I call the Night Elf Mage home, Dire Maul, a fantastic Ogre Stronghold.
At least the Horde can expand and Dire Maul could even be used by Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei as a secondary city for their more…rebellious spellcasters and magisters. (Warlocks.)
I call the Night Elf Mage home, Dire Maul, a fantastic Ogre Stronghold.
At least the Horde can expand and Dire Maul could even be used by Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei as a secondary city for their more…rebellious spellcasters and magisters. (Warlocks.)
Only the Ghostlands (that should be healing like the Western Plaguelands right now, but Blizzard won’t update Quel’thalas ) and for the Dead Scar, take two Dragonhawks flying together at the same height at each side of the Dead Scar, bound together with an iron rope or something very sharp…and as they fly following the Dead Scar, the rope kills all the remaining Undead in one single sweeping…then just cover the Dead Scar with a red carpet if the Druids really can’t heal it (yes I have taken this idea from the Walking Dead
It’s fitting because the Shen’dralar summoned the Demon Immolthar to siphon him and feed themselves with his fel powers so we could indeed try to replicate the process there so history repeats itself, and to at least give the Sin’dorei Warlocks something relevant to do that would be a good memory of what the Blood Elves did in TBC…then again, for the Sin’dorei warlocks it would feel like we are exiled far away from Quel’thalas into Kalimdor, and that’s a bad feeling after the exile of the Void Elves happened already…let’s hope the new Light-centered society of the Blood Elves isn’t going to exile all Warlocks and Shadow Priests soon as well…and even if it happens it could be more fitting to exile us in the territories where the Highborne of Dath’Remar lived in the court of Queen Azshara rather than in Eldre’thalas where the Shen’dralar lived to be fair…
Well this is why I say that both Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei live in Eldre’Thalas together. Some Shal’dorei could have been born in Eldre’Thalas.
Or if the Sin’dorei leadership was feeling a little too pre-cautious, then Eldre’Thalas could be used where they practice the old-style of Blood Magic. Combine that with the Shal’dorei mastery of the Arcane and we’ve got ourselves an excellent Elven Magi front based on Kalimdor.
I mean, personally - the Highborne of Dath’Remar were the Elite Circle Highborne of Zin-Azshari and I don’t see Sin’dorei or Shal’dorei wanting to take up residence in the Zin-Azshari ruins. The collapsing waterfalls might (most likely) put them off. Whilst Ren’dorei are risk takers. Give them the ruins of Zin-Azshari. At least then - Horde and Alliance have 2 great Elven cities each.
Silvermoon and Suramar for the Horde
New Night Elf Home and Zin-Azshari for the Alliance.
Orrr, and hear me out on this…
We stop giving stuff to the Horde elves and allow the night elves to (re-)settle Eldre’thalas.
The night elves, Highborne elves, high elves and void elves al lack a capital city in the Alliance.
The nightborne and blood elves each have their own capital city.
Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei should have representation (not necessarily a whole zone, but at least an area for themselves) in Northern Kalimdor since their ancestors come from there, too. You could see how Lorash Sunbeams and other Blood Elves were still angry against Malfurion and Night Elves for the troubles of the exile of their Highborne ancestors (and not just their ancestors, apparently Lorash was born when they landed in Tirisfal for the first time too).
But I’m not really asking for a restored Eldre’thalas or Ashenvale or any of the other Kaldorei zones for them, I would be fine with a proper area in Azshara (since there are still quite a few Blood Elf NPCs there alongside the Goblins) or even just near the Highborne ruins in Winterspring for magical study or for searching for their origins too. Just as a representation, not really anything major like Silvermoon or Suramar. The ruins of Zin-Azshari could be a nice place too but as Leià said it’s a bit too risky for the Blood Elves and Nightborne there, and I don’t really think Blizzard have a real intention to give those to the elves of any faction anyway…
Even put together they are so few in lore they wouldn’t be able to build and run a new capital for their own…they would need the constant help of the Alliance in order to defend and be able to run it so they can’t do anything without other races helping them anyway. Mainly because their economy and civilian population is abysmally low and almost non-existent, most of the Void Elves and High Elves are actually just military personnel like (Void) Rangers or Magi.
And Blizzard can’t really be bothered even with Gilneas for the Worgen, I don’t think a Void/High Elf Alliance capital is ever gonna happen…the best they could be able to do is to add some High Elf buildings in a zone of Stormwind and be done with it (I’m not sure if the Human playerbase and Humans in lore would really like that for their city, though). Or in Telogrus’ Rift too if there’s the space there, maybe add a few High Elf Spires or Arcane Sanctums with purple (void) and blue colors and call it a capital for them. Or, you could just count Dalaran as their capital, too. Or Quel’Danil lodge in the Hinterlands… actually High Elves being so few and spread around the world could consider many different places as their new homelands/capital cities, so maybe it’s just a matter of personal preferences for every single High and Void Elf as they don’t have a common opinion or ideology after all like it’s written on Wowpedia on their page
Your logic makes no sense too me. Sure their ancestors come from Kalimdor but both the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei willingly broke with their past to lead their own lives, maintain their own civilisations, away from the Kaldorei one.
Wanting to give them a place in Kalimdor (a village, town, city, whatever) because their ancestors hail from there?
Do you think the night, high, void, blood, nightborne and highborne elves all deserve a place in Zandalar too? They all descend from trolls too after all!
I’ll do you one better. Give both factions cool stuff that diverges from the default Human and Orc aesthetics. Show the races of either faction work together taking advantages of their respective strengths.
We’ve had enough of iron bound mudhuts and basic human stonework.
Got to agree with this sentiment. They should rotate the focus on racial aesthetics more to shake things up a bit. There should still be that underlying human/orc tone as a bridge to bind all the various races. But, I’m curious to see if Dragonflight will focus more on Dwarven and Blood Elf (and Nightborne?) architecture. Simply because of the focus being on the Explorers League and Reliquary from a faction perspective.
One of the good things about the BFA warfronts was that it helped to showcase this cultural variety a bit better. Particularly Darkshore where there was a focus on Night Elves and the Undead/Goblins.
I did see some Dark Iron Dwarf drill things, so it’s possible we might see a united front of Bronzebeard and Dark Iron Dwarf architecture updates, along with Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei architecture updates.
Didn’t see the Dark Iron Drills, but did notice the Blood Elven looking tent during the reveal. It looked like a new Hi-Res asset but, I’m not 100% sure.
If you look in the picture that focuses on the Reliquary Tents; just behind them you can see some Dwarf styled Drills. I assumed they were Dark Iron as they are the only ones who use that sort of stuff.
Given the Reliquary are going to be part of the focus in Dragonflight, it’s very likely we’ll see some notable Blood Elf warlock NPCs dotted about. There’s at least one based at their Head Quarters in Silvermoon (Elynara) the archaeology trainer introduced in Mists. Also, Hearthstone has a Warlock card called “Reliquary Seeker”. So I don’t think they’re as socially shunned by the Blood Elves in the current in-game lore as people think. To be honest it kind of makes sense given a lot of them would be employed to decipher, track down and recover rare and possibly forbidden & dangerous magical relics and antiquities. This falls in line with the general directive/mission statement of what the organisation aims to achieve and fits well with the typical characteristics of a power hungry Warlock as well as the more traditional inquisitive magister. From a practical point of view, you’d want these ambitious individuals spearheading your efforts given the nature of the business.
Another class/spec that would align well with them would be Blood Elf discipline priests given they’re studying and accumulating these potentially dangerous and possibly sinister artefacts in order to prevent others from using them against the Horde first with a side goal of aiding in the curing of even magical addition in the long run. There is a protective/deterrent and somewhat physicians element to their overall aims here too, which would fit well with a subgroup monastic order dedicated to research once the artefacts have been reclaimed. Think of Monks from the European medieval period who were pretty much the scientists of their time. Alternatively, the tech priests from 40k if you want a more modern fictional comparison. You’d want individuals ‘disciplined’ enough resist corruption by any dark temptations a shadowy artefact may offer the beholder, whilst willing to delve into it’s darker mysteries for the greater good. If nothing more than to safely neutralise or dampen those effects and act as hopefully trust worthy caretakers.
These are just two examples of attempts that could be made in an effort to help re-introduce some of the darker undertones (classes) of Sin’dorei culture back into the current WoW setting. In a way that would be harmonious alongside their rediscovered Light centric society since their salvation via the restoration of the Sunwell.
To be honest the Naaru infestation, within the Sunwell has proven nothing other than a narrative hinderance. Getting rid of it to return the Blood Elves to their more vicious roots and giving them some sort of a story direction would be a net benefit tradeoff. Blizzard has been hinting toward the Light being a potential problem since Legion overall so that could be a solution.
To be fair, they could easily ignore that. Why would the blood elves have a sudden cultural shift back when they got their Sunwell back? Sure they no longer need to siphon from other relics and creatures but you could easily explain that the blood elves keep seeking out artifacts and new sources of magic to siphon from because of the trauma of losing the Sunwell once ensures they’ll try to be prepared for an eventual second time it’ll happen.
Now they have the Sunwell and can stay vicious as they were during the early-TBC/RPG days
Blelves have gotten minimal screentime, with the bulk of it being consumed by either Lor’themar buddying up to the Aliance or Liadrin and her continuously more neutered Blood Knights to the point, where they would fly the flag of the Silver Hand over their own.
I play with the French voiceover so I had hopes that she was only messed up in French (which is very good with literally every other character in the game except Tyrande), guess I was wrong
That’s a long time dream of mine that I wouldn’t dare to believe in too much. But all the elves together in a third separate faction - minus the Kaldorei, these animals can keep sleeping outside - would be wonderful
Oke, but they’ve gotten more then night elves, gnomes, dwarves, trolls, tauren, goblins, draenei and probably about every other (playable) race out there except maybe humans, Forsaken humans, and orcs.
By that logic the humans have gotten minimal screentime, with the majority of it bieng Anduin buddying up to the Horde or bieng sad a war’s happening.
Sooooo, kind of how the Alliance’s Knights of the Silver Hand and Hand of Argus were neutered and became either non-existend (Hand of Argus) or basicly have to share name and fame with the better developed neutral Knights of the Silver Hand.
That didn’t make it out of the PTR so that didn’t happen. Or if you’re referring to Legion, well tough luck since the Sunwalkers, Hand of Argus and Alliance Knights of the Silver Hand were forced to fly the flag of the neutral Knights of the Silver Hand over their own organisations too.
??? That’s not all the elves together ???
Anyway that is an unreachable dream because that faction would exist out of two city-states with no territory. Unrealistic, and it would spit on the bonds the Sin’dorei formed within the Horde or the Quel’dorei formed within the Alliance, y’know, those quel’dorei that chose the Alliance over their own homeland or were forcibly expelled by the Dictator-Lord Bore’themar?
Oh really? Let’s see how much the Night Elves got
Half of KAlimdor in Vanilla
Strong presence in TBC spread over blade’s edge, Zangamarch and Terrokar
PETA and strong presence in Dragonblight during WotLK
Hyjal and the Firelands during Cata
Operation obtain the bell during MoP
Most of legion up to argus was dominated by their presence
BfA was all about what happened to the Night Elves
Shadowlands had an entire covenant dedicated to what about the Night Elves.
But no when Forsaken or Blelves get a zone once a decade they’re overexposed… right.
That makes no sense the human presentation has dominated the Aliance visuals and presentation. Far from being just Anduin show, as compared to Blood Elves, who had basically just the Isle of Thunder patch and a few cameos, before Lor’themar was killing his own people alongside Jaina.
Knights of the Silver Hand lore is wierd, long and mostly comicbooks, but there isn’t any real justification to use the name after Wrath of the Lich King’s DK intro outside marketing, as from that point on it merged witht eh argent Dawn to create the Argent Crusade, which followed Tirion’s philosophical leanings. (Hand of Argus is a victim of the same homogenisation, but the Blood Knights have had it way worse)
It was the Orgrimmar trainers during BfA, from what i recall, but i can’t be bothered to go into retail to check if Blizz fixed it. The main point was that the unique identity of Blood Knights from TBC has been chipped away at, until they were basically reskins of basic human paladins.
Ah, but that isn’t “night elf”, that is Cenarion Circle. Or are tauren not members of the Cenarion Circle?
Half of Kalimdor? So the Horde has no towns and bases in Ashenvale, Azshara, Mulgore, Stonetalon Mountains, Durotar, Barrens, or Darkshore?
So like how the blood elven Sunreavers had their own quest? Or the quest where the blood elven Sunreavers got expelled?
Oh? Aszuna is ofcourse night elf, but not the playable ones and not alive and neutral.
Val’sharah is both night elf and tauren and dragon and Wild God.
Stormheim is vrykul.
Suramar is night/blood/high/nightborne elf, not night elf.
The Alliance attacked Zandalar because of the night elves?
The Alliance recaptured Arathi because of the night elves?
The Alliance invaded Tirisfal because of the night elves?
The Alliance allied with the Kul Tirans because of the night elves?
Or was it all because of the Horde’s attack on an Alliance nation?
Ooh, yes I remember how the quests I did for Bwonsamdi were all about helping the night elves and had nothing to do with saving Loa, making Voljin one, and ensuring they’ll be reborn. Saw no Ysera either.
Thats like saying Shadowlands had an entire covenant dedicated to what about Kael’thas (thus the blood elves).
Said almost none ever? Blood elves are the (second) most played race ingame. ever.
Except it does. It’s a bit weird but blood elves are found in nearly every Horse town or base, they have had alot of screentime. The fact you don’t like what you’re shown does not mean they don’t get screentime.
Heck they even have a presence/camp in Zuldazar with the nightborne.
Besides if screentime is so important why does the screentime of Liadrin or Lor’themar, both blood elves, not count? But Tyrande in Shadowlands does?
They had a major presence in TBC, in WotLk, Cataclysm (Reliquary), in Pandaria (Sunreavers expel scenario, tomb diving with Sunreavers etc), in Legion (through both the Illidari and the Suramar questline) and they did have a small cameo in WoD helping the AU-draenei to repay the debt to the MU-draenei (somehow?)
Except in vanilla quests your Alliance paladin character is a Knight of the Silver Hand. If anything Blizzard did a dumb twice by both merging the Silver Hand with the Argent Dawn, by making it a neutral Order Hall and by keeping it the human paladin organisation. If the human organisation truly is neutral humans have no paladin lore.
Uhm, no they haven’t? Blood knights are still both their independant organisation that has their own customs ans traditions, unlike the non-existent Sunwalker and Hand of Argus lore or the neutral Silver Hand lore.
That literally didn’t make it out of PTR, if you’re taking PTR stuff as lore (headcanon), then this is a never ending story.
Except it hasn’t? Yes they became more religious but they are still extremely pragmatic and militaristic and still have their own tradition compared to the Silver Hand and its carbon copies the Sunwalkers and Hand of Argus.
My criticism is that the narrative is dominated by Night Elf centric stuff. That doesn’t mean all those things are super special Darnassian only club. It’s still Night Elf lore. Cenarion circle revolves around Malfurion and Cenarius two of the main players, when it comes to the Kaldorei.
Western half all the way doen to Silithus, with all the zones north of the Barrens save post-Cata Azshara.
Aszuna, Val’sharah, the Nightmare instances, Illidan, the Wardens, the Moonguard, the Broken Shore. To reiterate Darnassians do not encompass all of the Kaldorei species.
Something which hung over the whole expansion like the stench of fox urine, yes.
False equivalency. There was significantly more regarding search for tyrande, rescuing night elves, trying to save tyrande, etc.
That affects the story and their relevance to it how exactly?
A great deal less than the Night Elves. And again the criticism was levelled at narrative neglect and neutering.
In vanilla the people affiliated with Silver Hand had no formal leadership, until Tirion, whose whole point is neutrality took leadership. All the stuff with the Scarlet Crusade, Argents and such still counts, as human paladin lore.