When will the Horde bias end

Cairne was just like Baine. He made peace. Magatha and her waraffin Grimtotem tribe would get the Tauren out of their bubble and make them more like the Orcs when they still had their bloodlust.

Garrosh was a failure. While I supported his goal of wiping out the alliance his main problem was that he turned his own Horde against him by making enemy with every other race that isn’t the Orcs.

Thanks to Magatha the Earthen Ring was able to secure the Doomstone. I bet she uses it against Thunderbluff to get rid of Baine. That would be a fitting death for that traitor and coward.

because they aare all filthy traitors and weaklings. Talanji was my last hope but she agreed to the peace treaty too which makes her unacceptable as leader. THe entire council needs to go away. That is not up for debate. Only when the council is gone the Horde can finally be free in their try to get rid of the alliance for good.

The Horde can be fixed quite easily. All it takes for Blizzard is to get rid of the council and install the leaders instead which I seem fitting to continue the fourth war until the alliance is defeated.

The Horde would lose nothing if they die. Most of them are C-Tier characters with no lore background anyways. They are sidekicks at best. Wanna know who are A-Tier? People like Jaina and Tyrande. Now these are true leaders anyone can be proud to rally behind.

Darkshore is back under nightelf control. After the alliance won the warfront. That is the fact of the situation. Its not my fault you can’t accept these advantages Blizzard gave you for free.

She totally is alliance. The Gilneas situation is perfect proof.

Even after his death Varian still got screentime in patch 9.2 during the raid. So he is not fully gone. Same goes for any other alliance leader.

Magni? Came back as diamond and became the speaker of Azeroth.

Bolvar? Came back as fireman and lead the Scourge. Meanwhile Dranosh and Cairne stay dead because Blizzard hates the Horde. That is how the story is written. Blizzard will always twist it to make sure the Horde gets beaten down while the alliance comes out on top. That can only chang if Blizzard gives me the control over the story and so I can make an actual change which sees the Horde as the winner of the war.

Edith: Just look at this video. So many alliance leaders. They barley fit into the room. Meanwhile you can count all remaining Horde characters on one hand. The Horde under the council is trash. It needs to die. Period. With no takebacks.

And ironically went against the tauren in both ways: killing the current leader and betraying with that the horde as whole.
And in stonetalon mountain getting hep by the alliance with weapons aided to went against the tauren if thubderbluff.
So, no magatha trye enemy are the other tauren and even used the alliance when needed

“LoOk At Me, ThE hOrDe iS dEaD, i CaN fIx It!” :crazy_face:
You can’t fix something that is “dead”.

And then what? You’ll fight the lottery because they don’t give you the lucky numbers?
How about the weather? Will you fight the nature, until the weather obeys you?
Or will (finally) start therapy?

“SoUnDs LiKe SoMeThInG bAiNe WoUlD sAy! AlLiAnCe BiAs!!!” :poop:

Well then, let’s use your brilliant logic in both ways, shall we? :heart_eyes:
:angel: Dazar’alor is back in the hands of the Trolls, losses don’t matter! :angel:
:angel: The Zandalari have a new leader with magic powers, losses don’t matter! :angel:
:angel: The Zandalari still have ships, losses don’t matter! :angel:
:angel: Undercity is under Forsaken control, losses don’t matter! :angel:
:angel: The Horde is under new leadership, civil war doesn’t matter! :angel:

You see? If it’s only the outcome that matters, then…
:rose: :cherry_blossom: :sunny::angel: Everything is just fine :angel: :heart: :heart_decoration:

Hrm… let’s see: Whom should we believe?
Blizzard and the Blizzard writers who own the story, write the characters, who just made a character address these concerns directly and made her tell that she is not with the Alliance?

Or the rambling laughing stock of the forums, who doesn’t even work for Blizzard and recently announced that he would raid the developer’s offices to force his lore upon them?

Dang, that’s a tough decision! :thinking: :clown_face:

So he died. Case closed, thank you.

Difference is that at that point he was no longer part of the Alliance. Just another NPC free to be neutral for both factions.

Dranosh, Saurfang, Garrosh, Cairne, Rastakhan, Vol’jin, Nazgrim, Zaela, Sylvanas, Gallywix, Nathanos. That is alot of dead characters. Alliance lost Varian? Cry me a river. The alliance is doing fine. Their cast of leaders is full of lore and hostile to the Horde without fear of ever being villain batted. Come back to me when you have actual losses which is worth to complain about.

Still being used by Blizzard to make Anduin grow.

Surley not the company who has a history of being alliance biased since MoP.

Rastakhan is dead. Talanji is trash. Try again.

Was raided and plundered. Useless city.

Fleet is sunken. Try again.

Locked behind a door and ruined after Jaina blew a giant hole in the walls with her flying deus ex machina super weapon boat.

A leadership full of peace mongers who ignore the needs of their own people because appeasement towards the alliance is their main concern.

Once again your arguments are weak and easily fall apart.

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And again, you’re missing the point. (And… Gallywix isn’t dead).
The funny thing is: This quote

was actually based on yours:

I say double, you say…?

Want me to go all Erevien? Fine:
Dranosh’s death didn’t matter, Blizzard used it to make Saurfang grow!
"Rastakhan’s death didn’t matter, Blizzard used it to make Talanji grow!"
Shall I go on? :clown_face:

are in the mood for more ridiculous headcanon and wild speculations? :clown_face:

Are you surley?

You try again to understand your own logic. :rofl:
According to you, losses don’t matter - only the outcome.

Yeah, just like Silvermoon. Or Undercity. Useless cities.

Until you can give me proof,
your little headcan(n)on makes “poof” :clown_face:

Still under Forsaken control, according to you, that’s all that matters.
But who needs it, right? After all, it has been


Oh, I see. You must have confused my arguments with a mirror. Where are yours, btw? Did you lose them between all these double standards and the stressful cherry-picking?

ironic how cou count again chars who are not part of the horde (anymore)
like zaela, , sylvanas and nathanos, and funfact, slyvanas (and gallywixt arnt dead.
More icronic thatt you mentiond cairn which you called traitor in this or the other threads…
so, if its support your narrativ you thro away your onw logic and arguments, for the “but he is a loss for the hord” he suprisingly counts now?

and if you start so, we had of a alliance side a list of lost…so…you argument getting absurd.

laught of course, no argument, you stuck in a dead end and the only thins taht you bring is “its allaince bias”

which was not a suprise that he will die, because:

to bring talanjio to put her in the spotlight as newcomer.

oh, shall i remind you of the senario in that 4 horde charackter enter stomwind, freed talanji (and zul) completly bamboozled the stormwind defance and set the city on fire and escape.

not acutyl true- only the haklf- nor your own lore.

but still better then the nigh eve who have…nothing, even brill got re construcet and have a flight point.

oh, you know what happend with war monngers in real life- they get at some point overthrone by the onw people (or military) because thy have no support for an endless, pointless war.
we all know how greatly you would send generation of genarations in the meatgrinder forgetting you need the support of the poeple.

They are all legit part of the Horde. Even more so then the trash council who is full of filthy traitors and cowards like

No you didn’t. Your only loss was Varian. That doesn’t even come close to what the Horde was forced to suffer through.

Another filthy traitor who made peace with the alliance. I can’t wait for the next rebellion that tries to get rid of her and free the Horde from the tyranny of peace that was enforced by the trash council against the will of their races. The world will not be a happy place until the alliance is finally defeated and the Horde rules ALL of Azeroth unapposed. That is my goal. And I will stop at nothing to get it. The alliance deserves to fall. And all their mary sue leadrs with them.

but she don’t even hate the alliance magatha grimtotem was actively working with the alliance it just shows that erevien don’t know his lore :stuck_out_tongue:

“the surviving Grimtotem have been forced to enter into an uneasy (and temporary) truce with the alliance”

i miss brig at least he had a good head on his shoulder and knew his lore even if we didn’t always agree

Tbh his opinion about Magatha is just the icing on the cake for me. You know he hates Baine and is sad about the fact that Cairne is dead. (As we all are I guess FeelsBadMan) He wants Magatha back as the tauren’s leader. But whooops guess what? She is the main responsable person for Cairne’s death and nearly caused a civil war in the tauren society. He doesn’t care about if a character manipulated and damaged his own people and faction for personal power hungry motives as long as this character just has a sociopathic and cruel nature. It shows perfectly how he always cherry picks his lore pieces just as he needs them at the moment. :smiley:

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Magatha is the leader the Tauren need. Baine is nust another peace monger who ignores the wishes of his own people. Such leaders are just a waste of space and deserve to die.

h ttps://miro.medium.com/max/800/1*xlEI5bWMSj6sZ06aPQsiJg.png

This is not on the topic.

To me, Magatha Grimtotem always served as the Horde equivilient to Fandral Staghelm.

Both were unhappy with the main leaders of their race (Tyrande and Cairne) and both went about their own ways to undermine their authority in one way or the other.

It was quite nice that they chose the Night Elves and Tauren for this…two races core to the Cenarion Circle.

To be fair even basic bonfire or cairne’s corpse would be better leaders than Baine. The Tauren clearly don’t need him, because he sods off for years at a time, while sabotaging his faction.

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Blizzard probably just forgot about her (and her doomstone) anyway…otherwise she would have been present in BfA, but she wasn’t… also the problem with what you said is that the Grimtotem aren’t the majority (or even the larger tribe) inside the ranks of the Tauren I think…

Not just Baine, but the whole Tauren are an Alliance race at core, actually.

This was subtly told in a book (so, Blizzard allowed the author to write this), where Warchief Sylvanas had just discovered about Azerite, and she thought not just that Baine, but the whole Tauren should have joined the Alliance, as she had no use for such a kind and good-willed (and passive, in her opinion) race in her Horde. She even thought that both the Horde AND the Tauren would have survived better if the Tauren just joined the Alliance.

But other than the gameplay reasons, they just can’t because technically they still have that old blood “debt” toward Thrall and the Orcs for saving them (the same debt the Darkspear tribe has), although probably both Tauren and Trolls have largely repaid that debt already at this point, and could leave the Horde without a lot of moral problems if they really wanted…

more then unhappy more like Fandral Staghelm was deeply jelous and angry at malfurion stormrage so it was less about Tyrande and like grimtotem they turned a traitor to the their own people

Problemw ith the Tauren largely is that they’re suicidally pacifistic, when left to their own devices. They almost went extinct, before Cairne took over, with his revolutionary idea of actually fighting back against the Centaur…

But Baine goes beyond that. I know there are voicelines from Cata that never got used, which paint him in a more respectable light, but that’s not what we got. What we do have is a character, who in majority of his appearances either works against his own faction, whines about his own faction or is a waste of space and animation budget.


Baine is a waste of space. Blizzard would do the Tauren community a favor if he gets killed off.

alas he won’t he has plot armor in the form of being BFF’s with anduin weep … cry and despair Erevien

Baine will die soon enough. And when it happens the Horde will usher in a new age of greatness without cowards and weaklings holding us back.