When will the alliance bias end

I had hopes that since he was going to talk with Lor’themar, they could discuss about Quel’thalas and its future, maybe solidifying his position as something more than the Regent Lord, but since you hate Lor’themar “Bob” Theron anyway… :sweat_smile:

anyway disappointed if nothing will really come of that dialogue, I guess…

Servicepost with a corrected translation:

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Lor’themar is nothing to me. Just another Anduin boot licker on the same scales of Baine and Thrall. The blood elves would be better off if he gets killed.

That is actually brilliant!

You can mock me all you want. That doesn’t change that what I say is true.

He considers them Alliance (or Alliance “proxy”) so he’s happy if they die (like Lor’themar as he just said) because he wants “true” Horde leaders back like Garrosh or Sylvanas.

Also despite all the contradictions, Erevien can make some good points actually, so I lousy support him sometimes (except on the politics of the Blood Elves, but he’s more a fan of the whole Horde rather than a single Horde race like I am. Even I, though, despite not wanting the death of Lor’themar, I acknowledge if not Kael’thas, Rommath would probably be a stronger leader for the Sin’dorei overall -plus, a Mage too like the old times!-

“Despite all his racism, bigotry and arrogance, Donald Trump can do the right thing sometimes”. What does it matter if he hits the mark sometimes, when he does so for all the wrong reasons?

I don’t support him whatsoever because he actually wants something where the Horde is seen as a bunch if crazed, out of control, evil monsters and that is not how they were supposed to work.

They were a group of people, rejected by the alliance who banded together under a common cause and to find their places in the world.

Not all races within the Horde are like that. The Shal’dorei and Highmountain Tauren are two of the allied races that don’t function like that and people need to know the lore of these two to see why they joined the Horde and what their goals are.

Just take a look how they behave during Horde council meetings. They did nothing when Alleria and Turalyon tortured civillians. They allowed Shaw to travel through Lordaeron and Quel’thalas unharmed. The council is a puppet government installed by Anduin. Patch 8.2.5 was the day the Horde died.

I want a Horde that is a super power. A faction that can go toe to toe with the alliance in terms of strength and character power. For that to happen the current leadership needs to be killed. That is the only way to save the Horde from the tyranny of peace and alliance appeasement.

Is that because you could no longer “get inside sylvanas’ skin” like lswindrunner used to do in Brill with her statue and his…interesting behaviour

Then the simple fact is - you know nothing of the Horde lore.

The Horde you want is something similar to Germany in 1930-1945. It doesn’t exist.


I agree, but about the Blood Elves I can also understand his desire of having a strong mage with an hatred/heavy dislike for the Alliance as leader. It’s a race with a strong magical focus after all, it’s natural a Mage should lead them. Obviously not Kael’thas but maybe Rommath. Lor’themar for me is still fine as current leader and can stay alongside Thalyssra, though.

That was unfortunate but we already know Alleria is reckless, especially with the influence of the Void…

and Turalyon probably didn’t stop her asap for not wanting to break her heart…(again).

Rexxar was allowed in Ashenvale and Darkshore too I think, he just had to avoid the few remaining Night Elves there…

Also at least Shaw could see and testimony the restored beauty and power of Silvermoon and the Sunwell and did in fact agree that they left the Alliance because Garithos and his group betrayed them first , so that was a plus actually because finally Blizzard put that argument to rest.

Translation completed:

It was a race that consisted of Mages as high authority, but Kael’thas left Lor’themar in charge as the Lord Regent. Before Rommath returned, it was primarily the Farstriders who were trying to contain the Scourge situation in Eversong and push them back.

Yes, the Blood Elf ancestors were a group of Highborne Night Elf Mages, who left Kalimdor to find pastures new, but the race has evolved because it had to, because unlike the Shen’dralar Highborne who withdrew to the inner libraries of Eldre’Thalas, the High Elves had to deal with the Amani Trolls and the Magi were not enough - organisations like the Silvermoon Guard and the Farstriders had to be created.

All of this, as Blizzard has stated, is coming at a time of peace. Lor’themar and Velen, respectively allowed the Alliance and Horde to travel through Quel’Thalas and the Azuremyst Isles.
The purpose of both stories was to give an up-to-date view on what is going on, on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. The only issue with that, is that it hasn’t been put into the game, but that is a whole different topic.

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Exploring Azeroth Eastern Kingdoms was an ode to the strength to the alliance. Exploring Azeroth Kalimdor was a weep about the cuck Horde who does anything as their alliance masters pleades. The books were not equal. Alliance is painted as the superior faction on all levels. Until that is not sorted out there shall be no peace at all. The alliance shall be destroyed. And I will be the one doing so one way or another. Nothing can stop me.

The farstriders are weak alliance loving pushovers just like Baine and Thrall are. I will never forgive Halduron that he worked together with Vereesa, He should be executed for that act of treachery.

And Kael’thas is the true heir. He needs to return form the Shadowlands and put Bob in his place as a simple ranger captain where he belongs. He is a soldier. Not a leader.

Sylvanas wanted to destroy the alliance. A goal I fully support. The alliance needs to die. Period. Only then will alliance bias finally end.

So your a liar then…you promised you would leave. That is why I have reported you for trying to circumvent your previous suspension.

I said I would leave when Sylvanas dies. But that didn’t happen. There is a slim chance that she will return to us one day. And I need to be ready for that. I have not given up on the Horde. There is still a chance to save it.

No - not if you are on a suspension and trying to circumvent that. You have been reported as others have been in the past.

You can face permanent suspension from this. Of which, I believe you should.

So you like to bully people who have a different opinion then your own? Why am I not surprised lmao. You are just like Senti and Dontcarevien.