When will the alliance bias end

Finally you admit that Blizzard has alliance bias. That is all I got to say to you. We are done talking.

Of course, the Horde coward hides behind his starter account and runs away! That’s why the Alliance is the better faction, we know honor and pride!

But that’s the human flag, not Dwarven… :stuck_out_tongue:

(no seriously, the lion’s head should just be the symbol of Stormwind…the Alliance as a whole should have had the seal of Lordaeron like in the old times…but Blizzard refuse to do that because Lordaeron is lost to the Alliance, I guess…)

more likely alt account because his main got banned…again.
It wondering me why he is still even here, he should have a longer timeout for being the forum clow again.
In the german forum he is thanks god absent for two mounths, migh be banned for spam and bypassing banns by using alt accouns. (whch he ironically he admit)

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just for a week this time. I will be back by Wednesday.

and you admit here you bypassing an bass, which is forbiden by foren rules.

I adwise everone here to report him by bypassing bann, he admit it with this.

to be fair erevien gets banned so often that starter accounts is all he can play :smiley: i guess not even the horde bias mods want to hear him ramble on about alliance bias :smiley:

Let me tell you a story about a guy who called other people liars. Once upon a time…

The end. :clown_face:


Alliance bias has been a thing since TBC at least. Blizzard killed dozens of Horde leaders while the alliance remained unharmed. That is unfair and needs to change. The Alliance deserves to lose the lore characters it holds dear.

and thats is a lie, or shoud i remand about arch bishop benedictus, admiral taylor, amber kearen, varian and then the many teretories that the alliance lost

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You see, Erevien does a neat little trick where those aren’t Alliance losses.

Also, Kael’thas and Arthas are Alliance loses, not Horde.

He was hostile to everyone in TBC, but before that hr ruled Dalaran as one of the Council of Six (Alliance from W2 to WotLK) for longer then he “ruled” the blood elves. He also worked very well with the (later) Alliance night elves when he led the blood elven survivors in Lordaeron. And two of three Thalassian factions are Alliance.

So you see Kael’thas is actually an Alliance loss.

Ans well, Sylvanas is an Arthas 2.0 but she somehow gets forgiven for doing exactly as Arthas did, and she gets to diss the last ember of his soul.

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By that logic every character that’s not Orc, Troll or Tauren is an Aliance loss… Including Kil’jaeden.


But back then he was not the Head of the Council of Six (that was Antonidas at the time i guess) so that doesn’t count. Normal members of the Council are not considered the proper leaders of Dalaran, only the Head is because he takes the final decisions about Dalaran despite listening to the opinions of the other Council members, too. Also Kael stayed in Dalaran only because he was likely tired to stay in Quel’thalas because of his father Anasterian ruling there (and being beloved by the people unlike him) anyway.

In fact, I’m sure Kael’thas since his birth overall stayed a longer time in Quel’thalas as the Prince rather than in Dalaran as one of the council (you gotta count all the years since he was a young kid after all).

Never. You may or may not count him as a Horde leader as Erevien does (and I am not against this idea either), but never Alliance like a standard Alliance leader. Alleria and Vereesa yes (Vereesa technically no, because she’s leader only of a small group like the Silver Covenant, not of all the Alliance High Elves who are several groups having different opinions about themselves rather than a proper faction, like the Quel’lithien who abandoned all arcane magic usage and went cold turkey for their addiction, and then the Dalaran and Stormwind High Elves who used the magic of arcane artifacts abundantly of course), but never characters like Kael’thas or Sylvanas were Alliance leaders anyway, not even during the Second War.


Without Varian, these are all secondary or even tertiary minor characters that were introduced specifically in WoW (and specifically for being either normal soldiers, or characters that Blizzard already knew they would become corrupted eventually, like Fandral Staghelm who technically was not the Night Elf leader because the leader was still Tyrande), but in any case they are nowhere on the level of importance of the leaders that the Horde has lost during the story (in fact technically they are not even leaders, only Varian was, and even he was introduced only in WoW, there was no mention at all of him during WC3 despite the lore of the Wrynn royal family was already established since the very first game (but I guess that was because Stormwind basically did not exist during WC3 because the focus was on the north of the continent and what happened to Lordaeron and Quel’thalas with the Scourge invasion, even Ironforge and the Dwarves are barely there :sweat_smile: )


Not a lie. Simple truth. Horde losses since TBC were:

Kael’thas, Zul’jin, Cairne, Garrosh, Nazgrim, Zaela, Vol’jin, Malkorok, Zuluhed, Tagar, Fenris, Doomhammer, Grommash, Ner’zhul, Kargath, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Gallywix, Dranosh, Saurfang, Dark Ranger Lyana, Teron Gorefiend, Rastakhan, Rezan, the loa priests and many many more. You see the Horde lost so much it is impossible to recover from it. The only sensible parity for this would be having the alliance loses such as many leaders. Alliance was unharmed. And that is unfair. This needs to change. Alliance bias is at fault for so many cool Horde characters being killed off with no reason.


Why are “leaders” so important anyways? Do we care more about a character because there is a “leader” label on it? If so… should we really? Is that what makes a character interesting? Are we really happy with Blizzard’s policy of choosing statesmen as the protagonists of action- and drama-plots in an RPG that isn’t meant to be from their pov?

Leaders matter because they drive the story. Zones are only important for leveling. But the meat of the lore comes from lore characters. Also lands can be taken back as it happened with Darkshore in 8.1. But characters stay dead. Which is why the Horde is in such a crappy state. They lost so many leaders that the entire faction is in shambles and that damage is impossible to repair. The Horde is dead.

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At least with the lore of Shadowlands we know most of them kept existing in the afterlife (even if most of them were not showed anyway) and what they are doing technically…but still, I guess you mean they can never return to life anyway…so you finally accepted that for Kael’thas, I guess…

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Kael’thas showing up was pointless. Was Blizzad doing here is just milking the nostalgia bait for people who still remembered him from Warcraft 3.

What factions? Really, we are at the point where Genn and the Forsaken leadership are cooperating. The factions are essentially gone. The best that can be hoped for them is independent but non-antagonistic questing.