When will the alliance finally lose?

Of course you are against it when it would be the alliance affected by it. Blizzard should be damm grateful the Horde didn’t collectivley abandon the game after BFA that would serve those people right.

Yeah instead it was the Alliance that collectively abandoned the game after BfA.

Last time I checked all leaders are alive and you got plenty of cool moments from Jaina’s flying boat to Tyrande invoking Elune. You are not the victim here.

Oh yeah that worked out great didn’t it, such a great pay off.


Alright let us count it again shall we?

Like I wonder

if the Horde will ever get anything similar to this

if anything ever comes close to total faction defeat this would look like It I am sure.

For a finale I could add the shanty.

You should be glad Blizzard NEVER killed any of your leaders and DID NOT force you to attack your own city. Check your priviliges.



Just off the top of my head.

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Dead Saurfang left us with that idiot Thrall as Orc leader again. Doesn’t count.

In case you didn’t notice it Sylvanas was the bad guy. She was not supposed to be rooted for. That is why she is in the Maw now the WOW version of purgatory. It is very likley she will never come back.

Not the point of the cinematic my dude. The point was that Saurfang sacrificed his live to fight for the Horde he believes in and in doing so exposed Sylvanas. Bonus points that our “king” gave him our most iconic weapon instead of just going in there and by-the-light-ing Tyrrion style her in the first place.

ehm, he did, as he meet the frostwolf clan, he elarn threi cultuer by the wheelchair orc.

irocnic since insert drum sound effect neither the Sunreaver bvloddelved or the zandalari were officyl part of the hurde dunring those “masacers” and here is another, the horde have no right to clame the allinace since the horde get away with trheir massakers against teh alliance, under garrosh and sylvans.

sure, allaince dint lose war of thornes, ashvale, dakrshore and most important: Teldarsil, and the genocide of the nighelves, absolutly no lsoss for the allaince :crazy_face:

or he ignore that above but yes, another faction conflict wont happen, its sucked dry.

ok, and then you purposly ignore all cinemactic with sauerfang, who are made with real actors, not cgi.

How many named leaders died? See, none.

Thrall and Baine never harmed the alliance but of course Jaina gets to walk countless dead Horde bodies without consequences. The bias is real.

If he was raised by Orcs he would act like Grommash, Garrosh, Zaela or Geya’rah.

Says the winning side of course.

Because he is dead and is no longer any use for the Horde. Now we are stuck with Thrall who keeps his own people poor and dirty on purpose. That is what YOU ignore all the time.

How many were killed by the Horde?

Answer the question. Unlike you I walked in Bel’ameth and met many old night elves there. You would need 20 hands to count out who is no longer standing around Orgrimmar since the game was launched.

You counting Delaryn? She is in Bel’ameth too.

No I’m counting how many Horde leaders died.

I asked about named alliance leaders my dude.

The Horde losses were:

and Areiel

that is almost the entire cast and all we got now is dirty replacements nobody asked for.

Dead, but you labeled him a traitor so why are you complaining.

Was not Horde.

Dead, not a leader though.

Still alive.

Literally who?

Oh yeah let us not forget

Who you wanted killed up until 2 weeks ago until you changed your mind.

locked away in the Maw. Maybe for all time.

right hand man of Sylvanas.

Was an ally to the Horde, you know for an ALLIED race.

Unlike Thrall he actually acknowledged that the alliance killed Rastakhan.

A captain of the dark rangers. Surley higher ranking then Velonara.

Yes he was the final straw. When he dies next month it won’t affect me since we all know alliance will always be safe from harm.

I am so sad about Scrollsage Nola, she wasn’t part of the Alliance but she did give a few quests that one time so she was Alliance in my hearth.

Okay let me make this more clear.

Thrall - replacement for Doomhammer
Baine - replacement for Cairne
Rokhan- replacement for Vol’jin
Gazlowe - replacement for Gallywix
Desolate council - replacement for Sylvanas
Lor’themar - replacement for Kael’thas
Ji, really isn’t a replacement but we all can agree the Horde Pandaren leader should have been Chen since he is friends with Rexxar.
Thalyssra - replacement for Elisande
Talanji -replacement for Rastakhan
Geya’rah - replacement for AU Grommash.

Notice a pattern? Blizzard never gives the Horde the best of their respective races. Only second choice seems good enough according to the Devs. And that sucks. For EVERY Horde fan out there.

Him pledging Zandalar to the Horde was just a formality at that point really.