When will the alliance finally lose?

Well, incorrect since with Bfa he eagerly joind the horde, lead the attack in stomsong Valley and ge made in an optional dialogue clear that jaina must be killed because she spills soo much blood- which is ironic and pointed out by many players pointed out, he sees in jaian the problem while ignoring sylvanas started the war, burned teldrasil and kills and rais her own troops at undercity.

And that the kul tirans myst be driven off from the valley-which is alao ironic since they do the same which daelin proudmoor did many years ago-they arenā€™t better them him.

He also leads the attack on the norwington Estate and helps the horde with the prison break of pricilla ashwind.
He made his loyalty to the horde clear and that ge helped them

Rexxar is great as hero but he is no leader. If we get new leaders for Amani and Ogres I think they should just make new ones.

Good guys donā€™t lose

Of course they can lose you just need to fire biased devs.

Actually Rexxar is no stranger to war. He left the Horde as they were just on a rampage. At least before the Alliance was formed as an organisation and super power.

Looking into Horde heroes?
That can take a while.

Rexxar lead the Mokā€™Nathal in Azeroth always have done. That there is a Mokā€™Nathal population on Azeroth is becaus of Rexxar.

The Horde begin every war on Azeroth. Some did fall to the Horde and some cities were lost. But the Sons and Daughters of the Alliance will be there to face the Horde again.

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Can you stop the forum RP? Super cringe.

We donā€™t do that here mate. Remember Battle of Dazarā€™alor ? We fought Rastakhan - heā€™s dead. We fought Mekatorque ? Yup, still breathing. Same with Jaina. For me that was the peak of alliance based writing.


Yeah we know. The double standards are obvious.

Have never roleplayed.
The Horde will always be a hostile force. So caution must be exercised with Horde as a whole including its members.
The Alliance did not start the last war but we had to finish it. It could be the same for the next war that the Horde begins.

What you are saying is that the Alliance can successfully kill their target. Rhastakhan King of an independent nation and power seperate from the Horde.
But the Horde failed to kill a single Alliance target?

Mekatorque was wounded but not dead. Jaina just shrugged off the assault by Horde players.

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Yes because Blizzard has a deeply rooted alliance bias and never allow alliance characters to die since folks like you would throw a tantrum about it.

one day you will lose and I will collect your tears.

There are differences between the Alliance and the Horde.
First Arcanist Thalyssra after the 4th war had ended. Sought Jaina to teach her in the ways of Warship Mage warfare that was used to foil Sylvannas plans at the battle for Undercity.

Why are Horde turning to Alliance Mages to learn Alliance Magecraft?
Perhaps the Horde are lacking in some things. Why canā€™t Horde mages do learn this for themselves? Itā€™s not like Thalyssra is ignorant of magecraft.

The Alliance will always be there to face the Horde threat. We will drive them away like we done with the Brennadam atrocity. We will neutralize the threats just as King Rhastakhan and the Zandalari Troll navy was neutralised.

Remember the mercy the Alliance continues to show the Horde. Even at the Siege of Orggrimmar the High King Varian Wrynn chose NOT to dismantle to the Horde. But allowed Warchief Voljin to replenish and rebuild.


Because the Nightborne were stuck under a magical bubble for 10.000 years.

If writers bias didnā€™t exist your petty faction would have died long ago.

They actually chose to shut themselves from the rest of the world.
Similar to what the Gilneans done when they built their wall.
The Gilneans learned much since their wall came down. What have the Nightborne learned since their bubble came down?
Felcraft as they became Warlocks? Traitors perhaps as they sold their own people to the Burning Legion. Knowing that their very souls will become fuel for the Fel.

Bias has nothing to do with it. There will always be an Alliance and Horde throughout the entire lifespan of World of Warcraft.

In theory your magic gets better the more time you have to learn for it. That is why most wizards with great power look old. BUt in WOW you need to be the writers pet. That is why Jaina could pull off all the BS she did during BFA back then.

Perhaps the Alliance has superior mages than the Horde.
With all of this talk about Elves long lifespans far surpassing humans. A human mage Jaina far surpasses Horde mages that now the Humans are asked to teach the Elves.
Odd. Considering it was the Elves that taught Humans MageCraft in the first place.

At the price of saving Quel Thelas from your little Amani Troll problem.
I can not call it Horde incompetence as Thalyssra has some talents as a mage. But itā€™s like comparing a C rank Thalyssrae to an S rank Jaina. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Horde mages are lacking.

No Blizzard just loves humans alot. That is why they are the best at every profession no matter how stupid it sounds.

You just can not admit it then.
Okay then. Besides Thalyssra. Name the talented Horde mages?
Among the Blood Elves none has come close to Kaelthas Sunstrider.
Then the Nightborne. Well that is somewhat disappointing.
Forsaken are recycled humans. Tauren? WoW the magic burgers might accidentally polymorph themselves as newbies. Orcs have been a Shamanistic people. Vulpera? Donā€™t get your hopes up. The Maghar are still recovering from getting their butts kicked by High Exarch Yrel. Trolls. The Darkspear have been underdogs of the Troll race sinceā€¦always and the Zandalari Trolls are trying to recover from the Alliance kicking their butts.

There was that one Goblin mage with the portals of the class order hall. But Goblins care for profit more than anything else.
So please. Tell me. Horde Magecraft is not looking very hopeful now is it.
Jaina Proudmoore with the Warship Magecraft done so during the 4th war. So for Thalyssra to ask Jaina for training. Is no different to trying to steal another nations military secrets.

Ironic since it came form you who alwas rPt in forum, here as in german forum, and justyvie your view by some Free /fantasy headcanon views.

Doble standtarts- yes. but from you neiter me or moltensage.

Ironic, if allaince bias exist horde woud be long gone, the dev bef han the opposite- an horde bais which keep the horde aliave aftzer SoS or BFa.
Allaince had to chanch to dismantel horde twiche but wanst alowed to becasue horde bias.

like above, its more horde bias since hode dont face consequenzes liek for Mop or Bfa, in a realistic world they woud be dismanteld like imperial or no-no germany.

and thas why syvlanas was danusers favorite and get massiv plot amor :clown_face:
And he himself had an self insert with Nathanos

Horde leaders donā€™t have plot armor. Thatā€™s why they are dead. Liar.

Horde bias isnā€™t just because the faction wasnā€™t deleted. Your Bad faith arguments are unlucky itā€™s a miracle your werenā€™t banned yet.