When will the alliance finally lose?

Trolls are victims of night elf imperialism.

Erevien: blame the Nigh elf for Imperialism and troll being a victiom by that:
Also erevien: Ignore the Trolls did the same, wernt even better and massacre new emerging race, even on purpose, while the N11 didnt.

Just typical Erevien doubel standart.

Only the Aliiance race did something wrong/are to blame, neeever did any horde race somethin bad :clown_face:


Heā€™s not just a clown, heā€™s the entire circus!

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I am very serious in my fight for the Horde.

Meh both sides have double standards in every convo we have here about this or warcrimes, it seems only rare people have some ability to look past their own colours

Also with night elves writing, it used to start good race that had their own problems and caused their own misery because of their own history. Teldrassil etc and then turning into gary stuā€™s and mary sueā€™s that never did anything wrong and were the ā€œvictimsā€ always.

Used to be one of my favorite races but then they turned it into this and never learned from their past mistakes. It is just bad writing that goes into really annoying after while

Difference is the Horde gets punished for their bad leaders while the alliance cast stays unharmed.

it is not just that, everytime horde does something nasty and bad they have to succumb and be sorry about it but when its otherway around. It is either whitewashed or ignored so this is reason why there is so much anger too

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I agree that this is also super annoying.

It might just be that the Alliance unlike the Horde doesnā€™t have a history of doing really nasty and bad things.


unlike the Horde allaince leader dint bad thinsg or warcrimes.

so, which bad things were whitewahsed, irgnored and revises, tell me
And dnt start with dalans, the allaince dint take any part on it

The only real thin was the incident with garrithos and taht wast get unter the table


That is also a form of bias. Minus Varian your whole cast is alive.

And minus Cairne your entire cast is alive. Volā€™jin died, but heā€™s becoming a Loa now so he kind of lives again.

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We both know alot more died. Stop being dishonest.

A lot more Alliance leaders have died than Horde leaders. Stop being dishonest, weā€™ve already gone over this. But you canā€™t.

Out of the Allianceā€™s OG leadership only Gelbin was fully alive until Magni returned to life.

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Malfurion and Tyrande you forgot.

No, I just didnā€™t count them because they arenā€™t Alliance leaders anymore. They both abdicated in favour of Shandris.

They are still part of the alliance. They left for vacation not the whole faction. Fact is the alliance has more and better leaders then the Horde. That is unfair.

What does it feel like to be wrong all the time.

Imagine complaining about the Horde story for wanting freedom, the story that was basically written since Warcraft 2. Then to 20-30 years later to find out that you want the Horde to be what it was 20-30 years ago. That is not passion, that is just not reading into the lore and what has happened within the Horde for the past few decades.

There have been great storylines within the Horde breaking free from warmongering and slavery, I would even say that the storyline of the development of the Horde in terms of quality has been greater than the Alliance. Why? Cause it has more emotion, and shows more admirable development. All the things the Horde has worked for and where it has gotten now, a greater story arc than what the Alliance has gotten.