When will the Horde bias end

Cairne was just like Baine. He made peace. Magatha and her waraffin Grimtotem tribe would get the Tauren out of their bubble and make them more like the Orcs when they still had their bloodlust.

Garrosh was a failure. While I supported his goal of wiping out the alliance his main problem was that he turned his own Horde against him by making enemy with every other race that isn’t the Orcs.

Thanks to Magatha the Earthen Ring was able to secure the Doomstone. I bet she uses it against Thunderbluff to get rid of Baine. That would be a fitting death for that traitor and coward.

because they aare all filthy traitors and weaklings. Talanji was my last hope but she agreed to the peace treaty too which makes her unacceptable as leader. THe entire council needs to go away. That is not up for debate. Only when the council is gone the Horde can finally be free in their try to get rid of the alliance for good.

The Horde can be fixed quite easily. All it takes for Blizzard is to get rid of the council and install the leaders instead which I seem fitting to continue the fourth war until the alliance is defeated.

The Horde would lose nothing if they die. Most of them are C-Tier characters with no lore background anyways. They are sidekicks at best. Wanna know who are A-Tier? People like Jaina and Tyrande. Now these are true leaders anyone can be proud to rally behind.

Darkshore is back under nightelf control. After the alliance won the warfront. That is the fact of the situation. Its not my fault you can’t accept these advantages Blizzard gave you for free.

She totally is alliance. The Gilneas situation is perfect proof.

Even after his death Varian still got screentime in patch 9.2 during the raid. So he is not fully gone. Same goes for any other alliance leader.

Magni? Came back as diamond and became the speaker of Azeroth.

Bolvar? Came back as fireman and lead the Scourge. Meanwhile Dranosh and Cairne stay dead because Blizzard hates the Horde. That is how the story is written. Blizzard will always twist it to make sure the Horde gets beaten down while the alliance comes out on top. That can only chang if Blizzard gives me the control over the story and so I can make an actual change which sees the Horde as the winner of the war.

Edith: Just look at this video. So many alliance leaders. They barley fit into the room. Meanwhile you can count all remaining Horde characters on one hand. The Horde under the council is trash. It needs to die. Period. With no takebacks.