When will the alliance finally lose?

Horde fanboy defending troll imperialism.

You’re just angry the trolls were unable to keep Kalimdor under their boot, split between 4 empires lol.

Do you support genocide? Or does the race you play as does?

Big difference, I am talking about the fantasy, non-existent Trollish race, not the player behind it.

It’s perfectly fine to play a “evil” race and not actually be evil IRL.

I mean, I play a gnome, doesn’t mean I support dropping toxic sludge in our rivers IRL.

I also play a troll, going all in on the elf hate and pro-restoration of the various troll empires.

So no idea why you feel attacked.

Lets not forget Voljin asked for their help in Stormwind too and its actually Voljin and his Darkspear that lead the charge, and slaughter, in the dungeons itself.

No worries, for me its just something to keep me busy!


Empire of Zul when the war against the Aqir ended, afterwards they had a couple hundreds (thousands?) years of expansion.

So like the night elves they ruled almost the entirety of Kalimdor.

Also, as you can see here, https://warcraft.wiki.gg/images/a/a3/Night_Elf_Empire.jpg, the night elves never ruled all of Kalimdor, the Pandaren Empire, the Zandalari Empire, the Dragon Isles, Gurubashi, Amani and Drakkari empires were all still independant and existing, allthough they were diminshed.

The night elves and Zandalari signed a treaty that ensured the independance and existence of the troll empires, aslong as the troll raiding into the night elves empire ceased.


The trolls ruled half the world. The elves everything.

In fairness, it’s kinda hard not to feel struck when all you need to do is look back through the posts on all the rampant “x horde players!” and “x alliance players!” that has been going on through this thread. Out of joking or not as it’s kind of hard to tell with text.

If you have been going after the in-game world as it is, sure, but I hope you see where i’m coming from here? I’m all in for the discussion of the cruelty and barbarism of trollish/fantasy expansionism though! Honestly one of my personal favourites when Trolls are often tied to aztec reflection in culture and stagnatism.

I actually didn’t know or forgot this bit. Cool :open_mouth:

He’s never had any coherency.

Twili and I are just pointing out that the Horde in general and trolls in particular are as guilty if not more than the Alliance when it comes to imperialism.

The trolls ruled as much of Kalimdor as the night elves did before the Empire of Zul fell due to internal conflicts.


Literally the whole west of the continent wasn’t owned by anyone until night elves rose to power.

This map is right after the War of the Aqir and Troll War, which ignores how the time after the war was a time of unprecedented expansionism made by the trolls. There’s a thousand years between it and the rise of the Kaldorei Empire.

Which, contrary to your apparent belief, did not arise in western Kalimdor. Instead it arose in the middle of Kalimdor, by the Well of Eternity, and spread westwards simply because that was not where the troll empires lay.


Large sways of it are still empty so the accusation the trolls made everyone miserable does not hold. And I am willing to bet in here that the land when the trolls first ruled it was empty.

Honestly? No I don’t see it. Sorry.

It wasn’t empty, they genocided the Silithid and Qiraj for their empires, Azj-kahet, Nerub-ar, the Mantid were refugee empires founded by fleeing Silithid.

Right, I see. I’ll step out of this conflict of interests then. It seems like the topic moving everywhere and is reactionary rather than anything meaningfully discussed.

That or it’s moving too fast. I’m still on the points about the Amani :sweat:

You can’t? Thought I made my point clear that the whole idea of using the term “It is the Horde Players doing x” and “Alliance players being x” isn’t really conductive nor is it helpful to the point you were trying to make about being unsure as to how I felt attacked.

But i’ll leave it there. I don’t really want to get involved in a forum war.

No one will cry after old god worshippers. Also the night elves almost doomed the world and are responsible for the sundering. The Trolls never did anything similar.

But a Member of the Gurubashi woke K’thix and started the whole Troll-A’quir-War Thing which definitely but the whole world in peril.

Then there was Zul who served G’huun and a whole tribe of trolls devoted to the worship of said G’huun.

Oh! I forgot! The Zandalari under the command of Zul also reanimated Lei Shen in Pandaria who also wanted to conquer the whole world.

To be fair, they did not split a continent but to say that Trolls did not put the world in peril on some occasions would be also untrue.


the Sundering killed millions. Can’t get worse then that.




You know what also doesn’t have a source regarding casualty-numbers but I reckon they go up waaay beyond a million?

The fourth war.

And as of now I think it is well and truly established who started this whole debacle, isn’t it?

And now before I turn my attention to more interesting topics.

Erevien…from the bottom of my heart:

You should really take a break from Warcraft in general, you are falling into your old habits which only rewarded you with a perma-ban in the german forums, you remember?


And no one but you will cry over a xenophobic, genocidal race, yet here we are.

It’s funny when you consider it ok when trolls do it, but not when night elves do it.

Ahem, Lei-shen wanted to control the Engine of Reorigination, which could scour the world.

The trolls awakened Ghuun, the trolls awakened the Qiraj, the trolls became the night elves and Sundered the world.

Yeah, trolls are worse.

So we can kill night elves without feeling bad about it got it :smiley:

Trolls didn’t invite the Burning legion to the world.

I mean you don’t have to feel bad about it.

I certainly don’t feel bad killing troll (children) in Dun Morogh.

All the kaldorei and 2/3ths of the Highborne opposed the Azsharan Highborne and their Legion allies.

That’d be like saying all the blood elves are responsible for the summoning of Kiljaeden through the Sunwell.

Hol’ up, buddy boy. You are blaming high elves for the Sundering because they are elves, but by the same logic, trolls are to be blamed for the Sundering because night elves descend from trolls.

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Remove the Faction Barriers. Bomb Orgrimmar. And lets all just move into Stormwind :slight_smile:
I’m sure noone would mind a few blight canister in the Old Quarter.


The Trolls did nothing wrong. All night elves are bad.

Night elves are (dark) trolls. Trolls did everything wrong.

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