anduin and the human potential :smiley:

Which will take a lot of time. (ever seen how gigantic teldrassil was?) They will much more likely let the forsaken rebuild undercity and give back gilneas to the alliance which also will be rebuilt. This’d also make sense in world building context to compensate both factions with the same number of capital cities.

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Maybe not a lot of time if the Dragon Aspects, Malfurion and other powerful characters help its grow and bless it since the beginning…and also for Gilneas it depends if Blizzard still want the main Worgen group to live alongside the Night Elves in their capital like it was in Darnassus, or not… if not, maybe Gilneas will still be reclaimed by the Alliance (Calia has to discuss the matter both with the council of the Forsaken and the Horde leaders council after all, so it’s not a finalized decision to withdraw the Forsaken troops just yet), but that Gilneas will become a proper Alliance capital city in the (far) future is very iffy anyway, for Blizzard the new Night Elf (and maybe Worgen at the same time, too) capital has priority over Gilneas clearly

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Why would it need time at all? It’s magic, not just nature. Magic driven by plot convenience, I might add, which usually is the fastest kind of magic. I kinda doubt they’ll include models of the tree in various growth stages. It will be planted, and it will be fully grown, with nothing much in between. And it will take as long as is convenient for the devs, not as long as the unwritten laws of the written universe suggest.

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Worth remembering that Teldrassil basically came up after Nordrassil went boom 5 years before Vanilla. Along with several other "world tree"s planted by the Worgen i think, in Felwood and Blasted Lands and such.

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But is Merithra of the Dream considered an “Aspect” after Ysera and can she give the same boon that Ysera gave to both Nordrassil and Teldrassil?

It totally is. Quel’thalas has been ruined for the past 15 years. Meanwhile Undercity is still locked behind a door. Not to mention that the alliance plant Calia usurped leadership over the Forsaken and directly undermines the Horde war efforts by making ammendmends to Genn Greymane. The Horde is dead. And alliance bias is to blame for it.

Probably not, but she could still help the growing process quite a bit I guess…

also the tree in the Firelands grew up to quite big proportion relatively fast (I think few weeks considering the timeline of Cataclysm and the time needed by the players to fully complete the questline there).

And it was in a completely hostile and dangerous environment for a tree too, with all the lava, fire and heat… (in fact as a concept for imagining christian Hell, I like to compare it more to the Firelands rather than the Maw, despite the lack of Demons and Undead) :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp:

With the current story trend we are already lucky that they don’t “ruin” it even more by outright giving Windrunner Spire and village to the Void Elves when the zone will be finally updated…or maybe even lift the exile completely and make Silvermoon an open city for Void Elves and High Elves of the Alliance too :sweat_smile:

I would rather give the whole ruined part of Silvermoon only to the Nightborne so Thalyssra can give us a taste of Suramar stylish Shal’dorei architecture right next to Silvermoon, but with Blizzard you never know… they surely have in mind something with the Void Elves and Quel’thalas too, because of what Alleria and Umbric say about Silvermoon going back to the Alliance, so maybe an Alliance attack against Quel’thalas is coming if your personal wish for a new faction war really happens eventually…so be careful for what you wish…

Just as the Exodar has been a pile of scrap for 15 years. No alliance bias there, both factions have a construction site.

Just as Teldrassil is burned down in the main timeline. Still no alliance bias.

Still your headcanon and already disproven by Calia herself.

Then grow up, move on and stop dancing on the corpse.