When will the alliance finally lose?

I say Erevien is bad, because he keeps spamming the same topic over and over again, he cannot keep his opinions straight for more than 5 mins and when you back him into a corner he responds with some random nonsense in an attempt to derail. Say what you will about Kurst but at least he is consitent in his view point.

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He is overly passioned and too focused to this all and its obvious that he gets stressed when people keep pushing him more and starts to go to his ramblings but i haven’t ever him seeing to resort attacking people personally while kurst in other hand does that

They get personal pretty fast over basially only a single person who does not share their own lore delusions. Pretty funny if you think about it.

I really can’t see how you can say he is too focused when he keeps contradicting himself every 3 mins? Just ctrl+F “Thrall” and see his view points on the character in this tread alone and then read this…

"Thrall is great but he missed his chance after Cataclysm to reconnect with the Orcs starved of resources. Sure he has a unique way of looking at society due to being raised by humans but after seeing Geya’rah handling things I realised that there aren’t many Orcs left to take the mantle. " - source https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/your-leadership-ideas-for-the-horde/2019433

He told me to self delete this one time, sure it was a couple of years ago but I do still remember. And that is not counting all the off the rails “I HOPE YOUR WHOLE FACTION DIES” rants he goes into every now and again.

I understand the whole faction dies rants where it comes from after what happened with bfa and shadowlands to the horde, it really hit on nerve of people who cared for lore and were on horde side and it didnt help when majority opinion was even hostile towards you.

It just breeds anger from both sides how we act which is an problem in both sides talking about this but this isnt only problem in wow fandom ive seen the same elsewhere

The moment you decide one side to be the losers the players will start to hate the devs. That is actually normal. And the alliance seem to always win no matter who the enemy is.

I cared for the lore and I was Alliance, BfA made me lose the “faction pride” I had. On top of that I do care about the gamepley side, which at that time favored Horde, this is no excuse to just go and bE “I hope you get ran out of the game”.

The alliance won in bfa. Not sure why you would complain that hard. Are you sad you didn’t get to delete enemy cities or what was your issue?

Sure, have you then checked Erevien’s complete history?
Probably not.

Do you know that with his hate wearing and his narrow-minded view and his wrong understanding of lore and courage headcanon arguing he already drove the same program back then as here and that’s why he got a lot of love and then rightfully got a perma ban.

And yes, if you search the German forum you will find why, because people are putting it to the GM.

But go in, blame me as troll, not the person who trolled the german forum for 4 yeas and got a perma bann. :crazy_face:

Sure guy sounds crazy from time to time no denying that but the passion he has is real. As someone inactive for some time the Horde felt empty after returning.

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Dude who are you trying to fool? We know it’s you Erevien.

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Look at Argent Dawn. Guy switched to alliance.

I can see your achievement.

This is going all too crazy even for me

You called?

Nope, he is just swapping alts you can clearly see Imza, Lorcatharar and Erevien are the same person, all of the them have Ashes of Al’ar on the same day.

I chekd it by a certain site and all 3 are the same person.

He blocked alrweady his arsenal entry since you mention/posted it.

I know which is why i said that, checked it myself too

This character is mearly a distraction cuz I never played Vulpera before. My main is the Draenei unless Blizzard actually flips the Horde story in a way it doesn’t feel bad.

Theres that and theres also the fact that he created a “Best class for Vulper” tread which later he posted in with his new Vulpera hunter alt called Imza, then the “Best hunter pet for Vulpera” where he again posted with both his characters.